Forum Replies Created
Participantdaisy and alex
ParticipantYea, the new season is gonna start in June.
Participantgabby, really if you want to keep you baby, then DO it. your parents can only say so much. they can’t drag you around and make you get an abortion. it’s your life, your child’s life-and you and your boyfriend need to make that decision, not them.
i know my mom would want me to have an abortion also, but if i want to have my child, my parents can only offer their advise. they can’t choose for me. eventually, they would come around. when they hold their grandchild in their arms, when they see the beautiful life they can now cherish.
just do whats best for you. talk with your boyfriend, do what you guys choose. your parents will always be your parents, and they’re gonna love you either way.
ParticipantPersonally, I think he’s still a slimeball. But, he’s not after Grace anymore. He want’s to get back with Amy…
I just like Ben. I’m biased lol
ParticipantYou have missed a lot! lol
Well, basically…Amy is having a BOY. And after numerous failed attempts at trying to find an adoptive family for him, she has decided to keep the baby. Ben’s dad got both Ban and Ricky jobs working at the meat factory, so they are learning how to deal with one another and both be in the baby’s life. Amy’s parents are getting a divorce, and her dad has now found his own house. Ashley will be moving with him when he goes.
Now, Amy is about to have the baby.
ParticipantI love that show. It is absolutely, no doubt my favotite. The season finale is this Monday. I can’t wait to see the baby!
ParticipantAnd, yea. We had been having unprotected sex…
ParticipantWell, I took a test today, and it came out negative. It’s been 13 days since ovulation.
However, I FEEL pregnant. I’ve been experiencing several symptoms (headaches, constipation, irritability, light cramps, and nausea) for over a week now.
Did I test too early? My period is due today, and nothing so far.
Advise anyone?
ParticipantI also don’t know if I should tell my boyfriend about this. He gets worried so easily, and I don’t wanna worry him if it turns out to be nothing. Idk. Any advise?
ParticipantThanks ladies. It deffinantly helps to know it’s not just me.
I try not to think about how much I want a baby, but it’s so hard sometimes. Especially after being at my boyfriend’s house. His mom just had a baby. (A little girl, she’s 4 months now) But long story short, she was unplanned, and his parents didn’t want another baby. When I’m over there, his parents just keep her in the crib all day, she isn’t held, she gets no stimulation, and they only feed her or hold her until she settles down again-then it’s back to the crib.
When I’m there, I take her. She smiles, she plays, she coos when she’s with me. When she cries, her father can’t settle her. I take her, and within minutes she perfectly happy again.
I guess it’s hard because I see the way they treat her, and I see the way she is with me. I realize how much better of a “mother” I am than her actual parents, and I want to be able to give a child that.
ParticipantTake the test anyways. It’s the best thing you can do.