Forum Replies Created
ParticipantIt is very hard to deal with. It’s scary because there is the boy’s parents as well, and at times step parents. You can be telling up to 8 people depending on the particular family.
I do not believe in abortion. I wish that 12 week law applied here in Canada. π
ParticipantThis study provides some very scary and real data.
The ratio for teens aged 15-19 is even more shocking. For every 100 babies born to Ontario teens, 152 are aborted. The study noted that teens βwere by far the most likely of any age group to have an abortion rather than a live birth.β And since it excluded abortions for girls under 15, the teen abortion rate is even higher.
That’s scary.
Not only that there are stories about babies born at 22-23 weeks of pregnancy that have lived and are now living life the the fullest. So if you can still get an abortion that far a long but yet a baby that old has a chance to live isn’t that a bit scary? I’m just thinking about how many of those girls chose to make the choice late into pregnancy… Those babies could have all made it with the right medical care. If anything I think the legal time to abort a baby should be dropped to 16-18 weeks gestation.
ParticipantIt could work but… man I don’t think she’s pregnant lol. Tell her to test anyways. Testing never killed anyone π
ParticipantTell her to smarten up.
However girls like this are blind…completely. You could talk them to death about the consequences, show them people who had kids young, show/express the problems with it…and they still would not see it! They float on a magic cloud of self confidence that they are super mom. And hell for all we know she really is super mom, but for all we know…she’ll get kicked in the butt and thrown the the ground once as reality hits. I am personally choosing the number two option as most likley.
All you can really do is discourage her. Tell her, you are in fact friends but you do not think it is wise for her to have a baby. From the sounds of it, she will probably get pregnant in the soon future. When and if that time comes, continue discouraging parenting and suggest an open adoption to her as her pregnancy continues. Be a good friend and be with her, support her and love her but do not put foolish and unreal expectations in her head.
Good luck to you and your friend, from the girl with the similar mindset of your friend.
ParticipantNo one can force you to do anything but yourself. Their opinions and actions affect the outcome but should never affect your choice. This baby is yours, only you know what is the best choice for this baby. :cheer:
ParticipantLike I always say, “ADOPTION!” I think it’s rather silly to only present abortion or parenting to yourself.
No one can deny the fears of pregnancy with a partner or not. Hell even with a support system or not. Believe me in the end it doesn’t matter as soon as that little baby flips, kicks and hell beats their heart enough you can see it looking at your stomach it’s all worth it and it’s a lot easier with the reminder that they are unaware of your situation and just wanna live. Whether you choose parenting or adoption you can get through the pregnancy a lot easier by thinking about what your giving them. Adoption, IMAGINE! That little baby could be in a home with two loving parents, siblings, good steady income, toys, a nice neighborhood and if you choose, you, in that same picture. Parenting though has a lot more downsides but it still has some upsides. You get to cuddle them each night (and that takes away the hardship when you see their smile), you get to raise them with your personal values, you are their world, ect.
Abortion to has some pros. Although I personally do not believe in it I do see the pros it has. The pregnancy is terminated. No worry. That simply.
Also think of your negatives.
But from what you have described to the forum I can honestly say I promote the choice of Adoption to you. Scary, hard ect. IT’S ALL HARD. Abortion is not easy. THERE IS GUILT. So I am saying this, if you think it’s the easy way, it really isn’t. Because you will miss that baby, think about it every day and then will have to deal with your feels. Luckily there are a lot of post abortion support groups. It’s not a form of birth control, it is a serious parenting choice.
I am not saying do not do it, I’m just saying it’s not the ‘easy’ choice. Parenting is not the easy choice either as many girls think it is. Also adoption much like abortion has a guilt/selfish factor to it for many woman.
π no young mother has a set up, perfect support system. If we did this would not be a ‘problem’ in our society would it? I wouldn’t worry much about it because the support comes no matter what one of the 3 options you choose. Someone will sympathize with you and help you through it.
BTW: No man is worth having if he won’t let you even consider parenting. He obviously doesn’t love you much if he’s not even willing to consider spending his life raising a beautiful child with you, in a relationship or not.
ParticipantDo not worry about your body healing. You will be amazed at what the human body can do.
Personally I think the scary thing is getting my figure back LOL.
Just remember it’ll be a bit of a challenge but hey isn’t that what life is? After all with as many kids as you have whats one more? I mean your experienced and will easily adapt into motherhood with two babies. A mother can do anything for her children even if that means chasing a new walking 1 year old around the house, while nursing the new baby and getting the others ready for school. You will be able to do it.
I think the only advice you can be given by any mother young or old is take some time out for you, just you. Also make sure your husband gets of the TLC time alone to. π
ParticipantI am dating my little girl Ella Rose.
I really like old fashioned names:
ect. πDorkneetah
ParticipantIt could be possible as you can ovulate at any time of the month and it is possible to ovulate during a period but usually this is no worry if you have a regular period.
In any case of ejaculation inside or around the vaginal area it is important to take a pregnancy test. Remember next time to be more careful if you are not pregnant, and if you are you need to be ready to take on the challenge of making your first parenting decision.
Tell your friend to seek a pregnancy test and be more careful!
ParticipantThat’s wonderful. Best of luck!
ParticipantFirst of all, ADOPTION it is a hard thing but is something to consider sweetheart :). Open adoption is amazing and highly encouraged. You choose the parents (so maybe if you have relatives wanting kids they could adopt the baby) or maybe you could pick complete strangers!
Keeping a baby is hard work because pretty soon they aren’t a baby. They are a child and that comes with all the drama, school grades, bullies, self esteems and all the cost.
You need to consider you options carefully. Sometimes keeping the baby is best, if your ready for kindergarten and all that (as they aren’t babies for long), if you aren’t ready than consider closed or open adoption depending on your personal situation :).
ParticipantI to will be choosing to give birth naturally that is if I do not wimp out :P.
I think it’s a great idea and a very good way to remind yourself how much it hurt to do it (there for no more babies for awhile), and reminds you each day of the pain you went through cause you loved your baby. Also a way to be very proud, brave and confident in yourself! π