Forum Replies Created
KeymasterHi Breanna-
Did you get the results back from your blood test? Hoping you got the results you wanted.
I know it can seem like a great idea to have a child to love on, to fill that empty feeling you have from your family, but there are a lot of things to consider when bringing a child into this world. Do you have the financial resources to provide food, shelter and clothing? Do you have a support structure of family and friends that can help with the baby? What will you do with the baby while you are in school? What will you do with the baby when you want to go out with friends and hand out like other 15 year olds?
I hope you will think through all of this.
Keep me posted!
Luv- MollyMolly
KeymasterHi Allee-
What can we help you with? We still use the forums along with Chat and Social media. But we are always here to help!
luv- Molly
KeymasterHi Mae-
Sorry no one got back to you right away! How are you doing?
KeymasterHi Rosie-
I know that this can be a scary time and can sometimes consume your every thought. There are a few things to help with the worrying a bit.Has it been at least 5 days past when your period should have started?
Because pregnancy is detected by a hormone, this hormone level builds as the baby grows. So you need to wait at least 5 days after a MISSED period to be able to detect pregnancy. You will need to wait for this time period to happen. Then, you can find out what is going on and whether or not you are pregnant. I know it seems too hard to handle, but I am here for you!! If you still haven’t missed a period. Than you need to wait until you do to take a test, otherwise the results may not be accurate.
It is also important that you contact your doctor that gives you the depo shot and let them know about your situation and the symptoms you are having. They could be the result of other issues that your doctor will be able to explain.
When you are ready, you can go to this great website and find a center near you that you can get some assistance and support. Click on the link and it will help you locate a nearby FREE and confidential center where you can go and get a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL pregnancy test.
You can also text PREGNANT to 313131 and they can help you find some resources to help you give you some guidance.
Once you have taken this step, I can help you through the next steps too, whatever the results are!! Please let me know what you find out or if you have any difficulties. OK?
KeymasterHi Broken Heart-
It is really hard to say whether that was definitely implantation bleeding. It would be best to ask your doctor about that…but the timing seems possible.
I really hope you will spend some time on the website reading the stories from other girls who have been in your situation…..please believe me when I say abortion is NOT the answer to anything! Those who have been there say it has left them with feelings of depression, guilt, feeling alone, leads to addictions, relationship issues and most of all, never knowing how wonderful your baby is and what YOUR child will accomplish in the world!! Next President, superstar on American Idol, scientist, inventor, fantastic mother, mentor, teacher, etc! You see you will never know if you choose to end the life of your child!
Did you know that at 12 weeks your baby has a heartbeat, respiratory system, brain waves, eyes, fingers, fingernails, toes can already wave and suck their thumb?
This tiny human is perfectly developed with long, tapering fingers, feet and toes and whose skin is almost transparent with a highway of delicate arteries and veins visible to the ends of the fingers.
By 10 weeks, 20 tiny baby teeth are forming in the gums, she squints, swallows, moves her tongue, and if you stroke her palm, will make a tight fist. The toes will develop in the next few days and brain waves can be measured and she will react to loud noises.
Did ya know? By nine weeks the developing baby can hiccup and react to load noises.
The heart, no larger than a poppy seed, has been beating since day 18 when you’re just four days late for your menstrual period, and by 21 days it is pumping, through its own closed circulatory system, blood whose type is different from yours.
At twelve weeks you have started your second trimester, your baby is now in its fetal stage and measures 2 1/2 to 3 inches in length. Fully formed the heart rate can be heard with a special instrument called a Doppler and just as adults, the fetal baby can experience the rapid eye movement (REM) sleep of dreams.
From 12 weeks, they can stretch, kick and leap around the womb – well before the mother can feel movement.
The body is more complex than ours. The fetal baby has several extra parts to his body which he needs only so long as he lives inside his mother. He has is own space capsule, the amniotic sac. He has his own lifeline, the umbilical cord, and he has his own root system, the placenta. These all belong to the baby himself and not to his mother, all developed from his original cells.
I hope you will read over the website and look at the resources. Please let me know how else I can help!
Praying for you…you CAN do this, being a GREAT Mom! Don’t let anyone tell you you can’t!
