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  • in reply to: hi #13841

    hey if they are recommended for pregnant people to drink then drink them. but dont drink so many that you cant ever get any rest. and try sleeping during the day if you work nights. keep us updated and thank you for serving.

    in reply to: Dated a Rapist #13840

    baby girl you dont understand what he is doing to you. YOU NEED TO GET OUT. he is not going to change and he WILL end up killing YOU OR YOU BABY.TALK TO SOMEONE. ANYONE. email me at anytime and i will talk to you and help you get through this!!!! this guy is an ass… dont you see that. he doesnt love you and he is NOT sorry he is just playing mind games with you. dont believe a word he says. he is just playing you. leave. you can leave. go to the police they will help you. trust me. and trust all the other girls on this telling you to leave. im so worried for you and my heart goes out to you.
    I know what it feels like to be raped and not being able to report it. been there done that and it was not easy. dont let him wear you down. dont listen to him. please get out. all of us one Stand Up Girl are rooting for you. Now STAND UP! and do what you know in your heart is right. leave get a restraining order and have your baby and love it. cause it will always love you back. he doesnt love you and never will…. and if you think about it. i bet you will realize that you dont love him either and that you are just scared.

    in reply to: bodily functions #13801

    i wonder if that is why i am burping all the time… hummmmm… thanks for the info.

    in reply to: early symptons #13800

    girly dont give up!! maybe you are and maybe you arent. talk to a doc or your OB about it and see what he ahs to say.

    in reply to: symptoms #13799

    so you can really faint if you are pregnant? and does anyone elses boobs get sore when they are not prego? or is that just a pregnancy thing?

    in reply to: am i or not? #13798

    yeah! what does that mean. i wish i could help you but i am in the same boat. body doing funny things and you dont know what it is. LOL! hey keep me updated on your funny body!

    in reply to: I am terrified! #13797

    😛 yeah girly it is not healthy to stress your self out worring while you are pregnant. silly silly silly girl. dont worry i think all moms/ moms-to-be get like that. i am worried something will happen to this baby and i dont even know if i am pregnant or not!!!!!!!!!see you are not alone.

    in reply to: Great News! #13793

    hey that is great… sorry that you are not. but hey now you knwo that you couldnt go through with an abortion and that show how strong you are.
    much love

    in reply to: Pregnant but no symptoms #13791

    girly you are luck to have no symptoms.. my sis was violently sick when she was prego and well i didnt find out i was until i was 4 months along. and after that the only way i know that i was prego was my stomach getting bigger and all that stuff… but no some girls dont have symptoms at all…

    in reply to: So Scared! #13790

    girly how are you. did you know that you refered to it as YOUR baby. remember that. cause i think you know that you want to keep it.and if the dad is not being understanding and you really love him then you need to sit down and talk to him about it. and remember he is in shock too… which is why he is offering you drinks and acting like you are not pregnant. guys dont deal with this that often. sometimes they think if they act like it is not there then it will go away and just so you know even if you get an abortion it wont just go away. it will always be apart of you.and abortions are not fun. they are emotionally draining. and it is something that i think you will regret. so keep this in mind and keep me posted on what is happening. and tell your mom. you have a world behind you.. lets us stay there.

    in reply to: 10 wks pregnant and I havent made my decision yet #13771

    hey girl dont let them push you around!!! you want to keep your baby then keep it. just dont get an abortion. there are other options like adoption. if you dont want to keep it put it up for adoption. but if you want it then be proud and stand up for your rights and keep it and dont let them influence your decision.

    in reply to: can they take my baby? #13736

    hey girl dont let them push you around. this is your baby. and the fathers and you are the one who is going through 9 months of carring and who knows how many hours of labor. show it off. and be proud. just by this i can tell that you will be a great mother. keep it up and fight to the death for that baby. no one can take your baby if you are taking good care of it!!!

    in reply to: preggo and alcoholic #13693

    i lost a baby to drugs and alcohol and i regret that more than anything!:angry:you dont understand what you are doing to you and your baby! if you really dont want your baby that much then give it up for adoption! you know….abortion is not the only option! really! get on birth control when you have the baby if you dont want another one. If you think you are mature enough have sex then you are mature enough to deal with the consequences. i know what it is like to not want a baby. i didnt want my son and i was immature about it and i drank through out my pregnancy and i had my baby when i was six months along! and he died!!!! so watch yourself and really…. look into adoption….

    in reply to: blighted ovum and very depressed #13691

    hey when you find that guy who really loves you then it will be the right time to have a baby. you will be okay. it is hard but all is well that ends well so turn these lemons into lemonaid.

    in reply to: My rapist #13690

    Girl do it. i got raped last year and i didnt press charges.. he got me pregnant too,. and now evertime i go out i am afraid of seeing him again. you will feel better and be much stronger if you do.

    in reply to: Sober mothers and drunk daddies #13689

    Honey child, what are you thinking….. you need to leave this dip **** b4 he doesnt something stupid and hurts your kids. do you love them…… cause if you do you would leave him for their safty. trust me. it is hard to get up and walk away but YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! you are a stong woman. i know that cause you didnt follow your man it to the world of druken stupor. so just leave him while you can. that is my advice. this relationship is not healthy.
    write me at anytime at my email. i am willing to talk.
    keep in touch.

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