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Participant:kiss: Het pumpkin.Im Kanye & im 19,i also have a daughter.You kniw regardless of how cliched it sounds,GOD WILL NEVER FORSAKE YOU!!!!!So just trust in him and that he knows whats right for you.:) Regardless of the drama in your life,its all insignificant to him.He wouldnt have given you the preciuos gift[your kids] if he knew that you wouldn’t be able to handle it.So trust him……. love,peace & grace-Kanye
ParticipantIts so sad how we are forced into doing things we don’t want to do:( I had an abortion on the 7th of April 2008,i totally understand.Truth is there is nothing wrong with you,you are in mourning phase.The pain will never end,you will never forget but once you forgive your mom & most importantly yourself-it will get better trust me on that.And even though you might not feel it at the present moment-God still loves you,no matter what. Grace-peace-love,Kanye
ParticipantHey,im Kanye & im 19.I was in your situation 4yrs ago.Me & baby dadddy dated from primary school until high school,i got pregnant.And then things changed!!He left me & i never thought i’d be able to cope on my own,but i did.That’s the thing with us women-we are sooo strong!I understand why you want your baby to have his/her daddy around,but this is the time for you to be selfish.Concentrate on yourself & your baby,if he eventually comes around great,but if he doesn’t its not the end only the beginning. Stay blessed,grace-peace-love Kanye 🙂
ParticipantI have been there before,dont force the issue-give him time.As much as we girls get hurt & feel pain,guys also go through the same thing.My previous relationship ended because of that,so try to keep the communication lines open. 🙂 Stay blessed & take care Kanye
ParticipantHey Angel,how are you doing?i wish i could say that im great but im not 🙁 I haven’t told him the news,im so nervous.The last time i saw him was 2days ago-he keeps calling,but i dont answer.I feel so guilty!!!I could have done something to prevent this but i didn’t…….
ParticipantHey Tabby,thanx for the lovely message 🙂 I was raised by a single mom too,but i know how hard it is to raise one child. What about 2 kids?I really dont think i’ll have it in me to do this alone again.
ParticipantIm 19 and a single mom of a 4year old baby girl,i know how hard it is raising a child alone let alone 3kids.But you know what?God will never forsake you :)At the present moment you feel alone,but he is so near….love your kids & the one who’s on the way.Believe in him-he will never let you down.
ParticipantDont even think about doing it!!!!:ohmy: :angry:I dont know your parents,but im so mad at them!!!They should be supporting you.I’ve had an abortion before and not a day goes by that i dont regret what i did.So please dont let your parents guilt you into doing it.