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  • in reply to: Help!! #10606

    i would go with adoption if i were you. if i had gotten pregnant at 15 i probably would have done adoption because i seriously considered it even a month after my baby was born and i was 21. you want your life back and you want your child to have the best opportunities available: stay at home mom, father who can support them, money for school and college, backyard playgrounds, food, cute clothes, the best sitters and nannies, etc. sure these are not extremely important, but nobody complains about them either when they can get them. if the father makes threats and you really want to do adoption there isn’t anything he can do from stopping you to proceed with adoption until it’s time to sign away both of your rights.

    in reply to: BIG baby! #10605

    BigAlsMom02 wrote:

    Well I’m not sure why I’m writing. When I was exactly 31 weeks I started having contractions (a lot of them!) I had 19 in one hour and they were about 3 min apart. First I layed on my left side and drank a bunch of water but that didn’t help. (I’d been having Braxton Hicks but nothing like this.) My doctor told me to go to the hospital and be put on a monitor so I went and was there for about 6 hours. They put me on the monitor (which recorded the baby’s heartbeat and my contractions) and they gave me some IV fluids. They eventually had to give me a shot of Terbutaline to stop the contractions because they were getting so strong. the doctor ordered a few tests too (Group B strep, wet prep, UA, fetal fibronectin) and all of them were negative. They didn’t really know what was causing the contractions. Eventually they sent me home, on bedrest. They said I could go to the bathroom and if I really needed to I could shower but otherwise they want me laying on one of my sides. I’ve been on bedrest now for a week and a day and I’m going out of my mind. I still live at home so I’m lucky for that but I feel so worthless because I can’t even help with the laundry or dishes or anything! I also have a 3 year old son who is potty training and I can’t really help with that. I feel really bad about not being able to do anything. Anyway, two days after my hospital my doctor wanted me to make a follow-up appointment so she could check to see how everything was going. i was still having contractions, but not as many, so she sent me home on oral Terbutaline. When she checked my cervix it was still firm and closed so i’m not really worried about that. One thing that was out of the ordinary was my fundus measurement. I was 31 weeks and 2 days and i measured 34! So she wanted me to go in for an ultrasound to check the growth of the baby. I went in for that on Tuesday (2 days ago.) My baby is measuring 2 weeks bigger than he should be. They said he weighs about 4lbs 11 oz and at his gestational age he should weight about 3 lbs 8 oz. so i’m kinda worried about that–that I might have a huge baby. And since I’m on bedrest i’m not sure if he’s going to grow more than the average fetus because I’m not able to move a whole lot. His dad was almost 11 lbs when he was born! Now i just kinda have to wait to see what the doctor says. The ultrasound tech said that they might move my due date from May 5th to April 20th. That’d be awesome but I don’t think that the baby being bigger necessarily means he’s more developed (lungs etc.) I’m also in the middle of my first semester of nursing school and i’m worried about what will happen with school. I don’t know what I’ll do about clinicals and tests and everything. I guess I just needed to vent. Does anyone else have a similar experience with anything i’ve mentioned? Thanks for listening (or reading)

    my baby was 6.5 pds at 36 weeks. you don’t sound out of the norm. at birth my baby was 8.13 pds….she gained over 2 pds in a month!

    in reply to: can anyone explain!!! #10604

    rikanloka4u2nv wrote:

    well im 7 weeks pregnant and i get cramps like im about to get my period but i know for sure that im pregnant cuz i took a home pregnancy test and i also went to the clinic but i think is weird to get crams when youre pregnant, but anyways u never know!

    everyone cramps…the uterus is contracting to expand. your uterus can’t grow without feeling like it’s cramping. you will get braxton hicks contractions, too, which are worse and more uncomfortable to help prepare the uterus for delivery. it’s crazy being pregnant. i just bought National Geographic’s "In the Womb" and give great insight into what happens during pregnancy.

    in reply to: Help me understand! #10603

    I agree. That person didn’t even take the time to really appreciate what this website is offering teen moms, young moms, and adult moms. Touche. 😉 [img]

    in reply to: New Here! I Need to Just let it out #7575

    labor is a cinch. i had fun pushing. i felt like i was in a movie and i was the hero. just have fun. i had a lot of drama in my pregnancy from my bf because i wanted adoption and he freaked so he stalked me day and night. n e way, i let my first pregnancy experience pass me up cuz i was so tense the whole time. try to enjoy it. he is your first and you’ll never forget your first.

