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ParticipantI think this is a very hard situation to be placed in and I wish you luck. I can’t imagine having a three month old and finding out I am pregnant again. It will be very hard and very rought and I will not venture out to say that having an abortion is horrendous and you will regret it because I do not know you or fully in depth know your situation.
I do know fear. I think you should speak to as many open minded people as possible in order to get an unbiased view. I unlike many others will not readily tell you not to have an abortion but I think you should really consider the reprecussions of any decision you may make, that will affect you, your spouse and your children.
I will pray for you and your family and hope you are able to seek guidance in this time of need.jasmine7312007
ParticipantI am sorry for your lost, I can not imagine what you must be going through right now but i can relate to the why momemt. All i can say is that you must begin to live for you. As much as you have been through you need to help yourself and do the things that make you happy and eliminate the foolishness from your life. Ask him about it. Maybe he is having a hard time dealing (trust me im not excusing) but see if this is something that can and is worth salvaging. If not please move on. You do not want to be with a man who does not want to be with you. I am presently working around the corner from my child’s father’s mistress. It does not feel good at all. Take teh strength GOD has blessed you with and continue with your life. I wish you the best of luck. God Bless
ParticipantSo it seems you want to be pregnant…..
Just take another test and cross your fingers.
Ignore the advice from below… Some people have to go through alot and having a baby young is always hard but all of us aren’t or havent had the same lives and others so generalizations are unwarranted.jasmine7312007
ParticipantI worked at a law firm and i quit after 2 months. Lawyers can be mean, and i worked at what would be called the ambulance chasers of the corporate world, class action lawsuits and they were cheap. The benefits weren’t good.
Anyway working at a law firm may mean mandatory overtime.It is not that physically demanding.As you are 14 weeks you will need to find a job soon if you want to work b/c most people will not want to hire a pregnant woman even though it is illegal to discriminate. If you are visibly pregnant you may not get the job and you will not know why to prove it is discrimination. Try doing a part time job, which is flexible and since you will not have any benefits they prolly will hire you as a pregnant woman.
The choice is yours. I am working full time and I am 19 weeks pregnant. I really don’t have the choice b/c I am supporting myself and this baby and I make much more than the dad does. You can work it out but you will have to get something quick because your pregnacy is unfortunately seen as a liablity (your maternity leave) in a business perception.
Good luck
ParticipantIt will become obvious soon enough.
I know that sometimes it freaks you out and you begin to make up possibilities. There have been several occasions where men have had children after vasectomies. They are not 100 percent guarenteed, and yet it is horrible when yuo are that 1 percent b/c it makes your spouse think you have been unfaithful.
Tell your husband, things will be hectic for a while but you should be able to with medical counsel explain to him that these things do happen and you have been a faithful and loving wife.
Good luckjasmine7312007
Participantwell you seem very on track with you period and if yuo noticed you were abnormal, you should go to the doctor, brown vaginal bleeding could signal pregnacy as it did for me or an STD as it did in the case of a close friend. Either way you should get yourself checked.
Good luckjasmine7312007
ParticipantWell I was 6 weeks pregnant when i began dicharging the dark reddish brown blood. It wasn’t implantation b/c i was obviously already pregnant but I went to the doctor b/c i was in denial.
I would just say go to the doctor, and any medicines you take that decrease the efficiency of bc make it very possible for you to get pregnant.
Good Luckjasmine7312007
ParticipantWell if the blood is not bright red then it is old blood and you may be pregnant but you will only know for sure if you go to the doctor.
