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ParticipantCONGRADULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! THat’s so great that you have such a supportive boyfriend. Good luck. Keep us posted!
Participantwow. you learn something new every day. i had no idea that antibotics can cause you to miss your period!
ParticipantHI Lousie. Welcome. YOu’ll love it here. The girls are great. THis is the very best website ever. It’s so helpfull and the stories are amazing!!
Now, about your pregnancy. I know you don’t want to hear this but you must get tested. First off there are prenatal vitamins you need to be taking that you can only get by prescription from a doctor (well at least here you can’t, i don’t know about in england). Second there are many things you can not and should not be doing that you health care provider will tell you about. Did you know that you can’t eat deli meat while your pregnant? There are also a lot of tests that you need to have done to make sur that the baby is healthy. Also an ultrasound needs to be preformed to make sure the baby is developing correctly and to make sure that you are not having an epotic pregnancy.
You could not only be putting your childs life in danger but you could also be putting your in danger too. So i urge you to take a test and see a doctor ASAP!!!!!!!!!!
THanks for posting. Look forward to talking with you in the furture!
ParticipantWhat an amaxing story. I admire you. Keep telling your’s inspiring! (spelling?)
ParticipantHi Stpehanie. Thanks for posting. You are so strong. My mom tried to force me to have an abortion too. But i stood my ground and wouldn’t do it. I know have you must have felt when your babies were born so early. I’m sorry you had to go through that. But they are healthy now, right? Wow 15! Bet you can’t believe it went by so fast.
ParticipantHi patricia. Thanks for posting. Congradulations. You must be so excited. SO when is your due date. In septmeber? That’s so wonderful that you have such supportive parents!
Thanks. I’m very excited. But still scared.Jonluver
ParticipantHi Melissa. Thanks for responding. I’m confused. When in January are you due. You said here that you are due early january. but in your other post it says that you are only 4 weeks. I’m 5 weeks and i’m due january26. so if you were due in early january you would be further along than me?
Anyways i hope everything turns out ok. (the thing about you period) Keep me posted!
Participantfirst off, i am so sorry that you have to go through all this! And your right abortion is murder.
Don’t let him talk to you like that. It’s your body and your baby. And it’s not his life or your life IT’S YOUR BABIES LIFE!!! Give your baby a chance to live.
If you really really can’t keep it give it up for adoption. Remember that your child didn’t choose this so don’t punish it!Jonluver
ParticipantI know how scary it is. But you can’t panic and stress out. You are so blessed!! You have a beautiful growing inside of you.
Did you try to tell the father? YOu never know. He could be very supportive.Do not ever think about having an abortion.That decision is one that you would have to live with for the rest of your life. It’s not your child’s fault. DOn’t kill it. Do you really want that guilt for the rest of your life? Do you want to wake up everyday and wonder what life would have been like if hadn’t done. Would it have been a boy or a girl, what color eyes and hair. What you would be doing at that excat moments 5 years down the line.
if you ever need to talk i’m here!
Participantthats a tough one. I know what you. THats a long until august. Well i’m 5 weeks pregnant and i took my first pg test and it came back positive at 3weeks 6 days. Defintly retest in couple days or a week.
I work with this girl who missed her period. She took a pregnancy test and it was negative. So she went to the doctors the following day. They did a blood test and it turns out she was. So they did an ulrasound to see how far along she was. Turns out she was FOUR months. She had gotten her period the whole time!!!! Good luck!!! Let me know what happens!Jonluver
ParticipantFirst off relax. Second, don’t have an abortion!!! I best firend got pregnant with her second child when her daughter was 8 months old. He boyfiend and her had decided that they didn’t want anymore kids right after the baby had been born. So when she found out she was pregnant she just tried to ignore it. But it was very hard because she had rh was very very sick. As she got close tothe end of the third month she called planned parenthood. She setup an appointment to have an abortion. And she went through with it.
She regrets it so much. Everday she has to get up and she her daughter and know that she murdered her little brother or sister. Is that what you want to live with for the rest of your life? That gulit?
I also have another firend who had her son when she was 16. She is now 19. A couple months ago she found out she was pregnant again. She immedtaly made an appointment to have an abortion. But when the day came around she couldn’t bring herself to do it. She is now 7 months happily pregnant. She is so excited. She found out that she’s having another boy!! She couldn’t be happier!!!Jonluver
Participanti don’t know if i’m allowed to say this but there is a web site called early pregnancy tests. you can buy a pregnancy test for $.80!! ANd they work 6 to eight days after you’ve conceived!! But i would wait atleast two weeks after the last time you had sex!!
Participantwell if your cycle is normal than that means you had sex when you were ovulating. You ovulate 2 weeks after your period. (two weeks before your next.) So there is a chance that you are pregnant.
Participantwait a couple days and take another one. let me know what happens
ParticipantRelax. No one here is going to be mean to you. this site to is help!!