    in reply to: 19, think I’m pregnant, and scared to death #7554

    This was a very good reply. I agree with everything you said.

    in reply to: The Aftermath…What can I do? #7553

    Having a kid is a no brainer an abortion is not a no brainer. See, that is where your problem is. You’re still making excuses for why you had an abortion. Until you quit making excuses you will never completely own your problems. I feel sorry for you if you can’t have anymore kids. That was one of the reasons I had my child. I knew the risks of abortion and I wasn’t sure if my child would be my only child so why risk sterility because I was afraid for my career, etc..?. We don’t know our futures only God does, but He lets us live freely that is the beauty of it all. The fact is, you don’t know if you will have kids again so quit worrying and live your life. The more you feel sorry for yourself the longer it will take you to become happy. You are so young and when you are older you will realize how your thought processes at 18, 19 were pretty selfish. You need a lot of healing and it is gonna suck to have to be miserable and deal with this trauma. So, you gotta get help and reach out to other. I recently walked in the March for Life campaign on Constitution Ave. in Wash., D.C., and there were women holding signs that said, "I Regret My Abortion." Maybe you can be one of those women one day, too. God bless.

    in reply to: Help me plzzz…i might be a teen mother #7552

    By the way, I think you know that it is illegal for him to be havin sex with you. Don’t be so innocent. I had a friend who filed statutory rape against a guy that age. It is for real. Your parents can do that to him whether you want them to or not.

    in reply to: Help me plzzz…i might be a teen mother #7550

    Sounds like you are overreacting. Wait a couple of days and ask your bf to pay, yes, make him pay if you told him, to buy a pregnancy test. You may also go to tested for free. Just look in the yellow pages under pregnant or something similiar. Don’t be stupid. Abortion isn’t going to make anything go away so you should go through with the pregnancy. Give baby up for adoption, live your life and be happy that you brought a child into the world. Ya’ll will be close enough in age that when he or she is old enough to hang out with you ya’ll will be like best friends.

    in reply to: pregnant & scared of doing it alone #7549

    I forgot to tell you you shoult just dump the loser. There’s this book out there that’s called, "He’s Just Not That intoYyou." If this guy loved you, he wouldn’t bail out on you like that. From the book I will always remember, "when there’s doubt, the answer is always no." When you think he’s not treating you right, then the answer is, "No, I deserve better, I will not put up with this loser."

    in reply to: Confused #7547

    Hello I am 17 years old and I resontly found out I was preg.I dont know exactly when my last period was I just know it ended March 3rd.OK one question i have is when does the Lower part of your stomich start to become hard i mean when you press on it when does it feel firm?I know this might sound slow but i am just wonder.I have been preg before but it ended in a misscarrige and I am also worring about that.The docter said it was cromozones(sp)Does anyone know the chances of that happening agien?Thank You for your time.

    Hi, I noticed my hardness probably around the first month. You probably had a miscarriage because the chromosomes weren’t the way they’re supposed to be. Each cell in our body has 46 chromosomes. But! each sperm from a male and each egg from a female only has 23. So you put the two together and you get 46 chromosomes. For example:
    egg=23 chr
    sperm=23 chr
    23+23=46 chr.

    Somehow there must not have been the right amount of chromosomes when you got pregnant. There could be too few or too many. But don’t worry, your body was doing its job by protecting you and knowing that the pregnancy couldn’t survive. FYI, most women miscarry and don’t even know it, and it happens a lot. So, you are ok, don’t worry.

    Also, two good friends of mine found out there were pregnant at 17 and they are doing so well now. Both actually got married to the father! Yea!

