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Participanti completely agree. ttc at a young age is completely selfish. u may think ur ready, but hindsight is 20/20. i thought how mature i was at 14, and now im about to be 19 and realize i didnt know anything about anything! its selfish to purposely put ur child into a position where there may or might not be a father figure around, where u may be irresponsible and not watch them well, when u havent finished school and work a minimum wage job. u shud want the WORLD for ur kids. and if possible, WAIT until u have the world to offer them. ya they r cute but alot of work. and theres so much more to being a mom then changing diapers and feeding them. u need to nurture them, read books to them, play with them outside, rock them to sleep, sing to them, talk to them, interact with them. .and im sorry but i find it pretty hard to believe that extremely young girls have the desire and the emotional maturity to do all of these things. i wish i wudve been more careful just becuz im lacking in the patience department, i dont yell at her , but sometimes i want to. if i had waited for my husband to come back from iraq, he wouldve been here for my whole pregnancy, and seeing her grow up. shes 3 mos her dad has seen her for 5 days here and there. hes going to iraq for 18 mos, and when he returns my infant wont be an infant anymore . she will be 2 years old and that kills me. part of being young is being selfish, but please when it comes to another human being , dont be. dont be in a rush to grow up. enjoy every night out and being able to come and go as you please. becuz wen u are a parent it stops, ur world revolves around that little boy or girl. anf babies dont ask to be born, so make sure ur ready with a stable environment for ur kids to thrive in before u make the commitment to have one.
Participantdont worry about it. i was gaining 4 lbs a week at some points and felt so discouraged. but the last few weeks, my weight gain stopped. i ended up gaining 35 lbs. i had my little girl 2 weeks ago tomorrow (jan 25th) and she was 6 lbs 12 oz. i have lost 24 lbs the past two weeks, its so flattering evryone keeps telling me how great i look! i only have 11 lbs left to lose and my tummy is almost flat again. all i can say is breastfeed. it works wonders!! good luck girl
Participanti love hearing inspiring stories like urs. and i truly agree, it is up TO YOU!!
i found out i was pregnant last may, finished out my last year of school, went to summer school all summer, and took an online class to graduate early. i just finished school dec 10th, at 35 weeks pregnant! and iam so PROUD to know that im still accomplishing things with my life! girls, YOU DONT HAVE TO BE A STATISTIC!! u CAN rise above them and prove everyone wrong about young teen moms!!! my hubby is out of state in the military n ive only seen him twice during my whole pregnancy, my baby girl is due in 11 days and i cannot wait!!
Participantwow. such a similar circumstance we are in! me and my husband have been together for 3 and a half years, he is in the army and stationed at ft stewart in GA and im in our hometown of austin, tx. im 18 years old, busted my a** all summer to graduate early, and here iam 39 weeks preggo with a baby girl. my parents said they wouldnt support me and that it wasnt even considered a child yet i cried and cried and for weeks i thought it would never get better, it was absolute hell. but for some reason, i stood my ground. my mom even called my boyfriend on the phone and convinced him having a baby would ruin my life! so she had even temporarily turned him against me! what about your fiancee? can he not give u any money for the baby? my parents provide the roof over my head, my husband provides the rest. everything i have bought for our daughter has been with OUR money. and it feels so good to not have to rely on anyone to provide for my daughter. and trust me, hes only an E2 and we are making it on his salary. hopefully ur fiancee is higher up than my hubby is, lol. but what i mean to tell u is, abortion is something u will probably regret for the rest of your life. having a baby isnt. iam so happy and excited, iam amazed that me and my husband, the love of my life have created another human being. and even tho there will certainly be struggles, i know my baby was conceived for a reason. =) my story is on the main page, titled keep your head up girl if u wanna know more. but i think u shud keep ur baby and i PROMISE PROMISE PROMISE you, everyone WILL eventually come around! for weeks my parents said the most horrible things to me, but God works wonders and now i wouldnt be suprised to find out my mothers more excited about this baby than iam! take advantage of ur resources, and wen people realize they cannot change ur mind u will be overwhelmed with the love and support they will probably come to show you. if u have ANY doubts about abortion, it isnt the right thing to do. i can tell from the way u wrote ur post that you truly want this baby. so stand up girl, and do whats in your heart!! i did. and i feel my life has been so much more fulfilled and amazing since i stood up for me and my baby, and chose to give her life. make sure u keep me updated and let me know how ur doing, regardless of what u choose, iam here to support u as we all are. just 8 or so months ago, i wrote a desperate post too looking for the right answer and everyone told me to do what i felt in my heart, and i did and ive never looked back! god bless!! being an army wife is hard, but worth it, by the way;)
Participantsounds like round ligament pain. there are ligaments attached to either sides of ur uterus that keep it suspended in ur stomach, and when ur pregnant and ur uterus starts to grow, the ligaments stretch and can cause a sharp shooting, stabbing pain in your sides. dont be worried, chances are everything is fine with your little one. just try to enjoy your pregnancy cuz it goes by soo fast. im already in my 38th week and it went by so quickly!!
