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ParticipantHey Kayla…..
I posted a response on my thread too.
Weber was right when she said that it happens when your blood sugar gets too low… it gets so much worse when that happens. It’s truly a vicious cycle… the more dehydrated you get, the worse it gets.
As you know from my post, i was diagnosed with Hypermesis, I will tell ya though, it has gotten to be somewhat bearable… There is a drug that your OB can perscribe if it’s that bad, it’s Zofran, and without it I dont know where I would be. I am a small person to begin with, and lost 10 pounds. Our bodies r amazing though, they really do protect the baby. My baby is just fine, but it made me feel like pure hell.
I have also found that pepermint helps a bit as well, and B4 too…. I coult even take my prenatal vitamins, I was so sick, so once I got out of the hospital I started taking my kids flinstones vitamins, the gummie ones, my OB said that’s just fine as long as I am getting something. Anything that works right now, TRY it!
Hit me up if you wanna chat some more about this, being so sick I have sure learned a lot. I really hope you start to feel better soon.
ParticipantI dont think it would be too early at all, if you had sex 4 weeks ago, then it would be fine to take a test. best of luck to u.
ParticipantHey guys thanks for all your reply’s I have used all your info and believe me all of it helps. I swear, I am so very desperate at times, lol.
I am almost 10 weeks now, so its getting better, and thank GOD!
Kayla…. I did have cramping… but… that’s pretty normal along as it’s not excrusiating and not accompanied by bleeding, I think that is more due to your uterus stretching, BUT…. whatever you do, do not let it go…. if you even think you have it… get help! Im so serious cuz you dont want to end up like me in the hospital for 5 days, I still felt like crap when I got out and stronger than most is 100% right, as well as weber, the thing is you have to keep yourself as hydrated as you can, cuz now, with the help of Zofran and being hydrated, it is somewhat bareable… when I was very dehydrated, it was pure hell, and I am by no means exagerating… the more you just let it go, the worse it gets.. hit me up if you want I found a lot of good web-sites with info on it. Puking 10x is not normal…. you will get dehydrated. Talk to your OB asap, I dont want anyone to suffer like i did… well… maybe my baby’s daddy, lol, but that is another story!
Thanks guys so so so much again, u all helped me soooooo much!
I ordered the preggie-pops too!~
ParticipantI have to say, I agree with the others. The truth is, he can walk away at any time, he can move on and not feel a thing, and he can do whatever he wants with no ill effects. You, however, can not. DO NOT let the haste of others determine YOUR fate. Forever is a really really long time to live with regrets, decide whats best for YOU. Follow YOUR heart. Deep down you know what is best for you, only you can decide that. By no means am I saying this will be an easy choice or road for you to take, but, it seems as though having another abortion will destroy you, and one thing I CAN promise you is that there will not be one day in your life you will ever regret having your baby, NOT ONE SINGLE ONE. That i promise you!
You can do this, whith or with out him, and sorry to say, but if he choses not to be around, tough shit on him… in the end, you and your baby will be happy, and he is the one that will lose. Do not rely on him for YOUR happiness, only you can make happiness for yourself.
Believe me, I know its hard, Im pregnant and the father has dipped out, it was really hard at first, especially cuz he promised to never leave no matter what, and that he would be here, and blah blah blah, but honestly, I am so much happier. Sure, I get pissed even thinking of him, but really though I am much happier. He never pressured me at all to abort, but He did not want a baby, but the truth is, we had unprotected sex, and he and I are both old enough to know what the results of that are. I know he wanted me to have an abortion, and I even made an appointment, but chickened out, (THANKFULLY), because I realized I was so upset and constantly crying knowing that I had… now that I have made a decision to have the babym I am happy as can be.
My point is, he might come around, he might not, no one knows, probably not even him. The best thing you can do is follow your heart and do whats best for YOU. Cuz, remember, like I said earlier, forever is a really long time. YOu will get through this, and in the end, you will be happy, you wil have a beautiful baby, and a lot to offer that baby…… the most imp thing being love from his/her mother….. my thoughts r with you.nickandevi
Participant:laugh: Thanks weber, I have to say you do know what your talking about. After I wrote this last week I went to the ER and was diagnosed with Hypermesis…. and you’re 100% right, my blood sugar was really low, which in turn, made me more sick. Its like a vicious cycle. I heard of the preggie pops and heard they are great… do you know where to get them? Needless to say I was in ICU for 5 days, but once I was hydrated and able to eat some food, along with the help of Zofran, I am finaly feeling quite a bit better, not perfect, but at least I xcan get through my day. Thanks again!!!!!!
Participanthey, congrats first! I know it can be scary, and confusing, and so overwhelming, but its an amazing experience so try and enjoy it. I agree, call a dr and make an appointment as soon as possible. Also, a lot of cities have pregnancy clinics, you can go and get free ultrasounds and info and stuff. This can help you get a little info early and can determine how far along you are. Anyhow, congrats again, try and take good care of yourself!