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Participantim really glad that this site is here to it has helped me through my abortion also and i lovethe fact that i can also help others. if anyone ever wants to talk about abortions jst ask im happy to help….
Participantthats a really nice poem i think it will help alot of people out, it made me think and im not even a mum, very nice
Participantwow funnily enough my sis went through went though the kinda same as jills did. my sis husbands family is CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my sis husbands family never wanted anything to do wth my nephew when he was first born as he wasnt old enough to do things 4 himself e.g go to toilet and stuff like that. but when he started get older he didnt want to go there as they smoke and drink and go all crazy and mi nephew hates going there as he is so closeto my family and he is not dump( he is now 3) my sis mother in law has never liked my sis as she was 18 when she got preg and her husband was 28, she was doing all she could to split them up and the sad thing after 2 years of marrige and preg wth there second child she got what she always wanted. now his family want my nephew to go there and 1 my sister doent want him going there not even with his father as they are psyco, but my nephew doesnt want to go there. she is getting through it but only coz she got the support from my family. she worries about my nephew eveytime he has to go with his father not coz of him but coz of his family.
Participantyou are doing the right thing by your daughter. the people looking after your daughter are there to look after her. they know what there doing.
Participantcongrats im really please for you. gudluck with mummy hood. all the best zoe
Participantyea i think you should just talk to her, take the letter along and read it to her if thats easer so you dont 4get what to say czo the lettr is gud, i totaly understand u wanting to put it off. gud luck, keep in toch
Participanti think that your parents are going to be shocked as they are jsut finding out that you are preg and then they have to deal with the fact that you are also moving. you will have to xpect them to be upset, but you have to do what is best for you and your new family, if you are happy with moving your family should be happy wth you. hope that helps, jsut go with your gut and everything will follow
Participanti know it would be hard but i think that your mum would be more proud of you if you told her in person. i can see where you come from my arents have always wanted the best for me coz mi sis had a baby at 18 and my dad told me that it would be diff if i had a child young, i had an abortion coz i wasnt strong enogh to have my parents dissapointed in me. your mum is going to find out sooner or later, you never know she might surprise you. gud luck you have made it this far you will be a awsme mum and that will make your mum proud.
Participantno guy should make you cry and then one that does doesnt deserve your tears. you have to ask yourself do the happy times out way the bad times. love should make you happy and make you smile not all the time but most of it,
Participanti meet my current bf when i was 25 but we didnt start dating till i was 16 coz he was 7 years older then i was. i know people say that young people dont know what love is but you can. i have been with my bf 4 almost 4 years now. i didnt want to jump into sex and when we were alone things got heavy also as he stayed over and all that, it was hard to be temped into but you just have to be strong and only go as far as you want and then when it finally happens when you want it to, it will be millions of times better coz you waited. just be strong. gud luck
Participanti havn’t personally been through this but my sis who is 22 at the mo is going through the same thing, she has a 3 year old son and is due wth her second at the end of jan. he husband has jsut picked up and left saying he will have contact on his terms and all that. what she is doing is focusing all her attention on to the baby, shes getting the babys room all organised and making that her focus, shes doing it really hard but the babys her biggest strenght
Participantwhen i have a girl i want to name it ither maddison or baillie any ways gud luck with the name and the baby.
Participantomg wow people in america have things so much harder. im from New Zealand and if the mother and father arnt together the father has to pay 22% of his yearly income to the mother and if she is not working then she can go on the single mothers benifet which my sis gets 430 a week in support from the goverment and all you have to do is go down to your local winz office which every town has and it cost you nothing, you should move to nz if you have to put up wth all that **** to get money when he also made the baby he shouldnt get a free rid, your goverment is stingey, gud luck hopeyou get what you deserve
Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/10/17 13:28
Participanti had an avbortion in may and it was the worst thing i have ever and will ever do. you dont think it is going to be that hard but after its done you cant change it. you just have to make sure that what ever you do it is your decission you will regret it so much more if you were pushed into something, you will be alot stonger if you go through with it and keep ya head high then give in to something being to hard, no matter what you chose its gonna be hard so you always got us to talk to thats what we are here for. gudluck
Participantyea i feel like tht all the time but then i know that i made the disission and did let ayone talk me into doing something that i didnt want to and taht helps me get through it. jst try and focus on the good in your life
Participanti am also from nz, having an aboriton is hard enough when it is your own desission but if you did it for someone else it would be unbearable, make sure you do what you feel is right for you and your baby, if he dosent want to be with you thats his loss and he will relise that when you have a beautiful baby in your arms and he doesnt. gud luck
Participantim not sure if you were talking to me but i had an abortion 6months ago and i was 18 at the time
Participanti totally agree with you. there is nothing worsethen walking down the street seeing all the happy familys with there children knowing that could of been you. you dont think it will have an affect on you but it does and it always will. everything i do in my life reminds me of what i did, and its not puninshment enough for what i did
Participanti know that a baby is a very important thing but its not the right time for everytone. i had an abortion and it is very hard to deal with killing my own baby but i know that i did it for the right reason. just make sure you and the babys father have all the information befor you do anything, thats my biggest regreat.
dillon12 -