Forum Replies Created
ParticipantOh my goodness Sania – I’m so sorry you are going through such a difficult time right now. My name is Lisa and I am from the Stand Up Girl website.
I wanted to post a message of encouragement to you.
Please Sania – abortion will NOT make everything all better. You say that you just want an abortion and make it "all go away". Trust me, abortion will only make matters worse. It will NOT EVER go away with abortion. Only the guilt and the pain just begins after abortion.
Please – take a look at this site and see if you can locate a nearby center in your area. It is free and confidential and they would surround you with support and love and they would be very happy to help you.
Please don’t let a bad relationship further ruin that beautiful little baby that is inside of you. Your baby counts on you for his or her very next movement and breath. Here is the website:
Please let me know how you are. OK?
Luv Lisa
ParticipantHi – well can I ask you a few questions? Did you have sex any time after your abortion? Because if you didn’t then that could mean that you may have been pregnant with twins and the abortionist only removed one baby. I’m sorry if that sounds really gross or scary – but that would be the only way that I would know that you would STILL be pregnant after an abortion.
Now – if you had sex after the abortion … then that would be how you got pregnant. I think you are very smart NOT to abort your baby. The pain of the loss is not worth it. I personally know. So – if you had an abortion with one doctor and you are still pregnant, I would HIGHLY recommend that you find a different doctor and get a checkup immediately. Please seek medical attention right away and make sure your new doctor knows everything so he or she is completely aware and can watch over you closely.
Take care and please come back and keep us posted on how you are. :unsure:
Luv Lisa
ParticipantHi – I’m Lisa and I am from the Stand Up Girl website and I am feverishly trying to type this e-mail in the hopes that you will see this,
Please please please – do NOT go for the abortion appointment. Please you will so regret it! I also went in and had an abortion. And to this very day I regret it.
You said that you are about 6 weeks pregnant. I just want to copy a link to one of my favorite photos. It is so amazing and so beautiful at the same time. OK?
Check this out and read what it says on the right side of the photo:
This would be about how far along your baby is. You know what? I know that your mom means well – but really and truthfully, there is NO such thing as an easy abortion. I’m not talking about just the physical part – but the emotional part. You live with the fact that your first baby is … gone. Please know that the only way that you could ever know this pain … is to experience it and I do not want you to experience it. Please reconsder. Come to the website and talk to the other girls that are on here. I bet you get a ton of responses.
Will you let me know what you decide? Please?
Luv Lisa
ParticipantWell this is how it works. I’m not a professional counselor, but I have been down that road, so I actually lead one of these types of groups in the area that I live in. Somehow, when I went through the class myself, it was very comforting to know that the girls that were leading my group had both also gone through an abortion so they knew exactly what I was feeling. But what I saw in them … I wanted. What did i see? A freedom. A freedom from the guilt, the shame and the sorrow that I had deep inside of my heart. Sorrow that I really had no idea that I had. It was so deep and so stuffed down, that I really had no idea what or how to deal with it.
We used a book called "Forgiven and Set Free" written by Linda Cochran and it is a FANTASTIC workbook. It’s used i n post abortion groups all over the US. It is stting girls free all over the place. Including me and I would love for you to be one of them. each chapter represents a different emotion that we experience in abortion. Anger, depression, forgiveness and so on. I HIGHLY recommend either going to those sites and calling a nearby center to see if they offer a group with those materials or I can help you locate the workbook on line for a really inexpensive price on e-bay or something like that. Or maybe even a nearby bookstore. But I would recommend going to a group where there are other girls in the group. Somehow it just helps knowing that you are not the only one. Then sometmes someone will share their pain and you can totally identify. It’s amazing.
Let me know if I can help you with anything OK?
Luv Lisa
ParticipantHello – my name is Lisa and I read your e-mail and my heart so aches for you. I am so so very sorry that your parents made you do something that is such a horrible experience. Please keep coming back here and sharing your heart and feelings so that you know that you are not alone. That you can talk to others that have been just where you are too.
