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  • in reply to: beyond the stats #15935

    Hi, Birth control is only 98% accurate and using a condom is only 97% effective. But using them both together reduces your changes a whole lot. My mum got caught pregnant with my younger sister. he doctors didn’t think my mum was pregnant until she had a scan (they thought it was a cyst). Jen x

    in reply to: pregnancy #15934

    Im not sure i can answer all those questions but i will try for ya!! I don’t really thin there is any other definate way of knowing if your pregnant or not, as feeling the classic symtoms doesn’t always mean you are pregnant. I would maybe get a test. I would then maybe go to the doctors and get a blood test. This is a more accurate way of testing, as if you have had alot to drink before the urine test is taken, your urine will be diluted and will make it harder to the test to show positive. So when you take a home pregnancy test try and do it 1st thing in the morning, coz then you have had a good break without drinking. As you are so late it would say your are pregnant. Im not sure if pimples are to do with pregnancy. Been tired is a good symtom as your baby takes out all the nutrients from your body, so you have to work even hearder to keep then stoked up! Feeling hungry could be a sign, but the whole eating for two thing is rubbish, as its not your baby who need that extra food its most of time your cravings of food!! Hope this helps you!! Good luck. Jenna x

    in reply to: morning sickness??? #15933

    Morning sickness is usually due to the rising levels of estrogen, which causes the stomach to empty more slowly. Pregnant women also have a heightened sense of smell, so various odors such as foods cooking, perfume or cigarette smoke may cause waves of nausea in early pregnancy. The best of luck. Jen x

    in reply to: culd i b pregnant? #15932

    I would be very careful here. I used to be on that formof pill. If you stop taking it half way through the cycle you will have a period. You are also messing with your cycle doing that. If you really want a baby, i won’t argue that fact that your only 16, that is totaly your choice. If you get pregnant while you are on the pill, you are more likely to have a bad pregnancy (i don’t mean bad to the baby, im mean to your self) This is because your hormones are at a wired level while your on the pill then getting pregnant on top of that can make your experience a lot worse, If you want to get pregnant you are in reality susposed to stop taking your pill and leave it for 3 months until the pill is definately out of your system. All the best and good luck, keep us informed. Jen x

    in reply to: I just don’t know #15930

    Hiya, i have had the same experience as you, i had really bad heartburn ( I have never had heartburn in my life before) and i felt sick in the mornings and evenings and i am tired all the time, but i think as im reading into all the pregnancy stuff, i think i may be making myself feel like this, but i really don’t know and my last test was negative. As we are all so very different we all don’t show on a home pregnancy test straight away, i know one girl who was negative, but then went to the doctor and was positive. She then (as a test) tried a home pregnancy test and it din’t show she was pregnant until she was more then 4 months!! So you never know!! Jen x

    in reply to: missed periods #15929

    Hi there, i think you may be pregnant, as irregular periods aren;t usually this irregular, and as you stated that you bled a little in jan it would be a very good idea to go and see your doctor and get everything checked out. Don’t worry everything will be ok, if you are pregnant all the best and don’t worry about your mum. It may take a while for her to adjust to the fact. Let us know how it goes!! Jen x

    in reply to: Maybe miscarriage? How do I know? #15928

    Hi There, I would go and see your doctor as it should be confidential any way so your parents shouldn’t find out from your doctor. Then once you know your ok, you can decide wether or not to tell your family. Good luck and all the best. DONT WORRY!!!! Jen x

    in reply to: tanning #15927

    Hiya. I remeber when i joined a tanning shop, they asked me if i was pregnant as i don’t think they allow you to use it as often or at all. I would just double check with them before you go, if your on about a booth. Jen x

    in reply to: Should i be so protective??? #15904

    Hiya, thats a good point, it think im just over reacting!!!

    in reply to: Twins??? #15903

    Thank you all for your response!! I still don’t think that its one to rule out!!! All the twins born in this family it has always been the males history which brings in the twins as the females don’t have any history of it happening!!! I shall let you all know when and if it happens!!!! LOL. Jenna xxx

    in reply to: Am I Pregnant? #15804

    Hi there, I had also been experiencing typical symtoms, but my tests came up negative. I think im reading into everything to much. I think once you start lookin thinks up alot your brain thinks yeah i have had that. sorry if i have confused you!! Maybe go and see your doctor and get a blood test. That is more accurate and most women may not show up on Home tests as i know a few people who din’t show on a home test until they where way past 4.5 months! Let us know how it goes!! Jenna x

    in reply to: Twins??? #15803

    Anyone have any ideas?????

    in reply to: Should i be so protective??? #15802

    I took the test and it was negative 🙁 🙁

    in reply to: Maybe this time it worked? #15760

    Hi There, i would take the test, at least then you will know for definate. Let us know how it goes….. Good Luck!! Jenna x

    in reply to: I wonder… #15759

    congratulations….. Hope everything goes well for you, i shall let you know how my test goes on sunday!!!! I got married last september!! You could wait unil the baby is born and have an extra bridesmaid or page boy!!!! Best of luck….. Jenna xx

    in reply to: HELLLPPP, NE1?? #15723

    Hi There! i would say no, as you have a period if the egg that is released isn’t fertilised. Hope this helps!

    in reply to: I wonder… #15722

    Hi there, i am also experiencing very simular symptoms. I have been getting really bad heartburn and abdominal cramps. I feel tired all the time too. My period is due on the 10thand i have been feeling like this for about a week, so i will be taking a test on sunday i think. If i am pregnant i din’t realise you felt all these things soooo early!

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