Featured Letters
I Found My Soulmate
Hello Becky, Loved your website. I wanted to relate my story to you since I've seen two sides of the unexpected pregnancy crisis. I got pregnant at 16, got married at 5 months pregnant and had my daughter 2 months after I turned 17. When I was about 7 months along,...
People Who Encouraged Me To Have An Abortion
Neither of my parents know, and I very much doubt they ever will. They are separated, and I split my time equally between them. I can talk to my Mum a little easier that I can talk to my Dad, but still I could never bring myself to tell even my Mum. To be honest I...
I Learned to Love Being Pregnant
Hi Becky, My name is Megan. I wrote you during the week of January 6th, 2001, when I was about three months pregnant. You posted my story on the website. I was very sick, and I was trying to adjust to having just moved in with my boyfriend of five years. I had a lot...
I Made Two Appointments
Hey Becky, I just writing to say thanks for some advice you gave me two months ago. I was pretty depressed after finding out I was pregnant. I was only with my boyfriend for about five months, just finished university, no job and was unsure if I should have the...
Before Becoming Intimate
Dear Becky, Your website was a blessing to me! I am 171/2 years old. I thought that I had met the perfect guy for me, we were highschool sweethearts and really did love one another. I had always said that I would wait until I was married before becoming intimate,...
I Became Someone Else
Hi my name is Patti, The first thing that I want to say is don't let anyone tell you that an abortion won't affect you - it will change your life forever. It's a choiceless choice. I had an abortion on May 8, 1982. Yes, it's a date that I have never forgotten. I had...
I Am Longing Now To Find God
Dear Becky, I have written you once before but ended up not having the strength to tell my story, now alot has happened in my life and I feel that I really need someone to talk to. It all started in the summer of 2000. I was almost 18 and getting ready to start my...
Despite My Personal Pain And Emptiness
Dear Becky: First I want to say thank you for this website and for standing up! I am so thankful that it exists. While navigating through the site I did not come across a testimonial from a stand up girl who chose adoption, so I thought I would share my story with...