First off be thankful that your fiancee is ok with it. I know mine wouldn’t be. He would’ve kicked out!!
Go to the doctors and find out for sure.
Keep me posted!!Jonluver
ParticipantHi. My name is Monica. I’m 18 and 4 weeks pregnant with my second pregnancy. (first was lost from a miscaariage a year ago).
So how far along are you? What’s the matter?
I’m here to help. Let me know what i can do.Jonluver
Participanti think when your parents said "just as long as your ready" they meant physcially, emotionally, AND fiancially! Your only 14! I’m not judging you. I’m not one to talk because i lost virginity at 14 and also had a pregnancy scare.
Your not even old enough to get a job or have your own apartment.
Did you know that your brain is not fully developed until your 19? Your not thinkingusing your full brain! (i hope that makes sense to you). Anyways what i’m trying to say is that your too young to be making adult desicions.
I know you have dreams about starting a famliy and having kids and your own place but those things will come later in life. Trust me they will. I have been in your shoes before. I am 18. Graduated from high school. Bought a car. Got a house with my FIANCEE and i am now 4 weeks pregnant.
You can wait. Atleast finish school first.
Participantwow. i never knew that before.
ParticipantI don’t know anything about antibotics. I just wanted to comment on the thing about pain one your left side. I’m about 4 weeks 4 days pregnant and i’ve been having pain on my left side too!! That’s so weird. I was about to call my doctor. Is it normal?
Participanthummm…..maybe we always have small amounts of it in us? But 11???? I’m confused. If you were they would have said something. Maybe you should go to the store and get a test. But wait a couple days because 11 miu’s won’t show up yet. Let me know what happens!
ParticipantI know!! I’m not even supposed to get my period until friday. I just had this feeling!!! My boobs were really sore. They never are not even when i get my period. I took the test and there was a faint line. So i bought i digital pregnany test. It said pregnant on the screen. I took one again the next day and the line was much bolder!!!!
I can’t wait to start showing!!!!Jonluver
ParticipantMy mom felt me move at 11 weeks (i think). She said when she would go to bed at night she would feel a very small thumping in her lower pelvis. My dad didn’t believe her. The next week they went in for an ultrasound and they said it looked like i was riding a bike. I was going crazy and didn’t stop moving the whole time. In fact i was moving so fast they couldn’t even measure my heartbeat!!
ParticipantI know what your going through. Waiting is so difficult!!! The funny thing is i haven’t even missed a period yet. I wasn’t supposed to get it untill friday!!
I just had this feeling that i was. All day on tuesday i sat there staring an unused pregnancy test. I paced back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. I knew it was too soon to take it. I finally broke down ran into the bathroom and took the test. I had to pee a lot more than i thought i did! I got most of the pee in the window and not on the stick! I kept waiting for the pink to move across the window but it never did. THen i saw the control line starting to appear. Another negative pregnancy test. I was so disappionted. (my fiancee have been trying for 9 months now. i don’t know if you remember) About five mintues later i went back upstairs to look at it. I picked it up. OH MY GOD!!!! IT’S POSITIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn’t believe it!!!!!Anyways my point is, it will happen! I know that’s what everyone tells you. And by this point your frustarted and starting to look a fertlily clinic (well at least i was at this point). But it really will happen!!!!! And if you have a feeling that you are than hey maybe your are!!
Anyways i’m praying for you! Keep me posted. And i’m always here if you need someone to talk to!
ParticipantIt’s normal to be scared! Just relax. You’ve still got four months left before THE BIG DAY!!! Do some research and make a birthing plan. That might help relax you. Decided what you are going to do. Who’s going to be in the room with you? Is your boyfriend going to cut cord? Are you going to have any pain medication? THose are things that go on your birth plan.
If your scared about the pain get an epidural. Tell them you don’t want to see the needle though. My cousin just had her 3rd baby on saturday. She said the epidural was wonderful.
If your scared to get the epidural all it feels like is burning when they numb it, but after that you can’t feel a thing and before you know it all your contrctions are gone. It’s a wonderful thing!!If you’ve made it this far you are obviously a very strong women. At 15 i can only imgaine the presure you must have been under when you found out you were pregnant. You are so brave. You can do this. I believe in you. And just think after all of it you get to see your precious little baby. You will fianlly get to hold that wonderfull creature that’s been dancing in your belly.
If you ever need anyone to talk to, i’m here!Jonluver
ParticipantA gut feeling was all i had the first time i got pregnant (other than a missed period which came way after i got "the feeling")
We were having a discussion in one of my classes one day about abortion. Which i am very against! My teacher asked me if I was pregnant would i keep it or have an abortion. That was the very second when i realized "oh my god. I am pregnant!!!!!" Of course i didn’t say that out loud. I just said i would keep it. The next week my period never showed up and i took a pregnancy test. It was positive!!!!