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  • in reply to: Do you think I should go back to him??? #14429

    its good you wanna be back with him, and I cna understand that, after all like you said, hes not only your old best friend/ your first love/ hes your babys daddy.. but you gotta think about this people always want what they usaully wont be able to have, when he gets you back whats he going to do.. it took you being with anothor guy for him to grow up, it took you having a kid to do that. yes you were both young, and even though neither of you asked for it you got it, he should have stepped up then, not now.. but atleast he did step up… see what he can do before you make an official choice, make sure he holds his stuff together. dont leave the one you love for the one you like, otherwise the one you love will leave you for the one they like… meaning dont give up the best thing for something that may not be permanet, because it will leave you, following the example you set, for something that isnt permanat.

    in reply to: More Questions #14331

    well breast feeding burns 3,000 calories a day thats 1,000 more than the average.. so youll lose your baby fat breast feeding… then breast feeding helps your baby get healthier, adn it helps more with eyes, and the brain… etc etc… btu when you breast feed its harder for you with work wise, and fun wise.. but you can store breast milk in a freezer for up to 6 months before it goes bad.. um never thaugh out breast milk in a microwave, it takes out the nutrients.. always thaugh it out in warm water (in a baggy)..

    in reply to: Can Pre cum get you pregnant? #14330

    i used the pull out method for 6 months didnt get pregnant. then my bf and me stopped using that, and after a year of not using anything i got preg.. but i know, pre-cum has more sperm then the whole ejactulation together..

    in reply to: could i be pregnant? #14329

    sounds like the same situation i was in as well, except i was using a calender way before then, and i didnt get pregn until i gave up that calender and quit tracking everything.. sometimes it takes giving up all that to get preg, and sometimes it takes keeping track to get preg.. iw ould just go with the flow of it all though.. around your o days, have sex like every 12 hours, and egg dies within 12 hours sperm die withing 48 hours, beat out the odds.

    in reply to: pregnancy? #14328

    if you got preg on your o day.. and its only been a bouple days, no signs would be showing unless your further along then you think you are..

    in reply to: DOES THIS SOUND LIKE A BUN IN THE OVEN TO YOU? #14327

    cysts would make your periods all whakc but being 17 days late.. i would def take a test thats exactly how late i was when i found out i was pregnant, and o strated feelin sick within a couple days around those 17..

    in reply to: I don’t know what is happening, HELP! #14326

    well every person who gets pregnant worries, but ive been there done that with those pains, wait for your ultra sound,and try not to get too stressed i heard that could cause a msiscarriage. the pains are normal though. if they get way way way too intense then go to the hospital, that happend to me once and they put me on bed rest, just to be safe, but i was showing no signs of a misscarriage.. my cervix was closed, they also drew blood, did an ultra sound and evryhting was normal.. i think getting your first ultrasound will help out..

    in reply to: Anything and Everything #14325

    your probaly feel like your friends dont wanna be there, becaus eoyu cnat to everyhting they can do anymore, so your basically counted out.. which sucks.. im going through that as well. my bf is 4 years older. but hes constatly here, he doesnt help ALL the time.. but hes here yu knw. race nad age mean nothing to me as well. but idk i woudl talk to your bf but it.. I also belivee its harder for guys to believe or know how important a pregnancy is to some of us, we get that our lives are going to be filled with comething forever.. guys just want to have fun, (not all) and dont understand that theres a baby inside of us, they dont feel it how we do, or worry about it like us. etc etc..

    in reply to: confused #14324

    i woudl wait to take the test. could be.

    in reply to: 10 wks pregnant and I havent made my decision yet #13490

    i think everyone gets placed with a huge desision at one point or anothor, what you do is up to you. if your family dis agrees with you keeping your child i think they are wrong especially because they are strong christians, my family as well came from a strong christian, i was brought up around it, but not everyhting goes right in your life, but our family has stuck together. i am 16 an dpregnant and keeping my child, now my situation isnt as bad as yours expecially if your boyfriends family is the way they are. they shouldnt be saying what they are to you.. and whatever they say or do, just get your stuff together. this isnt about them this is about you your feelings, and yours and your boyfriends relationship. talk to him about it all… whatever you decide hold your head up and keep going forward. everything does happen for a reason…

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