Luv- Molly
KeymasterHi May-
Thanks for contacting us for some help! It sounds like you are really worried and I can understand how you are feeling. Anytime a man’s penis goes inside of you, they have what is called “pre-cum” that can come out of them and the sperm can travel to your ovaries to meet up with one of your eggs. If you believe you are at least 5 days past when your period should have happened, then you can take a pregnancy test to make sure. If you go to and type in your city name, a list of centers will come up that are near you. You can get a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL pregnancy test at the centers. They are super nice there and can help you with any questions you might have. I am also here if you need anything else. It sounds like you might need to wait until the end of this week to see if you really have missed your period. Then you can take a test and have more accurate results.
Please let me know how things go and if I can help with anything else!
Luv- Molly
KeymasterHi Keiko-
Hoping I can help a bit…did you see the solid color lines on the pregnancy test? If you think you did, but you are still not sure, please go to this website and enter your zipcode. A list of centers in your neighborhood will come up where you can go and get a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL pregnancy test done and know for sure!!
Many times women do not show any of the signs of pregnancy or women show a lot of the signs and they are just having PMS symptoms….so they are not a for sure..but the pregnancy test is.
Please go to your local pregnancy help center and have a FREE test done ASAP!
Please let me know how it goes!
Luv- Molly
September 29, 2016 at 9:55 am in reply to: Im 15 And I Think I Might Be Pregnant ? Please Help ! #29147Molly
Well it sounds like you have a bunch of stuff going on right now. First thing is, you can not get an accurate pregnancy test until you have missed a period…at least 5 days late. Sounds like you have some of the symptoms, but many pregnancy symptoms are also the symptoms for PMS.If you have had a period, which it sounds like you did, then you should not be pregnant, but you could take a test to be sure. Many times having sex increases your hormones begin released into your body and this mimic pregnancy symptoms. If you want to be sure, you can go to this website and enter your city name. A list of centers will come up where you can get a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL pregnancy test done.
Then you can be more assured and feel a little more at ease.
I hope this helped a bit! Let me know if you need anything else!
Luv- Molly
KeymasterHI Sakshi-
I totally understand you being worried right now…BUT you really can not get an accurate pregnancy test until 5 days AFTER your missed period. I know it can be hard to wait and takes a lot of patience, but that is all you can really do right now.
If you end up missing your period, you can go to this website and enter your city name and a list of Pregnancy Centers in your area will come up. You can go there and get a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL pregnancy test done. They are awesome at the centers and can help you with all of the questions you may be having.
I hope this helps a bit. Hang in there!
Luv- MollyMolly
KeymasterHey Nichole,
The only true way to get an accurate pregnancy test is to wait until 5 days after your missed period to take a urine test. I understand not having the money…if you go to or text the word PREGNANT to 313131, you can get information on a center in your neighborhood where you can get a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL pregnancy test done. After you have the test done, then we can chat some more on what your next steps may be.Please try and not worry. Almost all of the symptoms you are having are the same ones that people get with the period. Your symptoms can change over the years of having you period and having sex can also cause the hormones in your body to chance and cause other symptoms.
Hope this helps! Please let me know if you need help finding a center!
Luv- Molly
I am sorry that we can’t give too much advice in this situation because we are not medical professionals. I think you really need to contact your OBGYN and get checked out and take a blood pregnancy test. Just to make sure everything is ok. There could be a number of issues going on with your body but my biggest concern is the rapid weight loss along with the symptoms.Please let me know how it goes with your doctor!
Luv- Molly
KeymasterHi Carina-
Unfortunately the only way to have an accurate pregnancy test is to wait until you have missed your period by at least 5 days. If that has actually happened, you can take a pregnancy test. If you need help with one, you can text the word PREGNANT to 313131 or go to to find a pregnancy center in your area where you can get a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL pregnancy test.Often times your body is reacting to all the hormones you are now releasing when you are having sex, and this can change your period dates and flow. If you are worried about being pregnant and you are not really ready to be a parent, the only 100% full proof birth control is abstinence. There is nothing you can do or purchase that is 100% accurate in preventing pregnancy than not doing it at all. Just something to think about…it’s a big responsibility and risk you are taking be having sex when you are not really ready to have a baby.
Please let me know how your pregnancy test goes.
Luv- Molly
August 29, 2016 at 9:54 am in reply to: Trying to figure out if I’m pregnant- Has anyone had a similar situation? #29130Molly
It is really difficult to tell what these symptoms may be trying to tell you, because so many symptoms of pregnancy are the same as symptoms of your period. If you are at least 5 days past the due date of your period, then you should try another pregnancy test. If you go to or text the word PREGNANT to 313131, you can be directed to a pregnancy center where you can get a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL pregnancy test. If you are not at least 5 days past your period due date, then you really need to wait until that time to get an accurate pregnancy test.
