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Participantyou might want to check online or check around in stores because they have pregnany belly button rings….but if you have to take it out i dont think it will close as long as you put it right back in after you have the baby
Participanti was 14 when i had my daughter and the whole time i was pregnant i didnt tell my parents untill the day i went in labor…but i regretted not telling them because even though they were mad it mad them even more upset because i didnt tell them…and we werent sure if anything was wrong with the baby because i had no prenatal care so my parents were very scared….you should defenitly tell your parents asap of course they will be mad but there your parents and they love you so they should eventualy get over it…and even though you are young with your parents help you should be able to take care of your baby…..good luck
Participanti know is i was in your situation i would rather be scared to be single then be scared of when i wake up in the morning if i am going to be hit again….i know its going to be hard but you can get help from your parents and friends…you leaving him is doin something very good for your baby
Participanti was 14 when i had my first baby…my bf was 17 but he wasnt working…it would have been ver hard on us but i had alot of support from my parents…even thouh they were angry with me for getting pregnant so young but they helped me alot….so just make sur you can get help from your parents or hers….i mean their your parents they should help you o matter what…good luck
Participanti would talk to whoever is easiest to talk to your mom or dad….and let them tell the other…but i would definitly tell…im 16 and had my first baby at 14 and i didnt tell my parents untill i had my daughter and they were even more mad then they said they would have been if i had told them sooner…so from experience even though it is hard to tell your parents it is better to tell them asap
Participantim 23 weeks too and i feel very stong kicks sometimes too….so im guessing that it is normal