Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI was 15
I was on birth control
I graduated high school and am now in college to become a RN
Yes we have been together almost 4 years
My mom helped out some, but mostly my fiance and I. He makes really good money so not really something we have to worry about.
No im not on welfare
I found out at 4weeks 3 days, told my mom at 7 weeks, and had my first prenatal appt at 9 weeks
No health complicationsashley0024
Participantlol ya, someone told me that it was normal to feel for like a month after the baby was born! but idk lol
Participantwhen i went to the doctor the other day, i was like is it normal to still feel like your feeling your baby kick even after you had them, and he was like not unless your pregnant! but then he explained how a baby moving also feels like gas, so that was probably what it was. but i have to get a blood test done anyways because I’m going to get the birth control, implenon.
Participantwell it didnt feel real at all! being pregnant was so unreal to me and it didnt really hit me til i started showing and felt her kick. i had really bad heartburn pretty much throughout my entire pregnancy, and bad back aches. i honestly had no cravings at all, i guess the only thing you could say i craved was sweets lol. mood swings… i became very emotional and it was so easy for me to cry. i had morning sickness for the first like 2 months but i had it throughout the day, not just in the morning. i never considered aborting my baby. im very against abortion. i believe that if you think your old enough to have sex, then you are the one who is gonna have to step up to the plate and deal with the consequences. ultrasounds have to be one of the coolest things ever lol… i loved getting them done… i got my first ultrasound at 12 weeks and it was so cool, but she was soo tiny. i do not go to church and all that stuff, like maybe everyone in awhile but i do believe in God, but i have to say that the support system i have behind me, such as friends and family is great.. they are all very supportive and helping me finish high school and accomplish all the goals i have set for myself
ParticipantIt feels alot different! when your pregnant you have your child with you at all times and you dont have to worry quite as much. but now that i ha ve my daughter i worry alot! i go to a very small school, where teen pregnancy doesnt happen that much. but it seems like after i got pregnant everyone got pregnant! at school now i try to be as much of a teenager i can be, if that makes any sense. at school i try to act like a teenager but as soon as i get home its right to mommy mode. so its almost like i live 2 different lives i guess you could say… although at school i miss my daughter so much and i talk about her all the time… i will be the first to admit that i have it pretty easy as a teen mom, because my daughters dad has a really good job. so therefore i dont have to work… we have our own house together and buy all our own stuff and dont rely on anyone. im still in school, my junior year, and do really good! last grades i got all a’s and one b so thats pretty good i suppose… sometimes i get upset and stuff cuz people are out doing things that a normal teenager does but i dont get to do those things… but i love spending time with my daughter… i have to say being a mommy is by far one of the most rewarding jobs, and even though you get stressed and frustrated, its an amazing thing…
Participanti got pregnant when i was 15 and had my daughter when i was 16, she is now 9 months old and i just turned 17 today!! if you want to know anymore or about my day to day life, send me an email
Participantwell i am now about 7 months pregnant… im expecting a beautiful baby girl. my mom was very upset at first but she and the rest of my family are now excitedly awaiting the arrival of my daughter
Participantwell i still have yet to tell my mom… me and my boyfriend have decided its best to wait but i havent been to the doctor yet… ive started taking my prenatal vitamins… but ive been so nauseous these last couple of weeks and tired lol.. it kinda sucks but o well lol!! i will get thru it… so should i go ahead and go to the doctors?
Participantyou really have a way of talking to people! thank you so much. i understand wat u mean about it complicating things… it most likely would! plus im really not sure how my mom would react to it all so waiting would be the most mature thing to do! o and i did start my period the other day so im not pregnant or anything. but again thank you for sharing your opinion!
Participantthank you for your advice… as stupid as i know i sound there is a part of me that wants a baby… but im the girl whos good… gets really good grades… wants to go to medical school and be an ob/gyn… but theres jsut this part of me that wants a baby…. is that wrong or stupid or not normal? i talked to my god mother about all of this and she said alot of girls want a baby… mostly girls who come from a split family or girls that have been abandoned by many… well that girl is me… my mom had me when she was 17… my biological dad has beeen in prison my entire life and when he did get out he told me and my mom that she had raised me my whole life that she could finish raising me… and i never saw him again… then my step dad who i called dad, when him and my mom got divorced he kicked me out of his house because of his new wife… the dad i knew for 12 years now has absolutely nothing to do with me… all my moms boyfriends that i have became close to after she breaks up with them they then have nothing to do with me… i try to explain this to my mom but she doesnt listen… she just makes me feel guilty… i get blamed for alot of things that i know deep down inside arent my fault but i still feel like they are. im 15 years old and my boyfriend is 21. i know this is a big age difference but he hsa been there for me thru thick and thin and has never once pressured me to do something i dont want to do. he works and has a good paying job… hes not just a lazy bum. hes an amazing person! and i love him more than anything… ironically we have the same birthday… i know that he really wants a baby… and i know financially we will have anything we need… we plan on getting married when i no longer need my moms consent.
Participantits only done it like twice in the 5 days…. yes he does want a baby… but me im not so sure about it all… i dont know if im ready… and expeccting teens to be abstinent is unreal…. there are very few who remain abstinent… i realize that its so much better to wait but idk…