Good luckjasmine7312007
ParticipantTaken from American Pregnancy Association:
[b][b][b]Tracking Ovulation:
A woman’s monthly cycle is measured from the first day of her menstrual period until the first day of her next period. On average, a woman’s cycle normally is between 28-32 days, but some women may have much shorter cycles or much longer ones. Ovulation can be calculated by starting with the day the last menstrual period (LMP) starts or by calculating 12-16 days from the next expected period. Most women ovulate anywhere between Day 11 – Day 21 of their cycle, counting from the first day of the LMP. This is what many refer to as the "fertile time" of a woman’s cycle, because sexual intercourse during this time increases the chance of pregnancy. Ovulation can occur at various times during a cycle, and may occur on a different day each month.[/b][/b][/b][b]The Ovulation Cycle Divided into Two Parts:
The first part of the ovulation cycle is called the follicular phase. This phase starts the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP) and continues until ovulation. This first half of the cycle can differ greatly for each woman lasting anywhere from 7 days until 40 days. The second half of the cycle is called the luteal phase and is from the day of ovulation until the next period begins. The luteal phase has a more precise timeline and usually is only 12-16 days from the day of ovulation. This ultimately means that the day of ovulation will determine how long your cycle is. This also means that outside factors like stress, illness, and disruption of normal routine can throw off your ovulation which then results in changing the time your period will come. So the old thought that stress can affect your period is only partly true. Stress can affect your ovulation which ultimately determines when your period will come, but stress around the time of an expected period will not make it late—it was already determined when it would come 12-16 days earlier![/b]jasmine7312007
ParticipantThe best time is when yuo ovulate. You should either read up on your cycle and find which days you ovulate or buy an ovulation kit.
I know i got my period 10/23 my conception date was 11/07 and here i am 13 weeks pregnant.
Hope you are ready for this all
Good luckjasmine7312007
Participantcan’t ever be too ready
ParticipantI know that I am 22 now and am going to law school in the fall, I am 13 weeks Pregnant so You know it will be hard but doable. I have a sizable finaid package and will be getting a family apartment and the school offers daycare. It doesn’t make it easy but it makes it doable. I say go for it and do both. Research your options for child care and such. As a parent yuo may get alot of grants but you must be determined b/c it is very hard.
I wish you luckjasmine7312007
ParticipantWell I am at a lost as to what is going on with you. My friend who I just asked to be my child’s godmother was anxiously awaiting her period since September…… Well she has all the classic pregnancy sypmtoms that you listed, fuller breast, darkening of the areoli and gaining weight….
Your pregnancy test could simply be a false postive/negative or you may have done it incorrectly (I took ten and believed the first one that told me negative)
I went to the Dr and got a blood test and had to believe that.
When you go to your doctor explain thoroughly what you have said here and DO NOT LEAVE without an answer whether pregnant or otherwise. It can be intimidating when at the doctor’s office but just say what you must to get the answers you need.
I wish you luck and hope you are just pregnant and nothing more serious
ParticipantNo you most definitely should not go back to be with him.
In your Long post you seem to be trying to convince to go against what you know is the best for both you and your son. What is best for a child is a stable loving environment where a child can flourish, not simple his or her real parents, in that case why even have adoptions or Child welfare agencies. As another person said before, yes he said he was young and immature and childish, etc…, but so were you and you sacrificed that childhood to bring your child into this world.
You found yourself a very great man who loves you and your child as his own, so I think it would be best for both you and your child to be with this man that chose to be with you.
You yourself know that this is the best bet, so do not try to go against what you know and feel to be the best.
Glenn is Connor’s fatherjasmine7312007
I am 22 and 11 weeks pregnant and am nervous. When i went to college a friend of mine discovered she was 3 mos pregnant. Her parents kicked her out and she moved in with her boyfriend. She has since graduated with honors and is on her way to Yale Medical School.
Your life isn’t over. Pregnacy changed your life but it doesn’t ruin it or end it, your life will be different should you decide to keep the baby but it is not over by any means.
Good Luckjasmine7312007
ParticipantWell I had a miscarriage before a couple of years ago and my doctor asked me if I wanted to get pregnant again b/c if i didn’t I would need to get on some type of birth control as I may be more susceptible to pregnancy after an abortion or miscarriage. (I really don’t know how true that is b/c this was the opinion of a physican at a free clinic….) So you may indeed be pregnant , or you may not. The best way to know is to take a test. As for your other concerns, Im certain that all women who were not planing to get pregnant may have resumed in their normal behavior which may include smoking, drinking, etc… I know that I have had a couple of drinks during the first couple of days that I was unknowing pregnant and asked my doctor how and if this would affect my unborn baby, while my doctor could not offer me exacts, she advised that I should immediately stop those things (which of course i did after finding out i was pregnant) and told me that I probably had nothing to worry about. So my advice to you would be to stop those things if you think you may be pregnant and know you want to keep the baby and just take a test. You should also seek help for your eating disorder which may be exacerbated by your pregnancy.
I hope this helps -