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  • in reply to: false positive? #14421

    i dont really understand ur post…

    but… u can get false negatives.. .quite easily.. i had 3 and im 19 weeks pregnant on tues!
    um… u dont normally get a false positive.. unless u do the test too early or not right…
    u need to check the instructions on the packet…
    and my bets advice would be to see a doctor.. thats the best way to sort it out!

    they are confidential and cant tell ur parents if ur under 16 etc…

    um… try to explain ur question.. did u get a negitive or positive test ?


    in reply to: silly question maybe #14420

    it could.
    sperm can live in the vagina for maximum of 6 days.
    you could get pregnant if u dont use protection.

    why do u ask ??

    the bets thing to do.. is wait until u miss a period… and then a day after… in the morning… take a home test,… if its positive.. ur pregnant.
    if its negative… take 2 more over that week.. and see.
    sometimes they are rong.

    u may also want to get checked for STI’s… no offence.. but if he is "new"
    well.. its just best to get checked.

    the most accurate way of knowin if ur pregnant is to go to the docs… i had 3 negative tests at home.. and im 19 weeks pregnant on tuesday!

    good luck! let me know!


    in reply to: Am I pregnant ??? #14232

    you need to go to a doctor.. your symptons sound like pregnacy.. and tests can be rong…
    i had negative tests before i found out i was pregnant… and im now 17 weeks!

    also.. if ur not pregnant.. there could be other reasons why u have these symptons and a doctor may need to be invovled…
    u need to see one anyway…
    if ur under 16 the doctor should be confidential…
    id take another home test and see a doctor… the tests ARE rong sumtimes! trust me!

    good luck… keep me updated

    in reply to: I got some symptoms #14180


    pregnacy tests can be wrong, when negative its more common
    i had negative test results and im 16 weeks pregnant!

    i think you should go to ur doctor… bcos they can help and tell u why ur missing ur periods and if ur actually pregnant!

    also.. keep taking more tests.. take about 3 or 4.. to keep checking… pregnacy tests only work if uve missed a period.. and the hormone levels are right… keep checking and see a doctor!

    keep me updated

    in reply to: am i or not please help???? #14118

    hey!… how old are u ?

    ok so.. unfortunately… to take a home pregnacy test.. it will only be accurate one uve skipped a period… really.
    you need to wait until ur period is late.. or about 4 days before its due… and from personal experience.. you definately should take MORE THAN ONE test!

    they are not always right when they come out negative!

    to be honest.. the best way to tell.. is go to the doctors… they can tell u now.. and its accurate completely!
    i dont know how old u are.. but.. it should be confidential.. and if u cant wait.. i suggest u go to ur doctor.

    those symptons could be early pregnacy syptoms.. but they could be LOADS of other things!
    they could be Sexually transmitted infection symptoms.. and you should get checked for those too… they also could be alot of other things!
    and seeing as u havnt skipped a period yet.. you cant jump to conclutions and assume you are pregnant!

    but.. if u have had unprotected sex… u need to get checked for STI’s and you should see a doc if u miss ur period…

    let me know after uve done a test or seen ur doc…
    keep me updated.. hope this helped
    good luck!

    in reply to: quick question?? #14111


    yeh! thats very much possible… its not very common.. but it does happen!

    i knew a girl… who didnt find out she was pregnant until she was 7 months! bcos she hardly put on any weight and she kept havin normal periods!
    its possible veyr much so!
    altho… there could easily be other explanations for your symptons… they feelings ur having… could be something else.. also.
    but.. it is possible you are pregnant.

    is there a chance u could be ?
    like.. have u had unprotected sex ?
    or skipped a pill ?

    i recomend you deffinately take a home pregnacy test.. as soon as possible!
    bcos.. ull be quite far gone if its been happening 2 months!
    and.. id speak to someone about it.. your mum if ur close… or a doctor.. how old are u ?
    doctors can be confidential.. and will really help.. they will help.. if u are pregnant.. and if ur not.. they can help with why your getting those symptons!
    its a good idea to do something, and id suggest to take more than one pregnacy test.. they arent always right! from personal experience!

    good luck! and keep me updated!
    how old are u ?

    in reply to: …sum1 help me i dont av a clue!! #13992

    hey.. lol.. leeds isnt near where i live at all!

    i live half an hour from london.

    um.. i dont think ur over reacting, but u shouldnt panic.

    you DO need to do something tho…
    ok, you can take a pregnacy test after u skip a period… and u have missed one…. so i really advise u to take one!
    you CANT wait until january… bcos if u are pregnant, u will be over two months, and it will be harder to do anything.
    i found out i was pregnant when i was 9 weeks, and its reli hard to sort out, and come to terms with, you need to find out.. asap.

    a pregnacy test is easy to take.
    i got my male friend to go and buy one for me, do u have a friend you could tell ? just one that could buy it for u.. and help ?
    they arnt too expensive, i got two for £12 .. id say no more than that.
    dont worry about people finding out, and ur mum, if u are worried, try to go sumwhere else.. is there a bus u can get to a town sumwhere ?
    it varries in each shop whether u have to ask over counter… normally they should be on shelves.

    if u really cant buy a test….. then i suggest you go to ur doctors… its confidential…. the doctor cant legally tell you mum or dad… and they will be able to tell you if ur pregnant or not.
    also… you can speak to a teacher you trust at skl.. or the skool nurse… bcos they wont tell anyone either… and they can help, in confidence.

    please do a test, or speak to someone, its important to find out.
    i wish u luck, dont panic, it wont help.

    wb if u need to, ask anything u like.

    in reply to: …sum1 help me i dont av a clue!! #13986


    where abouts in england do u live… i live in england too!
    im 15 aswell… and im nearly 15 weeks pregnant.

    theres not much you can do to find out, unless u take a test or go to your doctors!
    those are pregnacy symptoms… but.. they could also be LOADS of other things!

    lots of people miss periods for many different reasons, and stomach cramps are common too.

    when was ur period suppose to be ?

    all u can reli do.. is buy a home pregnacy test.. from boots, or another chemist… and take that.. its very simple.
    if u cant do that… then u need to see your doctor… u can go to ur doctor at 15… in confidence..

    dont panic too much, theres no point… u just need to find out whether u are or not… then go from there.

    message my page anytime.


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