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ParticipantWell, first off are you gonna keep the baby? and if so, you need to take a test to find out if your rele pregnant. Im 16 and got pregnant at 15. (lost the baby) and I thought my mom wud kill me but she supported me. why dont you want to live with ur grandma? maybe ur boyfriend can move with you.
Participantwell, I really think that yes, he should be in the childs life…even though hes not the best person in the world… you shouldnt lie about the father…. remeber back when i wanted to do the same thing and you told me not to? so there, dont lie to your baby. I seriouslly think that even though the real father…is into drugs and crap, he should still be involved…i mean think of it this way…. when you look at our dads…. they were alcoholics..but yet they changed and maybe he will eventually change. The baby is going to want to no the real dad. if you keep the baby away, it may end up gettin mad at you in the future for not letting it be with its father….. dont worry about the e-mails…hes just being the jerk he is…. were gonna see the guys and talk to them so wel just have to see what happens. i luv yah
Participantwell, I havent talked to the guy in a long time. I dont think he wants anything to do with me. A few days ago he found out I was hanging out with this guy…and he flipped out about it. and hes all saying "i thought we had something" I didnt understand why all of a sudden he thinks we had something…i mean the guy hadnt talked to me in weeks…. I keep e-mailing him, but he wont reply. so im just gonna give up….the pregnany is going good…. im getting fatter… so how have you been? good luck on the ultrasound!!!
Participantwait, well someone once said that if you have sex shortly after your period, then you have a BIg chance of becoming pregnant….. (im actually already pregnant tho im just wondering) so is that wrong then?
Participanti think so, because in health the other day my teacher was talking about how when you take vitamn c. it makes your pee turn really yellow. so maybe its the same with that.
Participantwell, i just learned in health class, that most couples that try to have a baby and cant is becasue of stress…and stress causes the guys sperm to cut down. (so theres less sperm) so stress has a lot to do with it.
ParticipantThanks….well, I just talked to the guy and were friends again….. so im happy for that. (even though i love him still) but i guess we have to take one step at a time…..and he said he wants to hang out so we can talk about stuff. I think that even just being friends will help a lot, because then he may be here for me. I keep thinking that maybe if we see eachohter, hell want me back….I mean we were in love once. I just want him to help me throgh…. maybe once he sees me gaining more weight, hell relize wahts happening.
Participanthow old are you???? well, you no what?? if i were you, I wouldnt worry about what the boss thinks. Because, I mean your going to have this bundle of joy soon…… so none of it should matter.
Participantyah, i no the story….. just wait and see if he changes….. give it itme i guess.
ParticipantI sorta no what your going through. See, when I told my boyfriend that I was pregnant, he was EXTREMELY happy….he was so happy it made me sick…because there I was scare to death. I even yelled at him for it….I was alll "how could you want this" and stuff like that. Then I told him he would wake up the next day and relize what is happeneding…… after that, I never received another phone call from him. He wouldnt even reply to any of my e-mails. (he ususally does right away) so I just new that he didnt want to elp me like he said he would. It was a week before we talked…I finally got the strenght to call him (a few days ago)….. it was really hard becuase he broke my heart…and you no what??? he acts like everythings okay…. like nothing happened!!! I wanted to yell at him, i really wanted to…. but I dont want to push him away because I need him during the pregnancy. well, he was all wanting to hang out. I was so hurt because, I love him, and hes the love of my life. but, I no things are different between us. well, with your problem, I think you should talk to him, but dont bring up the duI….wait a bit…because seriouslly you dont want to get him mad….anything you say could push him away. so try to not say anything that might upset him. Its really hard, especailly since are guys arent realy helping….. but, I dont think you should break up….. it will cause more stress. and plus, since you still love him, then dont. just be striaght up with him, and be all "why have you been distant" and stuff like that…… but he could be like my guy (im not dating him anymore) but when i said that to him, he was all "sry I didnt no I was" which is a lie..i mean is it so much to pick up a phone…or send an e-mail…. what ever….maybe the guys are just scared.
update me on anyhting newdorkalious_stud_muffin
Participanthow long ago did you guys have sex??? cause you start getting symptoms the first week…but it really depends on who you are….. have you had a missed period???? just calm down… dont freak out till yout take a test, if it turns out you are, still try not to flip out. it can kill the baby. so relax. but, you should go see a doctor.
Participantwell, if thats the only way to be together, i say go for it…… but that brings it into the issue on how much money itll cost…… just living alone will be expensive but then a child. things will work out for the best. you shouldnt rush into marrage though, because if you guys really love eachother he can wait.
Participantwell, i actually havent been doing too good. ive been crying everynight. and i no i shouldnt. BEcause its not good for the baby. But, its just it doesnt have a father. the story is, the guy, told me if would be there….and then he never called me and never replyed back to my e-mails. its been a week. so i figured that he doesnt want anything to do with me and his kid…… so i finally called him yesterday, and he wants to hangout. and im here thinkig, do i go see him or not? well, my heart still goes out to him. I really love him! my friend want me to yell at him, but i dont want to risk pushing him away. especailly since he wants to see me. the thing that doesnt make sence is, that when i first told him i was pregnant, he was really happy about it. he said that abortion would break his heart…… but now, hes talking about it…saying i can get one if i want (no worries i dont believe in it) so i really dont no what he wants anymore.
Participantim so sry to hear about the miscarrage.
Participanti read how you said dont let them give you an abortion to someone…and i was wondering….cant your parents make you though? or is it your choice? b/c im pregnant and I no my mom will make me abort it. and i dont want that to happen.
Participantyah ive gained 5 pounds…… has it showed on you yet??b/c i think im starting to show already!! and no, im not really getting sick, just sometimes i feel sick to my stomach but then it passes.
Participantwell, some people think you cant get pregnant the first time, but you can. if the sprem enters the body, you have the chance of becoming pregnant. but, you said you used protection, so unless the condom broke, your fine.
Participantim 15 years old and im pregnant, i actually just found out…. so i no what your going through…of course itll disappoint them. Im still afraid to tell my mom. But, I think you should tell your boyfriend. He needs to know. Im telling mine tonight. The sad part is, htat I just found out hes been with other girls. So I dont wanna tell him. But I have too….the sooner the better.
Participantwell, theres always the possibility of being pregnant. so i cant exactly say you are or arent. Because Im too not sure if im pregnant or not. But with your boyfriend issue, I think if your truly want this child, then keep it, regardless of what he wants. and yes, you should tell him if you turn out to be pregnant. He would hate you if you didnt let him no. I dont think anyone should have an abortion. I mean, this child will mean the world to you. and hey i say things happen for a reason and maybe your ment to have this child. abortion will just result in regretting everything. Do what you want, your boy friend should support you. If not, at least youll have this beautiful baby boy or girl. itll be worth it in the end.
Participantwell, if your heart saids no abortion, then i would just keep the baby..then spent the rest of your life wondering and regretting…. It shouldnt really be his choice…its his fault for getting you pregnant in the first place. Im 15 and pregnant, but my boyfriend doesnt believe in abortion so Im sortta good there. just do what your heart tells you.
Participantyour not alone, i think i may be pregnant..the catch is im 15…. and i took the test it came out negitive, but yet im also getting other symptoms. So i guess we both shuld re take it.