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Participant:laugh: That is good news in fact!!! Your baby is growing and getting bigger!!!! that is your ligaments and muscles stretching! But NEVER EVER just ASUME things. Rather go to the docter with anything that bothers or hurt you or anything that does not feel okay. Rather save than sorry. 😉
Participant😉 Hi Jess,
My personal opinion is that if you are pregnant , you will not be able to see it on a hpt now. you need to go to the GP so he can do a blood test. I know that you will only start getting sick between week 8 and 12 of pregnancy ( that is the avarage). So this cant be because you are pregnant. The hpt will only start showing round about next week or so. I suggest you go to the GP to make double sure.
And hey!!!!! You are a REAL StandUpGirl if you have decided that you want to keep your little one….you CAN make it!! You WILL make it!!! And once you hold that tine little pink bundle of love in your arms…you will thank God day and night that you made the right decision. There is NOTHING in this universe that feels better than holding your own little baby in your arms…even the worst days ( crying, sick baby, teething, "naughty toddler") will have a rosy shine to it…bcos its all part of raising your own little person….who will love you one day NOT MATTER WHAT! DONT let anybody tell you you cant make a success of being a mother and raising a child. If anything, that child is the REASON you WILL make a success…because you will do it for him/her!
God bless and good Luck!Yolly:silly:
No, it sounds to me like you really are preggies!!! The hpt will rather say you are NOT pregnant and lie,. But if it says positive, then you are. The cramps you feel that is similar to period pains is the inplantation that took place and also your falopium tubes are normally as thin as cotton wool, but when you fall pregnant, it stretches to the thickness of your little finger. That is the pains you feel. go for a blood test to make double sure…but I thing congratulations is in order!
My believe is that a pregnancy test will rather lie when it says negative, but if it shows positive – doesnt matter how faint, then you ARE pregnant. A hpt only starts showing positive 4weeks after the first day of your last period. That makes you officially 2 weeks pregnant – the implantation just finished. So if it was positive and you were pregnant, you most probably had a miscarriage. The docter will OBVIOUSLY then not see the pregnancy hormones in you if the embryo already aborted. I know this sounds cruel, but please please dont let this stress you out – I might be wrong about you having a miscarriage. this is just a POSSIBILITY. But whatever the case might be…if you stress overly much now, it will only slimming your chances of falling pregnant again soon. So. Whatever it was, put it behind you and start getting your body in a"positive-mode". eat healthy, walk often, think possitive thoughts, laugh alot! And just go with the flow….before you open your eyes, you will have a little bump in your tummy!!!!Yolly
ParticipantB) I had a piercing and i took it out with my first pregnancy ( my daughter is 3 years old now) and i am now 33 weeks pregnant with my second child ( a boy) and my navel is very very very sore and sensitive. Its exactly on the spot where my piercing was.
ParticipantHi Girl!
First of all…RELAX. First of all, WHAT thoughts are running through your head? How late are you with your cycle?
Being tired is one symptome, but I only experienced it a bit later in pregnancy. I realised I am pergnant when my temper started flaring for nothing and because I was overly emotional – crying for no reason. I think you should take a home pregnancy test as soon as possible and if it is possitive, you NEED to come talk to Becky. Please, please…DONT make any decisions before you have all the options and all the odds. This can be handled with much less stress than what you are experiencing now. Just bare in mind that WHATEVER your boyfriend says….you are NOT alone…You have a WHOLE website full of friends who are there for you and we will all do this thing WITH you. -