You see – I also had an abortion, though it wasn’t forced on me, the feeling of loss and griefe was intense. It’s so important that you are honest with at least your mom. But in due time. Right now I would like to see you get healing and get free from out of under the heartache you are experiencing right now.
I know it seems so impossible because your heart hurts that no words can match up. It’s like trying to explain to someone what it feels like to have a baby. You know it’s painful, but you never know how painful until you actually experience the pain yourself. I know the feeling of loss that you have and I certainly do not want to see you getting any feelings of anger or bitterness towards your parents. Though it was not right in what they forced upon you, the anger and bitterness can only hurt you even more.
I wish I could just wrap my arms around you and give you a hug and tell you that you will be OK. What I would like to do is copy two links for you. Both can help you to locate a post abortion group in your area. Share with others that are going through the same pain you are. It helps so so much!
One of those sites is:
The other one is:
Please let me know if you locate a place in your area where you can get someone to talk to and to help you. You can always come here too. OK?
Also – here is a link to my story so you know that you are not alone:
Take care of yourself. I’ll be thinking and praying for you.
Luv Lisa
ParticipantHi I’m Lisa and I just wanted to share with you that abortion is NOT the answer. You already have a sweet love for your baby and even your mom would support your choosing life. Please please read the stories from the girls on this site. And from ME! Abortion NEVER GOES AWAY! It stays in a broken place in your heart and your baby will always be only a memory. You mentioned in another letter that you wanted to choose the baby that is alive right now. Both babies are alive, did you know that? That baby that is inside of your womb is a fully formed, living, breathing baby that sucks his/her thumb.
You said that you are about 12 weeks. Ohhhhhhhh please know that it will take 2 days for this abortion procedure to complete. I know some girls that have experienced abortion at this far. Please, please – this will be a memory that will be more painful that you can ever imagine.
The father of your baby will just have to take a breath and take a Stand and BE A MAN! Not to ask you to have to take on the burden and the full responsibility this tragic decision. If he made the appointment, let HIM go. Please know I’m not trying to sound mean or anything like that. I just know that if you take a Stand, if you tell your mom that you have decided that you are going to keep this beautiful little baby of yours – and you tell your bf that you have chosen to take a stand for the life of your baby … I promise you that you will be relieved. I think the hardest part right now is you are being so sweet and you want to please everyone else, but it is at the cost of your heart.
You said that your son just turned 4 years old. Please think of this. What would happen if you had chosen abortion for your 4 year old son? Can you imagine life without him? I know that would be too difficult to even think about wouldn’t it? But you WILL think the same thing once you are holding this precious little beautiful baby in your arms.
Remember when you held your son right after he was born? Remember what it was like to listen to him make those cute little cooing noises when he was eating when he was a tiny little baby? Do you remember what he smelled like right after a bath and as he slept in your arms, d you remember what it felt like to brush your hand over the top of his head?
That very same kind of baby is growing inside of you right now. Right now all your baby needs to survive outside of your womb is time. Time to grow bigger and stronger. All of his/her organs and body parts are there. They are formed and your baby can even hear the sound of your voice. Weather you talk, laugh … or even cry.
Please listen to your motherly heart. Choose life for your baby. Tell the father of your baby that you are choosing life and he can either Stand with you or not … but you choose to Stand.
There is absolutely NOTHING for him to be scared of. Only something for him to be excited about. OK?
Please choose life.
Luv Lisa
ParticipantHi Brooke – I’m Lisa and I read your e-mail and I just wanted to send you a note of encouragement. I just so want to encourage you for life. You know why? Because I truly 100% believe that once your husband lays eyes on that beautiful little bundle of joy he will become puddy! Really and truly right now … I know it may be difficult to "Stand Up" but you have a bunch of very supportive girls (including me) that will Stand with you and encourage you through every step of the way.
Brooke – choosing your husband or your baby truly should not be an issue. You know what I mean? I mean – you already love your baby and trust me when I say that the moment you feel that first movement, you will know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you chose rightly! It’s truly not fair for someone to have you make a choice like you are being asked to make.
