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  • in reply to: 2 M/C IN 5 MONTHS :'( #28263

    I am so sorry to hear this news!! I can’t even imagine what you are going through. My sister has had 2 in the past year as well. I know it doesn’t help when i say…there’s a reason why it’s happening, ya know? Maybe there was something wrong with the babies and God chose to save you from having to take care of a very sick baby…or your body is not ready. I don’t know..thats just what I always believed. Try to stay positive and if it means alot, go to the doctor and get tested and see why this is happening. My sister just did and everything came back normal. It just happens. Good luck!!!

    in reply to: Why Not? #28158

    FYI: I don’t like getting in the middle of people’s business…but everyone needs to be careful with what we say here..People’s feelings can get hurt very easily…including myself.

    in reply to: Why Not? #28157

    Wow! Megan Elizabeth…I would say, if you can’t handle people responding to your posts, then I wouldn’t post it at all. You seem very set on your ways and how you want Kyle and yours future to be, so then I am not sure why you even express your thoughts, when you can’t handle what people are saying. Both maeghanalyson and I are ALOT older than you..we are not judging you AT ALL, we are such stating the truth and how it was for us. We are all women here just looking out for one another!! Good luck!!!

    in reply to: Mum pushing Abortion #28150

    My husband and I are looking into adoption. As a couple who can’t have anymore children, we understand the need of wanting a baby so bad. But if its not in the cards for u to raise this baby right now, then do not abort it, give it up for adoption instead. And if you feel ready to take on the huge responsibility of taking care of a child, then go for it and don’t listen to what your mom has to say! I can guarantee once she sees that baby in person, she’ll fall in love with it immediately. Its her grand baby…and if not, well then you just started YOUR family! Good luck and God Bless!!


    in reply to: 15&Pregnant. #28131

    God luck to you in your pregnancy!! I am so glad to hear you and your boyfriend are keeping the baby. Abortion is a horrible thing, and very painful, I hear. My husband and I are looking into adoption, and I know how hard it is for young girls to give their babies I truly commend you both for being adults about it. How are your families taking it? I really hope they are supporting your decisions. Good luck and God Bless!!


    in reply to: Why Not? #28112

    HI guys!
    I just have to ask…why are you and Kyle in such a hurry to have a baby? You are sooooo young!! Do you realize how much responsibility and time consuming babies/children are? And Kyle is in the military?? MeganElizabeth…you may be raising a child all on your own if he’s off in the military??!! My husband and I both share all the responsibilities with our daughter equally (except I get to stay home with her), and its ALOT of work. Can’t you just enjoy being young, having fun and enjoy each others love? My husband and I met in college when we were 21. We didn’t get married till 9 years later and then started having children in our early 30’s. We wanted to enjoy vacations, parties, sporting events…all of which u can’t really do with a baby. Children need to be your first priority, everything else comes after. Also, children are VERYYY expensive! My husband has a very good job, and we still struggle sometimes. The price of diapers just went up, and they were already outrageously expensive. Just think about it…i know you have thought about it, but maybe your family is right on waiting (till the time is totally right), because they know what the burden of a child can bring to your relationship and your wallet.

    Good luck to you both! I wish you the best! I am always here to talk with. Just wanted to share my thoughts with you, considering we have been there..exactly where u two have been. There is NO way we would have been able to take care of a baby right out of college, being that young. 🙁


    in reply to: abortion #28083

    There are a lot of people out there who want to adopt babies. Have you ever thought about that, instead of killing a life. Sorry to put it so bluntly. My husband and I recently found out we can’t have any more children….there’s alot of people out there who would love to care for your baby and give it a good home and life.

    in reply to: 14 and pregnant, I don’t have a choice! #28063

    I too agree!! DO NOT abort this baby. There are so many women out there…like me, who can’t have anymore children and we are going to start the adoption process soon. You will feel so much better about it in the end. I know. I have a few girlfriends who gave up there babies years ago and now the children are living with wonderful families..enjoying LIFE!!!!

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