Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI know what you mean. My babys father will tell me he cares and wants to be around the baby and blah blah blah. Then I go out of town for a few days and he’s sleeping around, doing drugs, and proving to me that hes not ready or willing to help. I moved back in with my parents because I knew I couldnt afford the baby by myself. I feel bad taking their money but the baby needs it. So I just deal with being lonely and feeling guilty because Its something I need to do to give the baby the best life. It does really suck though.
ParticipantHow old were you when u got pregnant? 18
How old are u now? 19
How long was your labour? Still pregnant
Did you have ne drugs or interventions? I want to be as drug free as possible
Did you finish school? yes
Would you change things if you could (eg abortion, adoption)? No way.
Are you still with the father? I left him when I found out. I dont want him near the baby.
Who do u live with i.e parents, partner etc? My parents and brother.dreamsconflict
ParticipantI would say take it. He took so much from you you deserve something back. Ive been in a similar situation but I never took him to court which I still regret. Im really proud of you for putting him where he belongs.
Participanti like Connor, Colin, and Cole.
ParticipantThankyou so much all of you. My bf is startig to come around and Im going in to the doctor tomorrow. Im really grateful for the support you guys have given me in the past week. Again thx and Ill let you guys know about the doctors tomorrow.
ParticipantThanks guys. I just thought hed be with me better. Its really lonely doing this without him behind me. Im sure you guys understand that though.
ParticipantTheres a big chance you could be pregnant those are all pregnancy symptoms Morning sickness can go on all day. I woukld take a home pregnancy test and if your poeriod doesnt show up in another week or so get your doctor to do a blood test.
ParticipantDid you get your period normally? When did you have sex and did you use protection? If you have had sex and your period was irregular or non-existent then you could be pregnant.
ParticipantI tested again this morning and I got the same thing. I think it was a tiny bit darker but still very faint.
Participantyes, sperm can live for several days in the right environment. You definetly can especially if you have a short cycle. It is less likely but still possible.
ParticipantThose all sound like pregnancy symptoms. Theres definetly still a chance your pregnant. Before a guy cums he has precum which contains thousands of sperm. So yeah u could be pregnant.