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ParticipantIf you took a pregnancy test and it was positive you are most likely pregnant and should see a dr asap. I know that at some point they will take the implant out. Call the dr who did the birth control right away and make an appt.
ParticipantNot sure if you are planning on going anywhere, but you could always try to go to a pregnancy resource center. You can go to this website and they tell you the closest one to you. These places are nice because its confidential and free. You can get a pregnancy test and they also do free ultrasounds. They give you free diapers and everything. The people there are super nice and helpful.
ParticipantIt sounds like you need to stay away from your boyfriend if he is disrepecting you like that!! Maybe when you tell your mom she will be more understanding then you think expecially once she knows everything. I think you are doing a great job and you will be blessed either way out of this by a beautiful baby!!! I am pregnant too right now, and I have a drs appt next week. I am hoping to get to see the heartbeat this time. Let me know how your appt goes, sounds like our due dates are the same month!!
ParticipantThat is so exciting that your baby gets to meet his daddy. I cant imagine how scary it must feel, but remember that he probably feels just as nervous about the whole thing. My advice is just to relax and not worry, I am sure you are going to have a great visit!!
ParticipantThat is so exciting that your baby gets to meet his daddy. I cant imagine how scary it must feel, but remember that he probably feels just as nervous about the whole thing. My advice is just to relax and not worry, I am sure you are going to have a great visit!!
ParticipantWell why dont you just try calling a dr and telling them your symptoms and see what they would recommend. Also if you havent seen a dr, how do you know how far along you are? You normally go from the day of your last period and count from there. If you calculate from the time you said you had sex on Feb 5th you would be 7 weeks along. You might not be having a miscarriage, you could be internally bleeding and if its not taken care of right away you will die. Not might, but will, so if you cant get to a dr call one and if they recommend you come in, find a ride, and get down there because you could be talking life or death here.
At 3 weeks and 4 days of pregnancy, you are 11 days past ovulation and it would be rare for you even today to get a positive on a pregnancy test. So since you got a positive days ago, you are most certainly further along.
ParticipantEarly pregnancy symptoms and period symptoms are really similar. Usually a positive pregnancy test is the only way to tell if your really pregnant. You have no idea how many months I have had ALL the pregnancy symptoms only to have my period show up right on time!! Most pregnancy symptoms start showing up around 6 weeks from your last period, and before that its easy to miss stuff. The first time I ever got pregnant I was convinced I wasnt pregnant because I didnt have any symptoms, when I got a positive pregnancy test I was so surprised. We were trying and everything, and I was analyzing every symptom, and nothing. The symptoms I ended up having where nothing like I though they would be.
I would recommend that you refrain from having sex at least until you know for sure one way or another and also remember that abstinence is the only 100% sure way to not get pregnant……
ParticipantYou can hear a babies heartbeat with a Doppler around 10 weeks. I would strongly recommend you go to a dr and get everything check out. It is really really important to get care early on in pregnancy, for your safety and your babies.
Its a really easy check up, usually you get an ultrasound, and your dr gives you a due date. Based on the information you gave your due date would be November 20th. You have a real live, developing baby inside. Life has began, your baby is still a baby right now, its just developing. Right now your baby already has all of their genetic makeup of whether they will become a boy or girl, what color eyes and hair they will have. Its so important to make a point to not miss a drs appointment when your pregnant because there are lots of medical things the drs check for: UTI’s, pregnancy related diabetes, preclampsia, ectopic pregnancy, they check for a heartbeat, and check the babies growth. A lot of times a drs appointment can save your life or your babies in the event that something goes wrong. Take it from someone who would have died without getting to a dr very early on with my first pregnancy, It is way more important than people realize!!Right now, your baby is already moving and in about another 8-12 weeks he/she will be large enough for you to be able to feel these movements inside of you. I am proud of you for choosing to be responsible and keep the baby. A lot of girls your age feel like they cant finish school or go to college. I know so many girls who did all these things with more than one kid. Some single, some married. So try to remember that you can still follow your dreams while allowing your child to be able to be born as well.
ParticipantAlso, if you are about a week past your period you would be 5 weeks, if you are 4 weeks after conception you would be 6 weeks, so you are right in the 5-6 week mark. At 6 weeks you can see your babies heartbeat on an ultrasound!!! It is so amazing to see that little heart punding and hear the fast beat of 140-160 beats per minute. Hope you get to see that soon!!
ParticipantYou probably have nothing to worry about, but any time you are concerned about something you should call your dr. If you ever feel like something is wrong even, just call and talk to them.
If you start spotting I would call the dr right away. While the spotting could be nothing it could be a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy expecially with the cramp. To some extent though cramping is normal and if walking around helps it, thats a good sign. Just put warmth on your back, get a back rub, or take a bath to help the cramping.