    in reply to: What would you do #7546

    To Rebecca:
    Let me tell you something. I was 20 when I discovered I was pregnant. Now I am 22 and Sofia is 9 months old. Everyday I look at her I think how beautiful she is. I am not talking about some off the wall comment. I mean, she is so beautiful I can’t even describe what more in life is beautiful. It’s just indescribable. After I think that, as she lay in her crib peacefully, I sincerely thank God because I know I don’t deserve this precious being. But God wants me to take care of her and love her. I have realized that every human being has a purpose in life, a divine purpose. He uses new life to bring happiness and peace into the world. Years from now, Sofia may save someone’s life or discover corruption in a political circle, I mean, you just don’t know. And for you to sit at your desk and cold-heartedly, without thinking, that you are having an abortion is unfathomable. You want to know what else I think? When I look at her body, I shudder to think of what an abortion would have done to her arms, legs, head, heart. She would have been ripped apart, piece by piece. I have seen pictures, I have read literature, I INFORMED myself of everything and that is why I had the grace and will to go through with the pregnancy. You should do the same. If you haven’t noticed, the population of the world, especially in Europe is declining. Doesn’t take a genius to figure out why. I was in your position, whatever you are going through, I have felt. I was alone, and very, very afraid. And as I write this to you, Rebecca, my little 9 month old daughter is crawling around playing with toys and laughing at herself in the full-length mirror on the closet door. You may not see the whole picture of why you are pregnant (as I wasn’t sure what it was either), but God does, and He wants you to trust in Him. The more you stress and worry, the worse it gets, ok? Just deal with the situation. Life is hard, I know, I never knew how much, but now I am familiar with that phrase. I didn’t run away from my problems, I didn’t buckle under pressure, I dealt with the hand I was given. I don’t like it when others don’t deal with their problems either. It’s almost an insult to all the sacrificing I went through. I hope you find the courage to change the things you can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

    in reply to: could i be pregnant #7536

    Our bodies are not our bodies. They are God’s bodies and we must take care of them. We did not make our bodies. So when it comes to women’s rights they are wrong to say "It’s my body" because it is not. A child growing in a woman is the most extraordinary experience she will ever have. Do not let your mother persuade you into an abortion because you have to take care of your body and that of the unborn child you are taking.

    in reply to: What would you do #7535

    I don’t understand why you wouldn’t have already told them. Secrets suck. They bring you down. You will feel much better once you tell them. If they don’t like it, they’ll get over it. Just start by saying, "It wasn’t a mistake I got pregnant." They’ll get the hint and then go from there. Love, Chanti

    in reply to: I may be pregnant #7534

    I took a test with just an Eckerd’s brand. It doesn’t matter what brand it is, they all work. My experience was this: first time I took it, it was negative, second time I took it it went positive right away—two lines, zoink!!!! Right in my face. The time bn ea test was possibly weeks or months so……that’s all I have to say about that.

    And also, I too, took the last test after I missed my period. Bummer, it was positive

    in reply to: Could I be? #7533

    yes, you are probably pregnant. if you haven’t already, take another test or go get a free test anywhere except planned parenthood. they may try to tell you you need an abortion. i am 22, had a baby last july at 21. i hated being pregnant, i didn’t want to be pregnant. i was mad, i was ashamed, hurt, depressed, angry, and very scared. i was like a surrogate mother, i couldn’t feel emotions the way i wanted to. but i am fine now and i have a great relationship with my 9 month old daughter. she is so beautiful. i am amazed at what feelings motherhood has brought out of me.

    in reply to: i need your help girlies!! #7532

    I agree with you about taking the UA or PT in the morning. That is the best time and when urin is most concentrated. That’s what I was told to do and then come back the next day. I went in on a Monday, brought my urine in on Tuesday, and Wednesday I found out I was pregnant. I prayed I wasn’t but knew I was. I didn’t need a UA to tell me I was.

    Good advice about talking to a woman even on a hotline. I had tons of info and support brochures. Believe me I needed all the help I could get and I went after it and it also miraculously came to me, too. God was helping me.

    I also thought about adoption. The father was very selfish and demanding and said he would not let that happen. Nonetheless I have sacrificed myself and became the parent. I did it relunctantly so it took me some time to love my daughter emotionally, not just physically. I had a close physical connection, but I put my emotions aside so I could figure out if adoption was for me.

    Abortion will haunt a woman and she will feel guilty someday if not that day that it is performed. Thank you for speaking so strongly and so well. You have given great advice for this young woman and I appreciate it very much. I am 22, also, but got pregnant at 20 and had my baby at 21. What are the circumstances surrounding your pregnancy? I was unmarried and now a single parent. I was on my way to a highly successful life and that is why I seriously thought about adoption. I couldn’t provide and I thougth her father wasn’t good enough to take care of her and his family was not the greatest of caliber. Anyway, thank you.

    in reply to: ahh im confussed! please help #7503

    Guy A – Oct 7
    Guy B- Oct 26-28? not sure of exact date, but it was the end week of october.