Here is the info on the side effects of Plan B:
Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel tablet) is a progestin-only emergency contraceptive used for prevention of pregnancy following unprotected intercourse or a known or suspected contraceptive failure. People sometimes call Plan B One-Step the “morning after pill.” Plan B One-Step does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Common side effects of Plan B One-Step include
stomach or abdominal pain,
tired feeling,
breast pain or tenderness,
changes in your menstrual periods, or
headache.The recommended dosage of Plan B One-Step is one pill as soon as possible within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse or a known or suspected contraceptive failure. Plan B One-Step may interact with rifampin, barbiturates, or seizure medicines. Tell your doctor all medications and supplements you use. It can be used at any time during the menstrual cycle. If vomiting occurs within two hours of taking the tablet, consideration should be given to repeating the dose. Plan B One-Step should not be taken as regular birth control. Do not take Plan B One-Step if you are already pregnant. Consult your doctor before breastfeeding.
Our Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel tablet) Side Effects Drug Center provides a comprehensive view of available drug information on the potential side effects when taking this medication.
This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.
I hope this helps some. Let me know if I can help with anything else!
luv- MollyMolly
KeymasterHi Marshall-
I know things seem really confusing right now and I my heart is aching for you! Often times we can feel the pressure of other people so much that we change what we know is the right decision for ourselves. Having a baby is a very joyful event and should be looked at with a feeling of joy and love for the upcoming birth of a little baby that you helped to create!! No one should look at the miracle of birth as a disappointment or path of doom. Yes, it is a different path than you might have planned, but it is not the end of the world or of your dreams. Many people take care of their children (their responsibilities) and accomplish all their dreams and aspirations with little ones at home. You see, they choose to raise their child. They chose life for the innocent child they created!
This little baby is alive today and will be a wonderful addition in your life! Those that have been down the abortion route say, “Please don’t take the path of abortion! Do you see that turn on the path ahead? There is nothing but sorrow, grief, pain, guilt and shame around that corner. There is a feeling of loss like no mother’s heart can know and the reason that there is a turn in that road is because the ONLY way that you will ever understand it or know it is to walk it.”
Now with that said, let me go down the road of your life a little bit. Trust me when I say that the choice of abortion is truly a tragic choice, especially as you learn about the development of your baby in the womb. You will NOT be able to get out of your head, “What did my baby go through? What did my baby look like? What stage was my baby at when I aborted him/her?” Please know that no baby could replace the beautiful baby that is aborted!! You cannot change abortion and can never get over the feelings you will encounter after having ended the life of another human being.
All of this to say – Do NOT allow yourself to be deceived into believing that you can just go on with your life as if it were normal after abortion. The world of abortion is a world of shame and it is NOT talked about very openly. Ohhh everyone says it should be legal and it’s OK – but how many girls do you hear talking – in passing saying, “Oh yeah, I had an abortion a couple of days ago. It was a pretty simple procedure.” You might hear a girl talking about getting a piercing or a tattoo! But not an abortion. You know why? Because it is a painful, private subject of shame. Especially to those that have done it.
There is somewhere that you go and have someone to talk with, process all of the bad stuff and plan for the future for you and your baby. If you go to this link on the internet, it will locate a nearby free and confidential center where you can go and talk all this over with someone and get the positive support you need. Just go to and it will help you locate a nearby free and confidential center where you can go and get free and confidential assistance in making some decisions for the future! You could also text PREGNANT to 313131 and someone will be there to talk with you 24×7 and help you look at the possibilities for your future! They have access to resources for you like clothing, food, childcare, financial assistance, etc.
Remember, you are the one who decides what happens to you and your baby. You are the only one that has to live with the decisions. You are responsible and mature enough to make positive decisions that you and your baby will benefit from.
Take care of yourself! Remember, I’m only a keystroke away if you want to talk some more and I hope you will contact the links I gave above! I am behind you 100% and will be with you through all of this!! I also know that this little baby will be a blessing to your life. You will know true love when you hold your baby for the first time!
