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  • in reply to: When is your due date? #22301

    i’m due december 22 or 24.
    Its a boy!!!!

    in reply to: Oh my god #21061

    Actually we just talked about it yesturday and today, so she knows….and the funny thing she’s not mad, upset and blamed it on herself, but she said she thinks ill be a good mom. So i should be going to the doctors soon. So how far along do you have to be to tell the sex of the baby?

    in reply to: Oh my god #21024

    Thank you for the reassurment :cheer:

    in reply to: Oh my god #21005

    Well I know I will be a great mom, and i am excited that i’m creating something you know? I’ve decided i’m going to tell my mom the day after tomorrow in the letter. I would tell her tomorrow but she has this huge important meeting that she’s nervous about, and i don’t want to worry her about it and be upset because it’s really important to her. I hope though that I still have the courage. I just know that I need to get into the doctors soon.

    in reply to: Oh my god #20986

    Wow that is crazy…thankyou for the advice. So they all began to accept it? I know my mom will come around after awhile. It’s just telling her is the scary part. I’ve decided I’m going to write her a letter explaining everything, because it’s much easier to get everything out before hand. I know it’s the childish way out, but I think she would take it better. What do you think? And I know i do need to tell her soon so I can get to the doctors, tomorrow i’m getting prenatal pills, and an outfil just to keep myself going, I can look at it when i’m feeling low. I know what you mean about finding out by word of mouth, because our town is soooo small you can’t barely tell your best friends without being worried. Well hopefully you write back thankyou again. btw how is your little boy doing?

    in reply to: Oh my god #20960

    Thankyou so much for all the help, and replies. She’s very understanding, but she’s always gave me crap like I hope you don’t get pregnant and stuff. I’ve been with my boyfriend for a year, so it’s not that part. And she has told me she may not like what she hears but she’d rather hear it from me, I’m just nervous. I feel like I need time to let it sink in even for myself. I’m nervous, i know i need to see a doctor and my sister is going to take me. I just don’t know what to expect for the next 9 months, 🙁 I am excited in a way though and so is my boyfriend. I don’t think my parents will be though.

    in reply to: questions #20933

    I didn’t feel offended I was just saying lol. But if you could help me with those questions that would be awesome 🙂

    in reply to: questions #20929

    being dumb i guess

    in reply to: I don’t know what to do #20895

    thanks for the replies. I know that I should wait until about the 19th to test. I haven’t had much symptoms but we’ve had un-protected sex quit a bit. We’ve always talked about marriage but i don’t think my parents would like me getting married so young. Though we do have an apartment and he has a full time job. idk confused

    in reply to: could i be???? #20894

    Yeah your right marriage is the way to go, and thank you for giving me some advice. We’ve talked about it and he wants to be married more than anything, but I don’t know what my parents would say, they would just say i’m to young to be married, and to wait till I get out of school. I know my parents would support me, they might be dissappointed at first though. My boyfriend has a full time job, and I work after school, I also have an apartment, so money shouldnt be a huge deal. I’m not sure if I already am, but I know this is what we both want, I talk to him every day about it. We’ve thought it over and still know it’s what we want so idk.

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