sophia roses mummy

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  • in reply to: Hello! I’m new! #24061
    sophia roses mummy

    hey welcome to the site πŸ™‚ and congrats on your little girl shes really cute πŸ™‚ how are you? luv gabby xx

    in reply to: 10/4/08-9/9/08 &+ 11/1/09 #24059
    sophia roses mummy

    r.i.p sweetie 6months today πŸ™ miss you xx

    in reply to: i wont be able to ever for give myself. #23938
    sophia roses mummy

    thanks eva πŸ™‚ and yes it did in a way but it allso made me regret more what i did and it made me feel really hurtfull inside too πŸ™ but the therapist to day said you need to greeve over what you did and youll never for get her and what happend ever but you need to try and move forword with your life, so thats my aim to do πŸ™‚ but its really hard lol… hugs gabby xoxoxo

    in reply to: i wont be able to ever for give myself. #23928
    sophia roses mummy

    do you think? my boyfriend said to me last night that he wishes we never choice to have the abortion because he wanted us to have a litle girl together πŸ™ and i really wanted to have her but its too late πŸ™ and my mum said to me on the 11th jan that she wished id never went to the aptmnt πŸ™ luv gabby xx

    in reply to: 10/4/08-9/9/08 &+ 11/1/09 #23892
    sophia roses mummy

    sasha-lou r.i.p mummy misses you loads! il never for get you ever iloveyou sweetie xxxxxxx

    in reply to: 12-10-08 #23881
    sophia roses mummy

    awwh congrats πŸ™‚ luv gabby xo

    in reply to: this is real happiness #23869
    sophia roses mummy

    hi, i just wanted to say congrats and its the best feeling ever and i got a huge smile when ever sasha-lou kiked too πŸ™‚ and i think its g8 that you are going to keep your little girl because i really regrete giving up on my daughter it was a year ago and i was only 15 but if it was now i would never of given up on her :(:(. i wish you and your litle girl when she comes all the best and good luck πŸ™‚ luv gabby xoxoxo

    in reply to: i will live with it forever. #23866
    sophia roses mummy

    hi swty i just wanted to say i knw how you feel i had a late abortion when i was 15 and i dont think you ever for get about what happend and the empty feeling never seems to go away, i just wanted to say keep strong and dont blame your self. luv gabby xoxo p.s im so sorry for your loss, keep strong xo

    in reply to: need advice for “breaking the news” #23846
    sophia roses mummy

    I think the best way to do it is face to face but thats me. I think you should sit everyone down and have your bf there if you want him there. Truth is there is no easy way to break this news. Your parents are going to be disappointed and a little taken back by this but thats normal. Just know that they will come around. It may not be right away or next month but it will happen. Best of luck to you. luv gabby xo

    in reply to: i wont be able to ever for give myself. #23845
    sophia roses mummy

    thankyou &+ it is the worst thing anyone could go through. because my dad also said to me if i had my daughter she would have to of been put up for adoption πŸ™ and it was still neither of the things i wanted to do, i wanted to have my little girl but i had no choice.
    r.i.p sasha-lou nicole clarke iloveyou & miiss yoou so much the day you died was the worst day of my life and i truley regret what i did to you, and im so sorry love mummy & daddy xxxxx

    in reply to: My story #23783
    sophia roses mummy

    good luck πŸ™‚

    in reply to: the hardest thing i ever did. #23777
    sophia roses mummy

    hi swty, i just thought i would leave a comment one year ago i had a baby girl and i was 15 years old luckily i had the support all the way through from my boyfriend and my mum. but my dad forsed me to put her up for addoption so i did. and it broke my heart and im never ever going to forgive my self for what i did and it made me cry reading what you put because i know exsactly what it feels like. but i whent to see her 2 weeks ago and i get updats and photo’s of her and iv become friends with my daughters new mummy’s sister who is 19, wich is really good. but it does get better i promise. just keep strong, good luck. thanks gabby xo

    in reply to: My story #23776
    sophia roses mummy

    hi swty thats really brave of you to want to keep your daughter πŸ™‚ i had a little girl 5months ago and i was 15 years old now im 16 tho, but my dad forsed me to put her up for adoption and it was the worst thing iv ever done in my life and i truly regret it, thats why i think you are so strong to keep her and be able to keep her. i just wanted to say good luck. and if the dad doest wana be by yourside thats his problem and yove done nothing wrong he’s the one missing out. but my boyfriend was with me all the way through it. but i just wanted to say good luck and everything will be ok πŸ™‚ thanks gabby xo

    in reply to: The wait is over #23756
    sophia roses mummy

    i think thats really brave of you, when i was 15 years old i got pg and i had a beutiful baby girl and my dad forced me to put her up for adoption and it is really hard and i do regret having to do what i did and it makes me cry when ever i hear of any one having to give up on their baby and just thinking of my own daughter that i gave up 5months ago. and i just wanted to say good luck and if you think your doing the right thing by him i wish you all the best and i wish you all the best πŸ™‚ gabby xo

    in reply to: confused!! #23740
    sophia roses mummy

    take a test to be sure!! good luke gabby xo

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