Forum Replies Created
Participantyou haven’t had a period for three months?! dear you are more than likely prego…..
Participantopen adoption is a very good choice for a teen mother who still wants to be in the life of her baby….i was adopted, but it wasn’t open…i never wished it was i never really questioned who my parents were because my parents were who i lived with…i did recently come back in comtact with my birth mother….she is a very loving person who just wanted the best for her 4 babies….i being the youngest…..she was barely 20 when she had me, and she decided that she just couldn’t do it, her now ex husband, our birth father, and her were just so young and made the best choice for us kids that they could……i never once regret being an adopted child, i grew up with a very loving devoted family and have great life…..i hope you choose the best for you….plz keep me updated
Post edited by: David, at: 2006/11/21 06:32
Participantdon’t worry…..the best thing to do is take a deep breath and relax…..then take the test and see…..don’t be scared to tell you mom…she loves you and will support you…..i’m 17 and 12 wks preg….i didn’t thinkmy dad would support me but he is…the rest of the family is very excited for the baby….
Participantjust start talking to him about different things about pregnancy….like how you will get sick and stress isn’t good for the baby and talk to him about how he as the father can help change things and help with things to make there be as little stress and such for a healthy baby…..don’t be forward about it,….just sneak it in there……get him to agree with you…..don’t try and force changes….
Participanti’m one of the lucky ones…i have only thrown up 3 times and i am 12 wks……the only things i have is being tired, peeing alot, and kinda sore breasts….i eat alot and sometimes feel fat even though i only weigh 130, i haven’t gained any weight yet………just feel lucky to not have symptoms yet….
Participantsome women have "periods" when they are preg…but it is called spotting and is not the same as a preiod, it is much lighter and shorter than an actual period….if you are worried about being preg and not knowing just go to the doc and have a blood test done….that’s the only 100% positive way to tell…..
Participantdon’t get married b4 the baby is born…….stay on your parents insurance until you can afford to do it……i’m in the same boat as you…i’m 17, senior in HS and i’m 12 wks preg….the fortunate thing for me is i am going to be graduating early, and my finace has a very high paying job with wonderful insurance so we can get married before out baby is born…..besides you can stay in school and finish this year out……i have a friend who had her baby this past may and she finished out the school year from home…….she had her baby took care of him and finished her junior year and is still on track to graduate……………please don’t make ne decisions you will regret…
i wish you all the best…bweber
Participantit is NOT legal for you mother to tell you what to do with your child….it’s be just as illegal if she were to try and force you to get an abortion…
Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/11/20 15:46
Participanti don’t want to tell you what to do…but….i think you should wait….i think that you need to think about this more…espacially scince you have just had an abortion…..i don’t know if it’s this way in your case but many woman try to get preg after an abortion because they feel guilty and feel that having a baby will fix the mistake they made………..i wish you all the best in what ever to do…..
Participantthere is a very slight chance of it but i highly doubt it…..if you are really worried about it you could take a test and see…..if all else fails just wait till you are expecting another period……
best of luckbweber
Participantsome woman get pains like that when the embryo is implanting(that is if it just happened)….if you are not sure if the equate test was right i’d wait a few days and do another different brand test……
Participantit can come out at anytime before and during sex…..
Participantdepending on the size of your own body and the size of your baby you couls start to show around 4 months or even later…i know a girl that is nearing 6 months and doesn’t really look pregnant……i also have a friend who didn’t really look pregnant until she was around 7 or 8 months… all just depends on your own body…….
Participantmy opinion is that it could be to early for a home test to show if you are pregnant….also if you are u might have too low of hormones for the home test to show….if you truley want to know go see your doctor and do a blood test…it’s the only 100% way to tell…….
Participantyou could be….the only 100% way to tell is a blood test….go the ur doc and get one….
Participantyou sound like you have the signs of pregnancy…so if the home tests all said negative go get a blood test done by your doctor because blood tests are 100% accurate….you might be pregnant just not have high enough hormones to register with the home test……..
Participantgo read this…it may help…..
Participantdon’t get too anxious………..these couls also be signs of you period…..all girls are diff when it comes to pregnancy signs….all that happened with me was my breasts got sore…….and i kinda had to pee more… i’m around 8 1/2 wks to 12 wks and i pee so friggin much….
Participantjust to repeat like everything the others have said……
1) b4 u go to bed try to eat something, it may help you not get sick in the am,
2) and have like saltine crackers by your bed where you only have to move your arm (movement will only make you sick)
3) try going to Motherhood Maternity, they have these things called Preggie Pops and my friend has tried them and said they helped her
4) for heartburn try tums, also remember to ask your doc first
5) don’t eat 3 big meals a day like normal ppl, eat many little meals throughout the day, this will also healp with gettting sick (ur doc should have told you this, because it’s getting low blood sugar that makes you sick, so eatting frequently should help the sickness………..
i hope some of this helps you, and if it does can you let me know, just so i know….thanx….
Participanteven with the use of a condon, and being the day b4 ur period is is still NOT 100% that u r not pregnant……..i’d say it’s more like 90% that ur not….just because a guy doesn’t ejaculate doesn’t mean a girl can’t get pregnant, because the male pre-ejeculate has sperm in it and because of you age you period may not be set on how it comes, and it is also possible for a female to get pregnant on her period…….srry if i worried you, i just didn’t want to lie to you and tell you that 100% you’d be fine……………………just wait till you are due up for another period….and if you weren’t ready to have sex don’t do it again……..that’s the only logical thing to do……
Participantgo to the doc and get a blood test…..those are 100% accurate….then tell the doc that you are scared about what your ex might do if you are preg….if you do that your doc has to file a report because it is the law for him/her……either way don’t let your ex make you abort or ne thing you don’t want to do……
*best of luck*bweber
Participanti suggest seeing a doctor……you may have an infection if ur not pregnant…… is very rare to get preg and not have sex….if you have fooled around with ur bf in water and he "came" in the water or he "came" on his fingers and touched you directly after maybe….but that’s still a big maybe…..
Participantyou could be pregnant…….i have only been sick 2 times and once was because i didn’t eat b4 i went to bed and the other was because of a long car ride that made me sick… should go to the doc and get a blood test done…..also you may not be pregnant but have an infection….infections can cause a girl to not have her period…..either way go see a doc……
*good luck and best of wishes*
i didn’t like the way i told me dad because i wanted to tell him in person…i was just really scared….so i did what felt easy…..i think that you should try to sit you mom down and tell her, but take that letter with you and if you get scared hand it to her and tell her to meet you in your room when she’s finished reading it………..just try to be brave… usually doesn’t turn out as bad as we all imagine…….
*hopes and wishes for the best*
Participanti kind of agree with the other girls who say you don’t have a right to talk about it when you haven’t done it…but then again i am on the fence about the abortion thing….i am pregnant and i have friends who have had abortions, i have also done research on the subject…and in that research i have found that of the REGRET their decision to do so…… i do not agree with the other girls’ choice of how to tell you that do shouldn’t say that……. plz the next time ANY of you decide to bring up the abortion subject pick your words wisely……it’s the smart thing to do…..