ParticipantIf you are pregnant you might be able to get a positive on a pregnancy test at this point, but you also could be spotting and aching because of your period. A women ovulates anywhere from 12-16 days before her period. If you count your cycles from the first day of your period until the last day of your next period that is the cycle length. If you know that you have a period every 28 days, then you could take a test as soon as a few days before your period depending on what test you take.I would just wait and see if you start your period within the next week. It is normal to spot before your period and is linked to a decrease in Progesterone in your body most of the time. Let us know what happens!!!
ParticipantThank you for sharing your experience with us. I know you are so young and only 16, and I would advise you to not be sexually active until you are ready for the responsibility of a baby. I think if you feel like you are too young for a baby, than you are also too young to be able to make the right choices about sex. I have learned that love is patient and if a man really cares he will want to wait for you. Since there is no 100% way to not get pregnant with sex, and many many girls get pregnant even on birth control, its just better to wait until you are ready to better handle the responsibilities that come with being sexually active. This is the best advice that I can give to you. I am proud of you that you told everyone your story, its hard to do expecially when you face up to the fact that you didnt make the wrong choice. Look to God, He is the only one that can take the pain away, and use it for good!! Just think of all the girls you will get to share with and encourage to not go down the same road because you know what the other side looks like now.
ParticipantI know it is scary that you are pregnant at this age. First I would go get a pregnancy test and if is positive call an obgyn dr. If it is negative you need to still call your dr and see what is happening. Just because you get pregnant doesnt mean you are never getting back to your normal size again. I had my first baby at 22, and after 5 months I lost all the 50 lbs I gained and at 7 months lost even more. I got back to my size 5/6. I did get stretch marks, but not everyone does. I would trade my stretch marks being gone for my sons birth. Gaining so much weight was scary for me, but it has made me realize that if I do gain weight that I can lose it. I have more confidence about the way I look now, because I realize that I am not fat, now that I know what fat is.LOL. I have been using Bio Oil since I had my son, and its helped with the stretch marks fading. I wish I had know about it before because I think I wouldnt have got as many if I had used it the whole time…
I know it might be hard if your moms friend works at the dr office, but legally she cant even tell your mom your pregnant or she will lose her job, so dont worry about that part. I am sure she will not even know why you are coming in, and she doesnt need to. Girls go to an obgyn for lumps in their breast, Urinary Tract Infections and regular check ups all the time, so there is no reason to think that you are not doing the same, expecially since you arent showing.
Let us know how the appt goes and what the dr says!!
ParticipantI never got a percentage during pregnancy, only after, but I will say that is your dr is not concerned about the babies growth than you shouldnt be either. Just like babies outside the womb, they grow at different rates and are born different sizes. As long as your baby keeps growing and their developing properly, I wouldnt worry!!
ParticipantAnytime you have sex you can be pregnant. Nothing is 100% effective unfortunately. With that said, I think the best thing for you to do is the call your dr if you are still having issues with bleeding. You might try going off birth control for a while, and doing something else for protection, then trying a different type of birth control pill. I would definitely see about a different form of birth control to see if thats what is causing the bleeding. Again its hard to say what chance you have for getting pregnant because each women is different. Chances are if you had just got your birth control shot and had sex that week that you are not pregnant though.
ParticipantI understand how hard of a decision that must have been. I also understand when teens get pregnant and dont feel like they can offer the baby the life they deserve. I recommend to girls that are in your shoes that they consider adoption. You are giving the baby a life you could never give them if you keep them. There are so many women out there who cant get pregnant, and just want a healthy baby to adopt. I know what is done is done, and you cant change that. I dont judge you at all. I am sure you will be in a spot someday that you will have to talk to another girl facing the same thing you had to that day though, and you might recommend adoption. I cant image the burden you would carry knowing that event was a part of your life at one time. Thank you for sharing this experience with everyone, I know its a hard thing to talk about.
ParticipantCongratulations!! When I got pregnant with my son I had no idea until I got upset at my husband over standing too close to me. That day I decided to take a hpt and it was positive. Just try to remember (although your body has a lot of hormones and you’ll be more emotional) not to let your emotions totally take control. You will probably start to level out a little more in your second trimester. I had a really tough pregnancy so if you have any questions just let me know…Christyrose
ParticipantThe hormones in birth control are designed to make your body think your pregnant. During your period the pills you take do not have any hormones as a result your body goes into a shock. Your body is told now that it isn’t pregnant and so you start your period. Sometimes you can ovulate during this time and can result in a pregnancy. You can also ovulate normally while on birth control, and get pregnant, no birth control method is 100% because of this. Although this can be really scary because if your on birth control your probably not planning on getting pregnant, just remember that planned or not baby’s are precious gifts. Sorry I cant tell you as far as what a doctor has told me I have never got pregnant while on birth control.