KeymasterHi Xylona-
You really can’t do a pregnancy test until after your period is late because a pregnancy test detects a hormone that rises as the days of your missed period increase. If you are still worried whether or not you got pregnant, you can go to this great website, and enter your city name. A list of centers will come up and you can go to them for a free and confidential pregnancy test. They can also help you with any questions you might have.I do want you to know that there is no birth control that is 100% full proof except abstinence. Nothing on the market can claim 100% positive for protection from pregnancy and many of these birth control pills can cause very harmful effects on your body, causing some women to never be able to have children. Please be careful taking birth control pills over long periods of time. There are a lot of side effects that are very un-healthly for you and your body.
So glad you came back to tell us your story! It sounds like you have become a very good Mom and I am so glad that you are helping other teen moms! Thank you for sharing your story and letting us know how you are doing!
Luv- Molly
KeymasterHi Tiffany-
Unfortunately, the only birth control that is 100% full proof is abstinence. No other birth control can claim that they always work. If you are still having symptoms and your period is 5 or more days late, you should take a pregnancy test. I know you mentioned you can’t go to a Pregnancy Center, but there should be one close enough to you that you could use public transportation. They are FREE and confidential!
Let me know if you would like some help getting to a center or finding one close to you!
Sorry I don’t have much good news in regards to your situation other than, if you are pregnant, you have just joined into creating one of the most amazing things on earth!
I’m here if you want to talk some more!
Luv- Molly
The best way to tell if you are pregnant or not is to take a pregnancy test. If you go to or text the word “PREGNANT” to 313131, you can find a center in your area that will give you FREE and CONFIDENTIAL information and pregnancy tests. The ladies at the centers are super nice and have been in your situation before. They can help!
Let me know if I can help you with any other information! I hope everything turns out like you wish!
Luv- Molly
Sorry that we can not give medical advice on this site because we are not physicians. I would recommend contacting her OBGYN and ask about the side effects of using this pill. Here is a website that might help too, hope this helps!
KeymasterHey there NadJ,
Please take a few minutes and read this and then spend some time seriously thinking it over!
I know things seem really confusing right now and I my heart is aching for you! Often times we can feel the pressure of other people so much that we change what we know is the right decision for ourselves. Having a baby is a very joyful event and should be looked at with a feeling of joy and love for the upcoming birth of a little baby that you helped to create!! No one should look at the miracle of birth as a disappointment or an end to all of your plans and goals for life. Yes, it is a different path than you might have planned,and it might seem like the end of the world, but it IS NOT!
This little baby is alive today and will be a wonderful addition in your life! Those that have been down the abortion route say, “Please don’t take this path. Do you see that turn on the path ahead? There is nothing but sorrow, grief, pain, guilt and shame around that corner. There is a feeling of loss like no mother’s heart can know and the reason that there is a turn in that road is because the ONLY way that you will ever understand it or know it is to walk it.” Abortion is not the answer to this situation. I hope you will really think hard about the situation the child that you created that did nothing wrong. You both decided to have sex and the result of sex is making a baby. That is what sexual contact was created for!! So now you have another life that you have created! A child that will look like you and look up to you for love and guidance!
OK – now that that is said, let me go down the road of your life a little bit. Trust me when I say that the choice of abortion is truly a tragic choice, especially as you learn about the development of your baby in the womb. You will NOT be able to get out of your head, “What did my baby go through? What did my baby look like? What stage was my baby at when I aborted him/her?” Please know that no baby could replace the beautiful baby that is aborted!!
All of this to say – Do NOT allow yourself to be deceived into believing that you can just go on with your life as if it were normal after abortion. The world of abortion is a world of shame and it is NOT talked about very openly. Ohhh everyone says it legal and it’s OK – but how many girls do you hear talking – in passing saying, “Oh yeah, I had an abortion a couple of days ago. It was a pretty simple procedure.” You might hear a girl talking about getting a piercing or a tattoo! But not an abortion. You know? Why? Because it is a painful, private subject of shame. Especially to those that have done it. There are so many risks involved with an abortion too. There is a HUGE risk of infection and excessive bleeding and scarring. Do you know it could cause infertility and it has been linked to breast cancer??
There is somewhere that you go and have someone to talk with, process all of the stuff going on and plan for the future for you and your baby. If you go to this link on the internet, it will locate a nearby free and confidential center where you can go and talk all this over with someone and get the positive support you need. Just go to and it will help you locate a nearby free and confidential center where you can go and get free and confidential assistance in making some decisions for the future! THEY ARE THERE NOW TO HELP YOU…so please don’t wait! You could also text PREGNANT to 313131 and someone will be there to talk with you 24×7 and help you look at the possibilities for your future! They have access to resources for you like clothing, food, childcare, financial assistance, you can create a positive future for all of your children, regardless of what their father does or does not do!
