Featured Letters

My Parents Were Unable To Handle It

My Parents Were Unable To Handle It

Hey Becky, I have a story to tell that I hope will encourage the many girls out there. When I was 16 and in 11th grade I became pregnant (in January), I was dating a wonderful guy and he was very supportive. I come from a Christian home, so when I told my parents they...

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This Was Illegal

This Was Illegal

Dear Becky, Thank you for your Web site. I have read some of the stories, and touched by all of them. I have a story that I would like anyone who is thinking about having an abortion to know. I was 22 years old, separated from my ex-husband with a 18 month old...and I...

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The Choices My Biological Mom Faced

My story, I am Benjamin, when I was born on January 30th 1984 my parents were on drugs (probably too many to know), were not financially stable, were not mentally, physically capable or willing to take on another child (my sister was born a year and a half before)....

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Locked All This In

When I told Alex he told me there was no way that he could be a father. He told me I was on my own. He basically told me to have an abortion. I should have turned to God. I should have trusted Him. Abortion was the easiest way out. My parents would never know that I...

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I Hated Myself For Considering It

I Hated Myself For Considering It

  Hello. I just wanted to say how helpful this site has been to me. I just found out last week I was pregnant, although I suspected it long before, and I was so lost and confused about what to do. I felt I had no where to turn and that everyone would hate me or think...

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When I Was Sixteen

Dear Becky -- I just wish I had found your website sooner. I was too scared to look at anything on the internet incase my parents found out. I don't really know where to begin. I suppose right at the very start. I'm seventeen now but when I was sixteen I was on...

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Follow Your Heart

Follow Your Heart

Becky, I am 21 years old and I have just recently come across your website and really have appreciated going through it. I read a story that was posted on March 7, 2002 and it reminded me a little bit of my story. I conceived my child March 1, 2002 by one of my best...

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I Was On Depo

I Was On Depo

Dear Becky, How are you doing? I hope you're good. I thought I'd e-mail you and thank you for making StandUpGirl.com. It helped me thru a tough time. I never even thought about aborting my first child, Baylee. I got pregnant when I was 14 and had her when I was 15....

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