Yesterday my mom took me to the emergency room because I had been blacking out and throwing up a few times a day. The doctor asked me if I was sexually active and with my mom out of the room I told her that me and my boyfriend of a year and 8 months had been sexually active since I was 15 years old. She ordered a urine pregnancy test and to my horror it came out positive. I sat there for a while not knowing what to do and feeling absolutely lost, confused and alone. My doctor then talked to me about options with abortion but I knew in my heart that there was no way I could do that to my child.
I called my boyfriend who also just wanted the situation to go away but soon realized the significance of our actions. He promised me that he will be here for me every step of the way, no matter what happens and no matter what we decide. His family is also going to be very supportive and will also help in any way that they can.
The hardest part I knew was next. I had to break the news to my mom. She had no idea that I had been sexually active with my boyfriend so it would be extremely difficult to tell her. At first I wanted to just wait and tell her with my boyfriend but I soon discarded the idea and told the doctor to let her in.
When I told her, she looked devastated, hurt and confused. I explained everything to her and to my surprise, she told me that she still loved me and would always help me out in any way I needed. A social worker came in while we talked about options and I received prescriptions for some medications.
When I got home I told my whole family who also said that they still love me just as much and said that they support me fully in everything that I had to go through and decide. my boyfriend came over along with his parents while we all talked about life, love and God.
After just one day I now feel so much love and so much support from my family that I didn’t think I would get. I believe that God only gives us trials that he knows we can get through. I will be able to make it through this, I will just have to stay strong and keep positive. In the end I hope to find the love and strength to give my baby up for adoption to a loving family. I know that I can’t do this alone and I just want to let every girl out there with my situation know that you are not alone. God is on your side. He’s there to help and to love and to support.
I am not alone and neither are you.
Good things come in twos for one hardworking Alabama woman, from dual college degrees to twin baby girls.

Montoya Major single mom graduates while raising twin daughters
On Aug. 16, Montoya Major will graduate from Nova Southeastern University in Florida with a bachelor’s in cardiovascular sonography and a master’s in health science — an accomplishment all the more laudable, as the 23-year-old welcomed twin daughters during the program.
The Mobile native and single mom told Fox News that she began her dual degree program at Nova Southeastern in May 2017, soon after receiving a bachelor’s degree in biology from Alabama Agricultural & Mechanical University that same year. Five months later, 700 miles away from home, the woman was shocked to learn she was expecting — twins.
“My initial thought, when I found out I was pregnant, was, ‘What am I going to do with a child?'” Major told Today. “I was living in Florida, away from all my family and friends. Having kids was never a thought of mine. I wanted to pursue my degree and establish a career.”
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Tebow’s parents, Pam and Bob Tebow, met as University of Florida students in the late 1960s, according to a 2007 article in The Gainesville Sun. A year later, they went on their first date – to the Georgia-Florida game in Jacksonville – and married in 1971, Pam skipping graduation to tie the knot.
In 1985, the Tebows moved to the Philippines with their four children to serve as missionaries. Pam Tebow became ill with amoebic dysentery, which is usually transmitted from contaminated drinking water. She fell into a temporary coma and received strong drugs to combat the infection, the Sun reported. Those drugs resulted in severe placental abruption, in which the placenta detaches from the uterine wall. That condition can deprive the fetus of oxygen and other necessary elements.
When it was discovered she was pregnant, doctors stopped the drugs but said that the high doses of medicine had already damaged the fetus, the Sun reported. The account is also part of Tim Tebow’s recent best-seller, “Through My Eyes.”
Because they believed the baby would not survive, doctors recommended an abortion so that Pam Tebow’s life would not be risked. “They thought I should have an abortion to save my life from the beginning all the way through the seventh month,” she told the Sun. She refused the abortion because of her faith; she prayed that she and her husband would have a healthy son. A much-debated 2010 Super Bowl commercial sponsored by Focus on the Family, a Christian ministry group, shows Pam Tebow saying that she almost lost the baby many times but she never mentions the word “abortion.” Bob Tebow told Sports Illustrated: “I prayed, ‘God, if you give me a son, if you give me Timmy, I’ll raise him to be a preacher.’ ”
Pam Tebow went to Manila, the Philippine capital, during her seventh month and remained under bed rest. On Aug. 14, 1987, she gave birth to Timothy Tebow. “We were concerned at first because he was so malnourished, but he definitely made up for it,” she said.
Tim Tebow is listed on the Denver roster as 6-foot-3 and 235 pounds. He was a star quarterback at Nease High School; won two national championships as QB of the Florida Gators; won the Heisman as a sophomore, the first sophomore to do so; was chosen in the first round of the NFL Draft; and now has taken Denver to the playoffs in a near-miraculous ending to a season that started off poorly for the Broncos.
So far, that’s a pretty healthy resume.
Homeless living in my car a Ford Explorer at the time with my husband along with our blue heeler pup. When I found out I was pregnant we ended up squeezing a twin blow up mattress in the back just to add some comfort and support when we slept.
I was five months into my pregnancy before I found a job that would take me in being pregnant. Six months when we finally got our apartment. As soon as we got the apartment my explorer broke down so I was out of a vehicle and wasn’t able to get my hands on a new one till a couple months before my due date.
It was really just me and my husband through the whole thing because our family wasn’t much support till it came to the day I gave birth. She was born a week early as I was induced by choice not because I had too.
I had a lot of hardships beforehand, so when I got pregnant I almost didn’t want to be and still I wanted to be all at the same time. I was pretty much in denial till I hit five months and then it really hit me when I was holding her that I was finally a mom.
That feeling of amazement as I watched my whole world change in a matter of minutes really! I didn’t know how to be a mom. I didn’t even think I’d be a good one but it’s really honestly amazing how much you already know and the things you learn along the way.