Remember, YOU are the one who decides what happens to you and your baby. YOU are the only one that has to live with the decisions. YOU and YOU ALONE are responsible and mature enough to make positive decisions that you and your baby will benefit from.
Just because you are looking for an abortion center does NOT mean you have to go in there…listen and listen very closely with all of your heart…the abortion industry is a money making machine…Abortion is a money making procedure that takes advantage of women in fear and crisis…is it not the “pro-choice women’s liberation” people who are out there saying, “Women are STRONG, women are INDEPENDENT, Women are INVINCIBLE, Women have RIGHTS, Women can do ANYTHING they WANT TO and SUCCEED” ! Well, when a woman walks through that door into the abortion clinic you will NEVER hear those words…they tell you that “You will be trapped and doomed into poverty, You will NEVER finish school and have a career, You CAN’T raise children on your own, etc blah blah blah” How can it be both ways? You cannot tell a woman that she is strong and powerful and independent and then turn around and tell her she is weak and pathetic and foolish JUST because she is pregnant. The message of abortion is…You are NOT strong enough to have a baby, You are NOT Independent enough to raise children on minimal support, You are NOT driven or smart enough to finish school with a child, do you want to believe that lie?
Do not be mistaken, YOUR BABY, is NOT a blob of cells, it is NOT just menstrual tissue like they tell you at those clinics….this is YOUR baby…YOUR child….This baby NEEDS you, You need him/her….You cannot “reschedule” your pregnancy, this is a once in a lifetime life within your womb, this baby is the ONLY human on this planet that will EVER have those finger prints and DNA. This baby can’t and will NEVER be replaced…You could have 20 kids and never end up with this ONE perfectly formed little being that rests safely within you tonight…Hang in there…There is so much help out there…You are NOT alone in this!!!
If you contact the pregnancy center near you, they can point you to local resources, a good OB/GYN and help you to accumulate ALL that you need to comfortably raise your children, with or without the dad….I am here for you as well and I really hope to hear back from you.
I hope this has given you a little direction. Take care of yourself and thank you for your e-mail. Remember, I’m only a keystroke away if you want to talk some more. I also know that this little baby will be a blessing to your life…it’s all a matter of perspective and seeing the positives in a situation…and there are SO MANY positives in having a little one.
Luv, Molly
I am really sorry that you had to go through this. I know the person was a friend or previous friend, but what they did was WRONG! You need to tell your husband and the police! Keeping secrets from your husband will only lead to more issues in the future and him possibly neglecting your little one if he finds out later.
If you are not in any danger physically of telling your husband, I would sit down with him right away and explain what happened and how you have been feeling…why you kept it from him.
I hope this helps and I will be praying all goes well!
Luv- Molly
KeymasterSo glad you were able to get this taken care of! I hope the doctor also let you know ways to avoid getting these infections again in the future.
KeymasterHi Jo-
I know this can be a confusing time. The unfortunate thing is anytime you have unprotected sex there is a chance of pregnancy. Sperm can live up to 5 days, so it could have coincided with ovulation. The best thing you can do right now if you do not want to get pregnant is to not have unprotected sex and when you end up being 5 or more days late for your period, you can take a pregnancy test. There is really nothing else you can do right now but wait it out. Sorry to say. If you end up missing your period, you can go to and they can help you with a free and confidential pregnancy test.
I hope this helps a little…sorry I can’t offer much more right now.
Luv- Molly
KeymasterHi Michelle-
If you have still not gotten your period, you should see a medical professional right away. There could be several reason for this and any of these reasons should have you looked over by a medical professional to make sure you are ok.
Please make an appointment right away!
Luv- Molly
KeymasterHi Suzi-
The way a pregnancy is detected is waiting until at least 5 days after a missed period. If you have past this point and have not started your period, it would be worthwhile to take a pregnancy test. If you go to you can enter your city or zipcode and a list of centers will be displayed where you can get a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL pregnancy test done right away. You can also text the word PREGNANT to 313131 24/7 and they can also get an appointment for you at one of the centers.
I hope this helps and I do hope you continue to remain a virgin until you get married! It is a wonderful feeling to share something so special and intimate with your forever partner!Keep me posted!
Luv- Molly -