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  • in reply to: im new to this #11252

    all i have to say is GO TO THE DOCTOR!!!!!

    in reply to: Pregnancy test positive? #11251

    πŸ™‚ I had the same results you did and I’m now 14 wks pregnant with my 2nd child. so congratulations and enjoy your little bundle when he or she arrives. and like the other girls said GO TO THE DOCTOR TO FIND OUT FOR SURE!

    in reply to: Pregnant at 21 #11047

    πŸ™‚ I know you can do it. I’m expecting my 2nd and possibily 3rd child and i will turn 21 in august.I had my daughter when i was 19. Me and my fiancee get along really good but my friend has a 15 mos old son and is doing it on her own.Shes working and just got an apartment. if she can do it i know you can.She was 18 when she had her son. The father was never hardly around or when he was he didnt help her with anything.Like i said if she can do it then so can you! Good luck and dont give up the infant growing inside you.It will be a huge mistake. Keep me updated!


    Post edited by: Julie, at: 2006/05/12 02:29

    in reply to: What if…..? #10936

    I think you should keep your child despite what others think.You wont be disrespecting anybody by keeping your child. Considering it could be your only chance that should give you a miracle reason to keep your baby. I have a daughter that will soon be 1 and another baby on the way.Cancer runs in my family and I’m scared of leaving my children behind if i get sick but that wouldnt change my mind to not keep them. so plz keep that precious baby and let him or her live and have a wanderful life. In the end everybody will support your decision!


    Post edited by: Julie, at: 2006/04/26 03:18

    in reply to: help me im scared #10935

    Plz dont kill the innocent child growing inside carry him or her to term and give the baby up for adoption to a family that will love it and raise is as there own!

    in reply to: message for everyone with kids! #10879

    Kandi 20
    Alexis 11 mos

    Unborn Child
    due around nov dec

    in reply to: hi i’m new! #10878

    I am 20 and my daughter will be a yr next mo. and i am now 2 mos preg with my 2nd child. life couldnt be better. with her walking its kinda difficult to keep her out os things but i wouldnt trade her for anything. I guess i got lucky though b/c her father and i have been together 2 1/2 yrs and plan on getting married.he was talking about abortion when we first found out but after the first ultrasound and the first time hearing the heart beat he realized that was a part of him growing inside me and he felt really bad for thinking the way he did. with this child we know we can do it b/c we’ve made this far with Alexis so we know we can go a 2nd round. So good luck. and enjoy your beautiful daughter!

    if you have any ?’s feel free to email me!


    Post edited by: Julie, at: 2006/04/21 19:57

    in reply to: Do I Tell the Father or Not? #10877

    Regardless weather you want him to be happy or not you need to tell him. and if he doesnt want to be with you or take care of your child thats his problem. You can do it on your own. Tell your parents and I’m sure they will help you. Plz think of the welfare of the child..every child needs their father.if the father doesnt want anything to do with the child thats their loss and not yours or the childs. if they think like that then they dont deserve to be a father to such a wanderful gift!


    i grew up w/o my father and now i have a wanderful fiancee and a 11 mos old daughter and another child on the way. its not all that bad i promise!

    Post edited by: Julie, at: 2006/04/21 16:03

    in reply to: pregnancy due to birth control failure #10837

    No kind of birth control is 100% so yes it is possible!

    in reply to: 7 wks. no symtoms??? ADVICE NEEDED #10836

    The pains are normal. I had them with my daughter and I’m now 5 1/2 wks and still have them. its just your body adjusting to the baby. everything will be. just make sure you let your midwife know and she’ll help you with everything you need to know!

    in reply to: im 3wks and im scared!do i keep or what…. #10819

    I’m here if you need somebody to talk to. I had my daughter at 19 and now am getting ready to have my 2nd child.one thing you need to do is talk to the father. maybe he can help you or his family. My fiancee was unsure with my daughter but once i got further along and he heard her heart beat and saw the ultrsound he couldnt have been any happier. l

    Post edited by: Julie, at: 2006/04/14 14:14

    in reply to: iam 3wks and i have questions #10818

    πŸ™‚ The test that i took with my daughter and now is the clearblue easy read. it says pregnant not pregant instead of the lines. well it has those to but ithink its easier and sinks in faster if you can actually see the words.


    in reply to: still not sure #10817

    I would go to the doctor.
    I really dont know what else to say. but you need to go to the dr and find out for sure!


    in reply to: need a reply plz #10816

    [b] ok I promise it will be ok. take a deep breathe. the only thing i can tell you is think back to last time you had sex and take a preg test. if it doesnt come back pos then wait about a wk and take another just take a few of them. if they all come back neg and you still think theres a posibilty call your dr. thats what happened to me last mos mine was very irregular just a few days. and I’m not a mos preg. so it is possible!


    Keep me updated!

    in reply to: I’m pregnant, but I get really painful cramps #10814

    I had bad cramps with my daughter and I am at least a month preg not and still get them. the doctor told me it was normal it was just my body changing but if you want to be on the safe side i would call your local OBGYN and ask them what they think and yess you need make your first appt. its not sfae to go with out prenatal care. alot of babies have been normal w/o it but its important that you get it. Keep me posted. I’m home all day with my daughter so you if you need to talk to just email me!


    in reply to: 30 wks epidural or not to epidural..?? #10780

    When i had my daughter i was dialated 9.5 b4 i got the epidural. i promised i wouldnt do it b/c i wanted to feel everything just for the fact that giving life is the most precious thing in the world. I was forced to have the epidural. one thing i would recommend that worked for me is if you have lamaze classes available take them and really pay attention. some people say they didnt work but they worked wanders for me. i wouldnt suggest the epidural but if you cant handle pain and dont know what to do to take your mind off ofit then have it other wise i dont suggest it!


    in reply to: Please respond #10779

    πŸ™‚ I was so worried with my first daughter that i took 5 tests with her and every one came back pos. i guess it didnt sink in till i went to the dr. I’m now only 4 wks preg and have all the same symptons i had with my daughter. but once again took 5 tests. they were all faint but i knew b/c when i look back at when i was preg with my daughter everything is identical. the only thing I’m scared about is we have this huge chance of having twins and I’m really scared. :unsure: any advice would be helpful..thanks!


    in reply to: iam 3wks and i have questions #10772

    πŸ™‚ I guess i consider myself lucky. I only had morning sickness for a wk with my daughter. and i just took the test yesterday and found out I’m preg with my 2nd child. I’m going to the dr on monday to find out for sure but I’m hoping this one is easy as the first.. so its not too bad. another suggestion i have is when i was 2 1/2 mos with my daughter i layed on my stomach and when i woke up i had severe pains in my abdomen. i dont know if you have any pain but i wouldnt suggest laying on your stomach until you talk to a dr. it could cause complications if you dont disscuss it with your OB/GYN first. Keep me posted!

    Kandi :cheer:

    in reply to: im 16 and im having tons of symptoms..am i prego?? #10771

    Either way it will be ok I promise. I had my first daughter when i was 19 and shes almost a yr adn I’m preg with my 2nd one. Take a test and if it comes back pos. call the dr and see what they think. Just stay calm and i promise everything will be ok! Keep me posted please. Thank you!


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