My little girl is learning and growing everyday and she amazes me beyond imaginable every time. It truly is an amazing thing to be a mom and to watch your little one grow. It can be scary and emotional but there are more pros and happiness than anything else. My husband and I were never and still arent trying to have a baby but I know if it were ever unexpected again I’d love that baby just as much!
I am now a 64 year old woman and here is my sad story…
Years ago I unexpectedly got pregnant at a point in my life where I just didn’t know what to do and felt I couldn’t afford to support a baby on my own. I was extremely Pro-Choice at the time, influenced by my Mom in the years before Roe vs. Wade. I had an abortion at about 6 to 8 weeks pregnant. This was back in 1978.
When I went to the facility, I asked questions about the Baby, and I was told it was just a blob of tissue and it just didn’t feel anything anyway, no problem! The abortion was beyond a horrible experience, both mentally, physically; and really – even socially.
All these years it has been a true heartbreak for me. The guilt I feel at having murdered my own Baby is horrible. I have never told anyone about it because of my remorse and shame, with the exception of my husband I married in 2017.
I became a Christian in 2003, and my thoughts on abortion were certainly in disagreement with those beliefs initially. But with the advances in Science it really made the reversal in my belief on abortion. With the advances of knowing the baby feels pain, how early the heart beats, how quickly those little toes and fingers form, etc. my mind just could not agree with abortion. This is truly a Human Life right from the very beginning! Even more so, I was greatly upset to learn that the baby is NOT just a blob of tissue like I had been told. I was so upset! The Truth only added to my grief, and now I was angry too.
My morals and beliefs that this is a unique Human Unborn Baby with it’s very own DNA from the time of conception tells me this is a Human Life from the start. It is not a blob of tissue like they lied to me about. It is not a parasite as I saw some recently proclaim! This is your Unborn Child!
My belief is that many, if not most of the women having an abortion will have this remorse and grief. It has been lifelong for me, even when early on I was extremely Pro-Choice.
I know God has forgiven me, but I have not. I believe someday I will meet this Child in Heaven, and I love this child greatly; but I will have to ask for forgiveness from this Child I murdered. It can be called nothing less.
I have learned that these days there is help for women who have gotten unexpectedly pregnant. That is so wonderful! If I had known of a resource like that all those years ago, I believe, even as a Pro-Choice woman at the time, I would have chosen Life.
I DON’T GET A DO-OVER. I wish I could! But maybe I can warn these younger women of what may be in store for them and help them to know there really are other Choices.
There is help! Choose Life!
When Tonuya Rainey, 38, learned of her 16-year-old daughter’s pregnancy in early March, she felt her daughter’s stomach and told her she didn’t feel a baby, according the Miramar police search warrant application.
Despite her daughter saying she wanted to have the baby, Rainey said she was too young and needed to get an abortion, the warrant said.
Rainey later crushed white, round pills and placed them into hot tea she gave her daughter, the warrant said. The daughter said she couldn’t recall how many pills her mother gave her or for how long she took them, the warrant said.
The daughter was at school March 5, when she felt sharp abdominal pain, prompting her mother to pick her up from school early that day, the warrant said.
At home about 3 a.m. the next day, the daughter felt more pain and gave birth to her baby boy as she sat on the toilet.
The baby fell into the toilet, with the umbilical cord attached.
After calling for Rainey, the daughter took the baby from the toilet and carried him to her bed, where she said she saw him moving his hands, heard him breathing and saw his nostrils moving, the warrant said.
Rainey used her cell phone to take a picture of the baby and sent it to a friend, the warrant said.
The daughter said Rainey’s friend showed up at the family’s home three hours later, cut the umbilical cord, and accompanied by Rainey, carried the baby into the bathroom.
One of them closed the door, the warrant said.
A short time later, the daughter said both of them reappeared, and Rainey told her, “The baby is not going to live because he was born too early,” the warrant said.
She said she saw Rainey’s friend place the placenta into a plastic bag to throw it away in the garbage, the warrant said.
Rainey’s and her daughter’s accounts of what happened to the baby differ, the warrant said.
In a police interview, Rainey said she placed the boy in a bag and dumped the bag in the garbage, which was taken away by the garbage company, the warrant said.
Meanwhile, her daughter said Rainey dressed the boy in some kind of clothing and placed him in a box with decorative hearts, on which she wrote the names of her daughter and the would-be father, the warrant said. She said she didn’t know what happened to baby afterward.
A tipster prompted police to start investigating.
In a March 10 police interview, Rainey said the boy wasn’t born alive, the warrant said.
Rainey said she took her daughter on March 5 to a “clinic in Miami,” where a doctor prescribed two pills to cause an abortion, the warrant said.
However, Assistant State Attorney Eric Linder told the judge Friday, “We don’t know where she got these pills from.”
He said Rainey working at a hospital “causes the state even greater concern based on the allegations.”
Judge Hurley ordered that the mother not have contact with her daughter and set bail at $200,000 when she was charged with unlicensed practice of health care and child abuse, among other things. “I believe that what has allegedly occurred is tantamount to murder,” Hurley said during the hearing. “So I’m going to set a bond in that regard and consistent with my feelings.” Defense lawyers plan to appeal the Broward judge’s decision.
Rainey, a mother of eight children, two of them college-age, has worked the past six years at a local hospital as a “tech,” the assistant public defender representing her said.
Miramar police spokeswoman Yessenia Diaz said the state Department of Health also is involved in the investigation. She declined to say whether Rainey’s friend – described by Rainey’s daughter in the warrant as the one who cut the umbilical cord and disposed of the placenta – will face charges.
Source: South Florida 6:01 PM EDT, March 20, 2009