I really think that when you take a Stand that you will be much more at peace. I know you love him, and truly if he loves you he will stick by you. I don’t think that his love is so conditional that he would leave because you want to allow your baby to live. Do ya think? I think he’s just scared right now and he doesn’t know how else to handle it.
So can I encourage you … take a Stand for life. Don’t cause yourself to be in the midst of a bondage of pain for the rest of your life because of abortion. I know that pain personally and I do not want to see anyone to have to deal with this sort of pain forever. It’s NO FUN Brooke and I’m here to tell you that you will NOT be sorry that you choose life. And I really think that your husband will also come to his feet too! Please Brooke – give your baby that chance to bless your heart. I can tell that is what you want. Enjoy this Christmas with looking forward to having a new addition to the family coming out into the world this next year.
What do ya think?
I’m right here for you if you need anything. OK?
Now – here is also a website to help you locate a nearby center that is free and they will also be very happy to Stand with you and by you. So how about it? OK? Ready to take a Stand?
Check out this site:
Please let me know how you are.
Luv Lisa
ParticipantHello – my name is Lisa and I am from the Stand UP Girl website. I have not been able to locate your e-mail address as of yet, but I felt this was urgent enough for me to post a Forum response ASAP.
Can I just say, that from the bottom of my heart may I say PLEASE let your baby live.
You have been through so very much. You already lost one baby and trust me when I say that loosing a baby at your own choice is so difficult to live with … the guilt is often times unbearable. You may see what I am saying and say "Wow! She is probably right." Which I can tell you are a very intelligent girl … but I have to say that you truly will NEVER know that grief, that unspoken pain. That heart wrenching reality that … you have allowed someone to talk you into allowing your baby to die. At what cost? At the cost of a relationship. You sound like such a sweet girl. You sound like you really care about your BF. Can I say this? If he truly cared about you, that you were his #1 priority … he would never ask you to do this. He is asking you to take on the sentence of guilt, shame and sorrow for a possible lifetime. Please, I’m not trying to say these things to be mean about him … but … well, I have been in the same situation as you. But you know what? I did choose abortion. Abortion changed my entire life. I did not stay with the babys father, my life took a turn down a path I had never expected it to because I tried getting rid of the pain through drugs and alcohol. Why? I realized what I had done. The very life of my baby was taken for my pure convenience.
Please understand that you are a wonderful mommy right now and yes – you do have a second chance. If your bf doesn’t want to stick with you right now – trust me when I say this … if you take a Stand. If you become a Stand Up Girl … I bet you will see him change. Even if you don’t, remember this is your baby. A living breathing baby and he says either choose your baby or me? Nooo – you would regret it. Please, choose life. Read the stories of the girls on this site that have chosen abortion and those that have chosen life.
Please e-mail me back if you want. I’m at
Luv Lisa
ParticipantHi, I am Lisa and I am from the Stand Up Girl website.
Ohhhh yes I totally understand your heartache and your pain. Firstly, can I just say when I read your posting – my heart broke. I hurt for you because I know. I know the feeling and the loss.
It’s really so sad that so many people around us tell us "It’s the right decision to have an abortion." Or "You will ruin your life if you have a baby now." Little do they know … we already have a baby when we are pregnant.
I remember the feelings that I felt like you. Like a pain in my heart that was so big – I couldn’t even look at it. It was too big so I tried to hide it. Why? Because no one around me understood. Not many around me knew … but those that did … didn’t understand. They thought abortion was the right decision and then when it was over – they thought I should just be going on with my life as normal. But somehow … once I crossed that path – everything changed. I could see more clearly how … my life would never be the same. There is something or someone missing. There is a gnawing pain in my heart that nothing can fill. Though I tried. I tried for years to put it away, to cover it or even to use something else to replace that ’empty and painful’ feeling inside of my heart.