Participantmy names ashley iam also 18, and married to a serviceman. my husband is 21 and active duty in the army. i just finished up high school, i was so scared when i found out i was pregnant, especially becuz my hubby is stationed in GA and im still living in TX. my parents told me i didnt have a choice, it wasnt a baby yet, etc. etc. but from the moment i saw that faint pink line in the result window, i had already begun to love this new little life inside of me, sure things havent been easy, and let me tell u, walking down the halls of highschool with all eyes on me and the constant judgement wasnt easy. but when my then boyfriend came to tx for my 10 week appt, we heard the babys heartbeat. me, my husband, and even my MOM (who was so against this baby being born) all had tears of joy in our lives. that is a life that u and your man created out of the love and admiration u have for eachother, and what could possibly be more beautiful then that?? ive barely seen my husband, just TWICE during my whole pregnancy, but when i feel my daughter, roll around in me, stretch, and get the hiccups i dont regret my decision for a SECOND. becuz its the most amazing thing in the world. im due in 3 weeks, and i cant wait to meet my daughter. all i have to say is trust in God. everything happens for a reason, and this baby has a purpose. my husband is also going to iraq in september of next year. but no matter how hard things get, i will always have my beautiful daughter to remind me what makes life worth living. iam SO happy i gave her life and wont have to live my days out just wondering, was it a boy or girl? what did he or she look like? what wuld they have grown up to be? because in a few short weeks, my questions will be answered. and i cant wait to be a mommy and help her grow up. =) keep your head up girl, its always scary at the beginning but this too shall pass and ull wind up happier than ever that u made the right decision!!!
keep me updated please!ashmo
Participanthaha guess u didnt notice the date of this post. its dated MAY and its DECEMBER. dont u think i wuldve made up my mind by now?? that was 7 months ago! but im 33 weeks pregnant with a little girl and married my babys daddy and i couldnt be happier..
Participanthey girl, trust me i know exactly what ur going thru. my situation is even a little harder. IM 18, STILL FINISHING UP HS AT 29 WEEKS PREGNANT, AND MY FIANCEE IS IN THE ARMY AND HAS BEEN AWAY FOR MY WHOLE PREGNANCY. weve been together 3 years, ive seen him once since ive been preg, and it was for 6 days. i was 10 weeks. im now 29 and havent seen him in 4 1/2 months. i was so scared when i got preggo too and abortion ran thru my mind for a second, but like the other girls have told u, GO WITH YOUR GUT. YOU know yourself better than ANYONE else does. you know better than anyone of your own capabilities. if u feel like youd never forgive urself and u cant do it, then dont! there are plenty of girls who go thru it fine, but none of them i know that have had abortions had those doubts. if u go thru with it already knowing its something u cant do, there will be huge emotional and psychological consequences. you know your limitations, dont let anyone else influence you! ive been with my fiancee for three years, but i had to ask myself, could i do this alone? am i doing this to keep him, or am i trying to do this for my daughter?? and the answer was im doing it for her. because no matter who the father of your child is, that baby is half YOU. many girls i know that have gotten an abortion get pregnant again on purpose to replace the empty feeling that remains. my mom aborted my older sibling (it was with my dad, but they had only met months before) and she still remembers the date, and thinks about it every year. she got it when she was 19. now shes 40 and she still wonders, was it a boy or a girl? what would it have looked like? and she beats herself up over it because she ended up marrying my dad anyways. if u have doubts, dont do it. u will regret an abortion, raising a baby is hard but you will never regret bringing that child into this world, even if the timing isn’t perfect. my parents told me they would kick me out, disown me, and they told me i had to get an abortion. that i didnt have a choice. but i did have a choice. and i CHOSE. once u feel the flutters of a new life inside of u, you will NEVER regret that decision. good luck with whatever you do girl, and keep us posted.
Participantwow thats crazy!! im gonna be 18 next week, and im having a baby girl. im 22 weeks and 4 days preg, and im due jan 26th!
Participantyou probably ARE pregnant! im currently 14 weeks and 2 days pregnant, and the first two tests i took (they were the ones with a + or – ) one of the lines on the plus sign was really dark, the other one very very light. when i took the second one that was faint i pretty much knew it. then a week or so later i took 3 tests that said pregnant or not pregnant, and they all came back pregnant! i kno its so scary for u, but trust me if u continue the pregnancy you will find JOY and b so happy with ur decision! im almost 18, my bfs in the military now out of state, and times are hard for me sometimes. but i am STILL very happy with my decision to continue the pregnancy! good luck with everythin girl!
Participanthey girl,
congrats on the baby first of all!! i know it might be a very scary time for you, but it is also one of the most amazing experiences you can go thru. see im 17 and im 13 weeks pregnant, and u said u dont know what to do? well it is pretty much too late for you to get an abortion, and trust me, by now it already looks like a little BABY and is moving and everything. i went to the dr. at 10 weeks, and again at 12, and seeing your baby on the screen doing flips inside ur belly and hearing its first heartbeat are experiences i wouldnt trade for ANYTHING. when i first got pregnant, i was just like you. so scared on what to do and who to turn to, and trust me girl, your family will probably suprise you in the way that they react. both of my parents told me i had no choice besides abortion and i told them no, i couldnt do that. and eventually both of them came around, my mom even CRIED when she heard its first heartbeat!! trust me, dont move in with your bf unless you have to, ive been with my bf for almost 3 years now, but you never know for sure how long a guy will stick around. your family most likely will ALWAYS be there for you. so dont push them away to move in with your bf right away.
just tell them calmly, and theyll be upset at first but i can almost guarantee you they will come around!
god bless