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I’m really sorry to hear about your abortion and the way it’s making you feel.
I know you really want another baby, but be careful you don’t have one just to make yourself feel better. Remember, every life is sacred and should be born out of love and nothing else. I know you feel bad and I don’t know if you’re religious in any way, but try turning to God. If you’re truly sorry He will forgive you and then you can start forgiving yourself. Then you might not feel so bad which means you may not feel you need another child right now but instead can wait and do it properly in a loving relationship once you’re married, then you’ll be giving your child the best gift possible – life in a loving family relationship. As you and lots of other people on here know, don’t rush into making big decisions. Really think them through and examine your conscience and then try and do what you know deep down is right, even if it’s not what you want right now. You won’t regret it in the long run.
I hope this helpsGod Bless
If you are pregnant, it will be a shock and I know it’s not what you planned but please don’t get an abortion. Even though your boyfriend thinks it will wreck your life, it won’t at all but an abortion will wreck it. Read what some girls have posted on here regarding abortions and you’ll see that they want their babies back. As the years go by, you’ll always be thinking about what your son or daughter would be doing now if you kept them. Birthdays, Christmasses, their graduation. And when you’re old and grey and your children have their own families, you’ll look back and be so glad you kept them.
Loads of girls have children and still have great careers, but more importantly, you’ll have a child who will love you. No matter what your boyfriend or family say, you really should keep the baby. I bet deep down you know that. I hope all goes well.
you’re in my prayersGod bless
I know it all seems really mad at the moment, but take a deep breath – things are never as bad as they seem. You’re in a loving relationship and you have a family that loves you enough that will try to do anything to stop you from leaving them (even though that’s not what you want) If you are pregnant, you already said that you want to keep your baby which is definitely the right thing to do. Even though your parents might get mad, they only get mad because they love you and it’s probably the only way that they feel they can protect you and stop you from leaving them and going to live in Alberta. Imagine that you have a baby that you love more than anything – you change their nappies, comfort them in the night, see them through the good times and the bad, and when they get old enough to make their own decisions, they want to leave you and live with someone else that you don’t really know. It must be really hard for them too. When they actually realise what’s happening though, their anger will turn to love and eventually they’ll be proud of you for keeping your baby and making the right choice in a difficult situation. Remember, your parents have raised you up and loved you and even though they might be saying some horrible things, deep down they must really, really love you, otherwise they wouldn’t be putting themselves through all this. What ever you do, please don’t get an abortion, you’d regret it for the rest of your life. I’m sure you’ve read some of the stories on here saying the same thing. Maybe the best thing to do is to try and stop the fighting with your parents by trying to sit down with them and get them to see your side of the story- tell them to listen and not to say anything at all until you’re finished, and then try and have a civilised talk about how you can sort this out, also have an open mind and look at this as if you where your parents- it may help you come to happy outcome. I was in a situation a little bit like this a few years ago when I thought my girlfriend was pregnant. We nearly did something that I would have regretted for the rest of my life.
I really hope it all turns out well, keep praying and good will definitely come your way – Have faith. You’ll be in my prayers. And remember, if you are pregnant, this little life is a gift for you (and your family) to cherish, don’t waste it.
God bless.bennny
ParticipantDear Proud mama,
I know that you’re scared and confused right now and I appreciate what you’re going through because I’ve been in a similar situation myself, but one thing that I have learnt from my experience is this: The hardest decisions to make, the decisions where there’s something inside of you telling you what the right thing to do is, even though you don’t want to hear it, or are scared to accept it, because you don’t want to be in that situation, are the decisions that can bring you the greatest happiness if you listen to that something inside of you and go with what you know deep down is right, or the greatest sadness if you choose to ignore it.
This is one of those decisions. You’re in a situation that you don’t want to be in, but you need to make that choice. As you said, a part of you believes that you won’t go through with an abortion, that’s the bit inside of you telling you NOT to get an abortion. I know that you have fears of what will happen if you have the baby, but I promise you that if you keep the baby, those fears will soon disappear, and as time goes on and you watch your baby grow up, you’ll be so glad that you listened to that bit inside of you.
And what a Christmas present that would be!
Don’t hate yourself for not using protection – you’re human, but please have faith in God. He’s there with you right now and always will be. If you make that right decision and keep your baby, you know God will be there for you, He will see you through all the things that seem impossible right now and give you a big smile at the end of it!God bless you
ParticipantYou sound like a great mum who loves her kids. Don’t get an abortion – it’ll be something you’ll regret for the rest of your life. I know that you’re scared, but have faith in God, He’s blessed you with three children that you love and who love you back and athough it seems difficult from where youre standing right now, He will help you, He won’t leave you to do this by yourself – just beleive that He can and He will. Think of all the good times that you’ll have together in the future. Remember, when you make love, you, your partner and God become one body and in this way a new life is created in Gods image. Take time to look at the situation and look at all the good things in your life. I’ve got a young family of my own, and as you know, its the best thing in the world. This tiny baby in your womb is trusting you to love her, not to kill her. Cherish this chance to have another child and when you’re a Great Grandmother in many years time, you’ll look back on your life and be so so glad that you decided to keep your childen.
Pray to God and I promise that he will answer.
God bless -