    Well I found out i was pregnant in november, and when i got my first sonogram done at 9 weeks, it was saying i concieved Oct. 30, but it just doesnt seem logical ( Guy B and i used a condom, it broke, so we stopped- we didnt finish AT ALL) (Guy A was NO condom because we were both under the influence of alcohol and STUPID!) Well, a few days after guy A, i started to spot- the sonogram said that it wasnt spotting it was a period around the 11th of OCT. Are sonograms usually correct? My doctor is saying that guy B is the father. And my questions are

    * Are sonograms usually correct about concieved dates and last period dates?
    * How long can sperm survive inside the female body before reaching the egg? Is two weeks too long?
    * If i had sex the 7th of oct, is there any way i could have concieved the end of oct?

    Girly, sonograms are extremely accurate. They measure the weight and gestational size of your baby and determine when he was conceived. The determine from your last period when your due date is, too. I think about 2 weeks after your period is when you get pregnant or something like that.
    I believe sperm survive for only a couple of days.
    Well, pertaining to the last question: you said you had sex with him at the end but you’re not sure which date, well that’s probably why you’re so confused. It probably was him because you had sex with him after you had your period, right? Well, there you go, your body was gettin ready for another crack at conceiving you a child and you did. Your doctor is right don’t stress about it. If worse comes to worse get a DNA test and if you want custody the state will do it free for you if you get child support. I know your pain, I didn’t want a baby either! But life is hard…’ll be ok.

    in reply to: Need to ask someone a question about symptoms #7488

    When I was first pregnant but didn’t know it:
    weird period cramps 2 weeks b4 my period was due, they were like really fast on and off, softer looking belly, tender breasts. I’ll tell you after I found out, my abdomen near my v was harder, bigger breasts, nausea in the morning and all day, and very very emotional. Hope you aren’t!!!!! Cuz it is something else!!!!!! But hopefully you have good situation. If you don’t WB. :silly:

    in reply to: preg #7484

    Yes, your doctors should of told you your fallopian tubes can grow back. They are smart because they know that tying them is unnatural and not what they were designed to do. They reach over like hands, it’s cool. If you don’t want to get pregnant and you ain’t married don’t have sex. Easy. If you are married, try Natural Family Planning. Helps you understand you body better and not as if it is some science experiment.

    in reply to: i need your help girlies!! #7483

    Yes, your symptoms tell me you’re pregnant. Take another test, get a pee test and pray you’re not. But, don’t get an abortion whatever you do. You’re too young to know what is right or wrong when it comes to that and it is definitely wrong. Hardening of your abdomen down there is your uterus growing so it’s cool. bye!

    in reply to: a few questions #7482

    No, your boobs don’t grow! Who told you that? I wish! A penis doesn’t do anything to your hormones except make you horny! You need increased progesterone and estrogen to make bigger ones. That’s why women on the pill often get bigger breasts. Mostly from the synthetic progesterone called progestin, though. And, no, implantation bleeding is just spotting which can be a definite cue you are pregnant and supposed to be having your period.

    in reply to: questions????? #7481

    Yo, you are definitely pregnant. Morning sickness isn’t exactly the correct word, it’s more like all day sickness. Sometimes I felt so nauseous I stayed on my couch all day and barely ate one whole cracker. You need to read up on when your body is ready to have a baby. Here is something I got off the net from
    When does pregnancy begin? Unless you’re using ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology), it’s impossible to know the exact moment of conception. For this reason, most health-care providers count 40 weeks from the date of your last menstrual period, or LMP, to calculate your due date. According to this method, pregnancy actually begins about two weeks before the sperm penetrates the egg. The baby’s gestational age corresponds to the actual date of conception.
    Amazingly, your baby’s genetic code was written at the moment of conception; his or her sex and all inherited characteristics–including eye color, hair, skin, and body type–have already been determined. This week the ball of cells, or embryo, completes its journey through the fallopian tube and comes to rest in your uterus, a process known as implantation. You may experience light bleeding when the egg implants, which many women mistake for menstruation. In fact, spotting that is lighter than your usual menstrual flow is one of eight signs you may be pregnant.
    Don’t get an abortion like all these idiots that write in and sugar coat their reasonings. I thought about having one but I’m smarter than that, come on now! Doesn’t take two brain cells to realize you gotta start small before you get big, and that’s what a baby has to do—-that’s why people think it’s ok to have an abortion because the baby is small and they can’t see in her in their bods. Peace.

