Sharon Osbourne: Having An Abortion Was The “Worst Thing I Ever Did”

StandUpGirl woman leaning against wall

You have to know Sharon Osbourne has seen and done some crazy things over the years. After all, her husband is famous hard rock singer Ozzy Osbourne. But, in an interview, the reality star and music management guru says having an abortion was the worst thing she ever did.
Sharon Osbourne, reality star and talent-show judge on the British X Factor TV show, suffered three miscarriages due to damage to her cervix after having had an abortion at age 17.


Are You Sexting?

StandUpGirl girl holding phone leaning on locker


Why do women sext more than men?  And why are women more willing to expose their bodies than men are?  It seems really unfair to be the one that puts your body on full view when men don’t have to.  Compared to men, women have an inordinate amount of pressure placed on them to send sexy pictures of themselves.  But even though this is an unfair double standard, is it really that bad?


Is He Trustworthy?

StandUpGirl two girls laughing and smiling

Not too long ago I watched a reality TV show about dating.  A woman on the show said that she had been suspicious of her ex while they were dating because she thought he was cheating on her.  The person that she relayed this story to said, “Why couldn’t you just trust him?”  Implying that she should have waylaid her feelings and let love conquer all.  I find that the idea of blind trust is prevalent in dating.  Many believe that love is the only ingredient for a good, sustainable relationship.  The truth of the matter is that trust is a very important part of love, but blind trust is not.


Feeling Pressured To Abort – Part 2

StandUpGirl up close girl's face black and white

My last article was about telling your parents that you’re pregnant, but what if after you tell them, they want you to get an abortion?  What about all those family members who are weighing in with their (unwanted) opinion telling you that you are not able to be a mother?  It’s stressful and it’s a lot to deal with especially while you are pregnant.  The good news is that you will be able to get through it.


How To Tell Your Parents You’re Pregnant – Part 1

StandUpGirl women looks at pregnancy test results

   Telling your parents that you’re pregnant can be one of the scariest moments during pregnancy.  Some parents don’t take the news well while others do, but it is hard to guess how your parents will react before you actually tell them.  If you are in a situation like this right now, just take a deep breath and relax.  You will be able to get through it; your situation is not hopeless.    

Telling your parents that you’re pregnant is hard, but you can do it. 


Valentine’s Day And Sex

StandUpGirl man with hand on woman's shoulder

    Let’s just be honest, there is a lot of pressure to have sex on Valentine’s Day.  It is a holiday of love, but love can mean so many different things, and unfortunately, in some cases it takes on the singular meaning of sex.  Valentine’s Day celebrations do not have to include sex though; real love goes much deeper than the physical act of sex. 
    Very often the idea of love gets all tangled up in sex. 
