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  • in reply to: update on my sister #24152

    Hey!! Any new updates? How are the lil girls? How’s GangY ?

    best wishes

    in reply to: R.I.P My precious little baby…I love you so much #24150

    Rae im so sorry for your loss. you will be in my prayers.


    in reply to: He did not let me choose. #24149

    Thank you Eva, it’s just so hard not to blame myself. i feel like maybe if i had done something different this wouldn’t of happened. I know that sounds irrational but it’s true. I just dont know how to let go and move on. I feel like i dont deserve to be happy and continue on with my life when i know that my little baby will never have one. Im so lost..


    in reply to: 6months how can i ever forgive myself and move on? #24148

    Hey gabby, Im sorry for your loss. Just know that you baby has forgiven you and she is safe in heaven. Have you tried naming her, and maybe writing a letter to her telling her how much you love her and how sorry you are? Maybe when you are missing her light a candle and say a prayer for her. God has forgiven you and your little girl is safe in his arms.

    Please take care,


    in reply to: Are you ladies ready for round two?.. Q&A #24147

    Thank you everyone for your replies πŸ™‚

    and Mommy2kylie, i am trying to overcome an ED as well. πŸ™‚ We can do this.

    God Bless!

    in reply to: Why am I feeling like this? #24138

    Hey Autumn, how’re you doing? have you talked to your mom or doctor yet? Just know that we are all here for you on Stand Up Girl and we all wish the best for you. Keep us updated !!!

    xox Enya

    in reply to: Names??? #24136

    I really like Clara, Emilia and David πŸ™‚ best of luck OMG TWINS THATS SO EXCITING πŸ™‚

    xox Enya

    in reply to: R.I.P My precious little baby…I love you so much #24127

    hun i know how you feel, i was almost 5 weeks when i lost my baby, everyday my heart aches for them to come back to me, to see their beautiful face, to feel their precious little feet kicking in my tummy πŸ™ I feel so hollow, so empty inside, the only thing keeping me sane is knowing that my baby is in the arms of God and that he is watching over it. I am here whenever you need to talk, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

    – Enya

    in reply to: To all the young girls TTC #24126

    Thank Kaitlin πŸ™‚

    I am 16 now also and my whole life I have wanted to be a mother, I long to hold my little baby in my arms, but what kind of life could i provide for my child when i am still a child myself? I havent even finished high school! Im not saying that being a young mom is bad, im just saying that it helps to have your career in place and to be married to your partner so you can provide a more stable life for your child. I have just recently lost my little baby, and although at first i was furious at God, i know now that my baby is safe in heaven with him, and that maybe it happened for a reason. God knew i was not ready to take care of a child and so now he is taking care of my baby for me. Thank you so much for this post and God Bless.

    in reply to: Keeping my baby- what happens now?? #24124

    Hey Emma im glad you decided to keep your baby! My due date would of been oct 16 but a few days ago i miscarried. I wish there was something i could of done to save my baby, i miss my baby so much and i would of been almost 5 weeks, im 16 also. Please stay strong when you see your baby laugh and smile for the first time you will be glad you made the right decision!!

    And Ez, please Please PLEASE do not go through with your abortion, you can ask any girl on the site who’s had one and they will tell you it was the worst decision they ever made, you will regret it forever. Have you considered adoption maybe? I know there are many couples out their unable to concieve that would gladly take in your baby. Or, my advice, is to be a Stand Up Girl and Go through with your pregnancy and keep your baby, when you see your newborn for the first time the love you will feel for it will be overwhelming, and you will know you made the right choice. Please, dont punish your unborn child for existing. I am here if you ever need to talk.

    xox Enya.

    in reply to: Are you ladies ready for round two?.. Q&A #24055

    πŸ™‚ Thanks everyone

    in reply to: update on my sister #24036

    I hope they are okay my prayers are with you best of luck!!!

    in reply to: has anyone? #24026

    πŸ™‚ have u thought of any names yet?

    best of luck

    -Enya <3

    in reply to: Hello! I’m new! #24015

    Welcome to the site:) What’s your baby girl’s name? Take care!


    in reply to: so sad…… don’t know what to do. #23974

    Hey hun,

    How long have you been dating this guy for? He sounds very supportive, but it is easy for him to tell you to abort as men don’t know the connection a mother shares with her unborn child.

    In my opinion, a baby is a blessing from God, and the Lord never gives us more then we can handle. You probably still live with the pain of your first abortion, imagine that a second time around? I support you in whatever you choose but abortion will haunt you for the rest of your life, many girls on the site who have had abortions still mourn everyday for their lost child.

    Have you considered adoption? There are tons of loving couples out these who cannot conceive who would love to adopt your beautiful baby.

    best of luck, sign my guestbook if u want to talk

    -Enya <3

    in reply to: 2 negative tests, what do I do now? #23952

    haha sorry i meant Juanuary 30, my brain was just on overload haha. My next expected period is around the first week in february (the 5th) sorry for the error!

    and thanks meg πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Help with baby names!! #23921

    Cesi I love the name ocean for a boy πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Why am I feeling like this? #23905

    Hi Autumn. it honestly sounds like you are suffering from post partum depression. Please, go talk to your family doctor asap. These things you feel are normal and you are not a bad mother, blame the horomones.

    Please keep safe and if you ever feel like hurting yourself or someone else please tell your boyfriend or mom or someone you trust. Please stay safe. When i was 12 i went through a bad depression (im now 16 and on prozac) and i attempted suicide, and now I have to live with that choice. my arms, ankles, and shoulders are covered in disgusting scars. Whenever it is summer i am so ashamed to go to the beach or wear a tank top all because i had no one to talk to, so i ended up hurting myself. believe me when i say it is NOT WORTH IT you will regret it. Please get help soon, and take care. You can overcome this!

    i am always here if you need to vent or talk my msn is enya_slaton@hotmail.com

    -Enya <3

    in reply to: Letter to my lost love #23897

    GangY that is such a great idea. I know this is not the same but when i was 9 my cat died (he was like my bestfriend) and i used to pray and talk to him haha. it really helped.
    best of luck Eva


    in reply to: Baby Names #23896

    I think those are very pretty names! I like Marley and Noa the best πŸ™‚

    And for a boy… uhm… are there any guys in your life that are important to you? you could maybe use one of their names… I also really like Michael for a boy. best of luck !

    in reply to: Pregnancy questions.. help me please?? #23895

    Thanks Henrietta πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Letter to my lost love #23883

    Eva I am so sorry for you loss. I cannot begin to imagine how you feel. Just know that God and your baby have forgiven you. And little Sophia will be waiting for you to hold and love her in heaven. I wish the best for you and your bf, take care Eva.

    -Enya <3

    in reply to: writing helps #23882

    πŸ™‚ That’s a good idea. I’ve also heard that some girls who name and make ‘gravestones’ so they can bury their lost babies helps too. Sort of like a send-off from this world to the next.

    in reply to: this is real happiness #23874

    Thats amazing congrats!!! Have you thought of any names yet?

    in reply to: i will live with it forever. #23864

    I am so sorry for your loss. I am 16 and have never had an abortion, so I cannot begin to imagine the pain you must be feeling… Like a part of you is missing. This past summer I was admitted to the hospital for a suicide attempt and I am now seeing a counsellor for my depression and ED. If you ever want to talk im always here. Take care hun.

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