Ohhh you are not alone in your heartache and your loss. I totally understand. 🙁
I’m so sorry that his parents were used as such a tool of pain for you. I truly don’t think that they have any clue what they have done. I would love to see you find healing and freedom from this pain and guilt. You see, I searched for so many years. Searched for a way out. A relief from my sorrow and my pain. I tried everything. I tried to cover my pain with drugs, partying, alcohol and even more relationships. Nothing filled that void. I was hurting beyond what I even could grasp.
I would love to share with you how I found relief and where. After years of searching and even going deeper into despair … I met someone that loved me even though He knew all about my abortion. Yet He sill loved me.
I don’t know if you know who Jesus Christ is … not religion … but Jesus Christ and a personal relationship. This is what finally set me free. Free from the guilt, shame, sorrow, grief, the unending and constant gnawing at my heart. All you have to do is ask. If you believe that He is God and was born of a virgin, He lived a sinless life and died on a cross to let you and I have forgiveness – then I had to ask for it. You can too.
I’m not trying to Bible thump or anything like that. But I will tell you – I tried everything else. This is where I finally found freedom.
Just ask Him to be your Lord and Savior and He does the rest!
I also have a link that I’d like to give to you. It will help you to locate a center in your area where they offer post abortion healing. I did this group and we used the materials "Forgiven and Set Free" written by Linda Cochran. It was an amazing tool of healing for me and I would love to share that with you. Here is a link to locate a center in your area:
I hope you can find something nearby that will help you.
In the meantime, please know you are NOT alone in your pain. You have a lot of Stand Up Girls here that understand and you will see that with all the responses you will probably see for your posting.
If you want, you can send me an e-mail or post a response right here. Take care of yourself and thank you so much for sharing your vulnerable heart.
Luv Lisa
ParticipantDearest "Blu22" my name is Lisa and I am from the Stand Up Girl website and letters like yours stand out to me because I know exactly what you are feeling. I know the grief, the shame, sorrow and the remorse. That empty place in your heart and in your arms that NOTHING can fill. Nothing deems to take that ache away. Another difficult part after abortion is actually sharing the pain. Not being able to put the pain to words and then when you share it … there are absolutely wonderful precious women that love you and are sympathetic. But only if you could talk to someone that has been there and is just as familiar with the pain as you are.
Well my friend – as other girls that have written to you, my heart so goes out to you. I have had an abortion in my past also. Unfortunately – I have had 2. You would think that the pain of the first one would have been enough to keep me from doing it again – but it wasn’t. :blush:
I’m so sorry about your heartache, but can I say that it is real and you have every right to weep. This is actually a good thing for you. But also something that is so very important is for you to find healing. To find a place where you can go and share with other women like you and me who have experienced abortion, have remorse and want freedom. Don’t wait for so many years like I did. All I did was bury the pain – and it didn’t go away.
I went through a book called "Forgiven and Set Free" written by Linda Cochran and I have to tell you it was an amazing tool of healing for me. What I can do is copy a link for you to go to and you can try to locate a post abortion group in your area. Please, I know this step can be scary – but know that whoever answers the phone on the other end is usually a girl just like you and like me. Someone that has gone through an abortion – yet she has found healing and forgiveness and she is there to share what she has found with hurting girls like you. OK? OK. 🙂
Here is the website:
If you can’t locate anything – just send an e-mail on the "Dear Becky" webpage and put "Dear Lisa" and I will get your e-mail. I would be happy to help you locate a place that is close to you where you can find other women to comfort you in your grief like I did.
Please also feel free to e-mail me any time on the website. I’d be very happy to help you in any way I can.
Take care my friend and please know that your pain is very real and let’s find you some healing soon.
Luv Lisa
ParticipantHello – this is for Rebecca atually.
You said that you wanted to get an abortion, yet you are looking for help. Well may I say … yes. We would love to help you, but first you will need to help and make the right decision. The right decision is for life. Let your baby live. As you can see this website is FULL of girls that are full of remorse, sadness and guilt for having chosen abortion. Though abortion seems like the easy way out and then you think that you can then just go on with your life, when really you won’t. Abortion doesn’t make your BABY go away. It replaces the anticipation of life with the dread of remorse. Sadness. A deep guilt within you that is extremely painful and something that you will never be able to shake.