    in reply to: 15 and think im pregnant(really scared) #7472

    I am sorry for your loss. You will get through it. Just know that it is ok to have a miscarriage because your body knew your baby wouldn’t survive. Your body is just taking care of both of you and so is God. That is why he designed us with perfection. Talk to Him and go somewhere in Nature so you will feel more at peace. While there talk to God and tell him how you feel. Take your dog or write in your journal. Sometimes when I’ve been upset (as a teenager) I would write huge ps’d off words all over my notebook pages. I really took it out on stuff like that. You will be okay. I knew a girl at 16 who lost a baby, too, and she told us all at camp one summer while we were in a circle talking. Life will go on. You are so young and inexperienced–talk to a priest and grief counselor. Love you.

    in reply to: 21, pregnant, engaged, confused #7471

    Laura, hi, my name is Chantal. I just moved from Texas to Maryland after having my baby girl, Sofia. I am so happy that you are engaged. That is a plus, for real. I had my daughter last summer when I was 21, just like you are. I cannot begin to tell you how I felt so bad for myself and how I thought my whole life, career, body was ruined. I could go on and on for hours, but I don’t want to feel like a victim anymore. The truth is, I almost nearly gave my daughter up for adoption, but somewhere in my heart I knew I would leave the hospital with her. When I got home I was so happy even though there was an overwhelming sense of sadness surrounding my circumstances. I felt sad for my life before being a mom–I wanted it back so bad. I felt invaded, I felt resentful, I felt pissed off at everyone and everything. Breastfeeding didn’t help make things easier. It actually made things worse because she sucked so hard I would bleed and burn. That’s a no brainer now, though. I’m a pro. I can’t believe I stuck with it because I would have given up had I not seen a lactation consultant from WIC. That’s another thing. You are worried about money? It’s really not that bad. Babies really aren’t that expensive if you have what you really need. I have foodstamps, medical assistance, and cash assistance, along with medical assistance for my daughter. It’s only here for me until I get back on my feet and can provide for her myself. I have my grandma and mom supporting me right now so I don’t have to worry about paying a whole bunch of bills. When you talk about abortion, I know how you feel. Sometimes I would think how great it would be just to get rid of "it." It’d be great to just get rid of the whole situation and it’d keep my boyfriend from stalking me night and day. It’d be great cuz then I could move on with my life, finish college, find a career, and take it as a lesson learned. But, growing up prolife I knew that looking at all the brochures of fetuses and embyros wasn’t for nothing. In fact, right before I found out I was pregnant I found this website; almost as if God was preparing me for the hard decision to keep this pregnancy. Sometimes I felt like I was just doing it because that’s what God wants and I was just a robot following orders, you know? I also felt like I was a martyr for all of the women out there if they were pregnant or not—even for the women at college if they ever faced an unwanted pregnancy they knew that they remembered some girl goig to class as fat as a house. Just kidding, I looked really good! Yes, you should feel worried about complications because that’s what stopped me from thinking further about an abortion. I would think, "Oh, it’d be so easy and great….and then I’d say, "nope nope I ain’t having no preterm baby next time, I ain’t havin breast cancer later on in life, I ain’t havin the risk of sterility, I ain’t havin the risk of some asshole puncturing my beautiful body/uterus." Hell no! I sure as hell knew that I couldn’t live with the guilt feelings because I already have such a killer conscience anyway. I knew my life would be miserable and my future marriage could fail, and I’d be depressed since I already am prone to it, and I might be fine for a while but years down the road I’d become upset later on. So, DON’T DO IT. I really can’t respect women who don’t buck up and take on their responsibility by trying to get the easy way out. In fact, I resent it a whole lot because while motherhood is great, it is also a great sacrifice and I don’t like it that anyone would try to get out of it. I had every reason in the world to abort, but I didn’t and I don’t think it’s fair for anyone to be selfish since I had to go through what I went through. Don’t be selfish; you will not be able to explain the love for your child because it is so deep in you core. Do the right thing and keep the pregnancy. Don’t let anyone push you for an abortion. Dr.’s make a lot of money and they know that one person’s sadness is their road to the bank. Here we are, my daughter and me and I can’t ever imagine her arms and legs being ripped apart if I had aborted her. You will regret it.

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