So Rebecca – please, come back here and get the support from all of the girls and Becky and I on this website. You can do it. You can be a Stand Up Girl.
There is a link on the right side of this screen and there is an Option Line with an 800 number where there will be someone there to actually talk to. Please also give that number a try. Let us know how you are.
Luv Lisa
ParticipantDear Patricia – I am Lisa from the Stand Up Girl website and I couldn’t help but want to send an e-mail response to you and say PLEASE keep your baby. I promise you … that no matter what your mom says now, she will absolutely love this baby. Why? Because it is her grandbaby and he/she is a part of you. I am 41 years old and you know what? You are so blessed to have this opportunity right now to be pregnant. What I wouldn’t give to also be pregnant at this time. I know what it feels like to be worried about what your mom says. Trust me, you can never be too old for that. But you can also not be too old to hold the guilt for this choice for the rest of your life. I mean, you actually have a man that is supporting you and asking you to choose life. So please Patrica – you already love this baby. Give your mom the benefit of the doubt. Give her a chance to love this baby too. Please!
I hope this helped.
Luv Lisa
ParticipantHello – may I share with you that there are excellent doctors out there that can monitor you through your entire pregnancy. I would venture to say that abortion would do further damage to your body, and to your heart. I would highly encourage you … let your baby live and let’s just pray you through this pregnancy. Do whatever your doctor says to keep this a safe pregnancy and just allow your pregnancy to take it’s full course. Truly the choice of allowing it to naturally take it’s course rather than deciding and wondering the rest of your life "What if I had choesn life?" won’t echo through your mind and your heart.
I hope this helped you.
Luv Lisalisa
ParticipantDominican – I’m Lisa from the Stand Up Girl website. Since today is actually the 29th – I would like to say that pregnancy is not an ‘immediate’ thing. So if you just had sex today, you would probably not know for at least a couple of weeks (i.e., breast tenderness and the signs of pregnancy). Usually a girl will ‘think’ or possibly ‘realize’ she may be pregnant after having missed her cycle. If you feel that you might be pregnant you can go to a website that is actually on our website. Just look to the right of your screen and it says OPTION LINE and you will find an 800# to locate a place near you that may be able to give you a free and confidential pregnancy test. Until that time, I would encourage you that if you truly are fearful my friend, then you might want to consider not having sex with your boyfriend just to alleciate an further possibility of becoming pregnant.
I hope this helps in some way. Take care.
Luv Lisalisa
ParticipantLea see if you can go into this website and input your city, state and zip code and it will pull up a list of FREE and CONFIDENTIAL CPCs (Crisis Pregnancy Centers) in your area. If your boyfriend can’t take you there, then let them know that you have no way of getting there and maybe they can make arrangements for you.
Let me know if you need anything more.
ParticipantDearest Carole – may I share that abortion is truly not the option. I truly believe that if you have your baby, your kids would be so blessed! Don’t you think? A new baby in the house is always so wonderful and everyone wants to chip in and be a part of it.
Carole, your case should not be affected by being pregnant. This is a divorce case not anything other than that. Your current pregnancy shouldn’t have any bearing on your case. But truly – even though it is a rough time, by having an abortion, you will just add to the difficulty of your life and your emotions right now. I hope you will consider life for your beautiful baby. Remember, that is your baby and if you can do it right now, then I would say ‘please Carole’ don’t make the same mistake that I made. I did not choose life for my babies and that was many years ago. I regret it to this very day. I don’t want you living with that pain. Please Carole – consider life for your kids baby brother or sister.
Please let me know if I can help any further.
ParticipantHi Michelle you might try contacting your local hospital to find out if they have this equipement or if they might know who does. It is quite expensive and I would say that more than likely either a hospital or an OB office may have this type of equipment.