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ParticipantIm not hiding my pregnancy after 12 weeks. Just want to get past the early stage. My close family and friends know. So do the doctors. For the babys sake i need to finish my education but the school does know just not my college friends. Thanksx x
ParticipantYour right girls but im waiting till im atleast 12 weeks before i tell my friends. The pregnancy isnt a secret from family and close friends.
Participantbreathless wrote:
It’s so very true, when you choose to have a baby your life will NEVER be the same again, I am fifteen and my baby is due tomorrow, I had the choice of abortion (I found out at five months) and I said no, I’ve seen the ultrasounds, I’ve seen him kick and I couldn’t imagine having ended his life. You know, you don’t have to become the single mother that you are so dreading, there is adoption that you can do, it would be so very hard to give up your child but always keep in mind that you are giving him life and not giving up on him. Maybe you are not ready for a child and you need to finish your education and wait till you are stabilized enough to provide for him but don’t choose abortion just because it seems like the easy way out or that you are pressured into it, just ask any of the girls on here that have gone through with it and they will tell you how much they regret it each and everyday. Adoption is always as much as an option as keeping him, remember that. You can even try and keep him for awhile and if it doesn’t work out you can put him up for adoption..Don’t kill an innocent child though just because you’re pressured into it or because you’re scared, you need to be brave for your self dignity and your unborn child. Good luck and I wish you the very best!!
Thanks for the that. Good luck with the birth of your baby. I am keeping my baby its finale. Im happy but of course scared at what my life is going to be like. I have no idea. So im taking each day at a time and trying to prepare myself this baby. xx
Please dont worry. I had that when my first period was due which i missed. Stay positive.
And if you have anymore concerns see your doctor.
Love Amy xx:)
Sounds like you havent had any easy ride with telling the father and how he has responded. Firstly my now ex boyfriend, who dumped me the day I told him I was pregnant, told me to have an abortion. I said I needed to think about it. I have since decided to keep my baby. I have told him but he hasnt responded to my text. So im facing the fact ill be a single mother raising my baby alone. I think you may need to accept that too. Its important that you can atleast raise the baby alone. Having the babys dad around is a bonus. Maybe he needs time to adjust. So give him time, thats what im doing right now. Men take things worse than women and he may feel different as he is not the one carrying the baby. So stick with your choice and best thing is to take each day as it comes.
Take care xx
Participantkez_mummy_2_skye wrote:
dnt let other ppl tell you that you cant do this etc etc. When i had my kids most of my friends dumped me and only see them once every so often but at least i know sort of where i stood and if they are ur REAL friends they will stick by you no matter what. I’m glad you didnt let ur boyfriend take control and do what he said.
People keep asking me why am I keeping it and recking my life when it was looking so promising. Truth is I dont really have a real answer I just know its the right choice. I agree about the friends thing.
ParticipantKylieAUS wrote:
hey…if you want to keep your baby do. I have experienced both abortion and pregnancy + birth. I would not trade the experience of being pregnant for anything. I broke up with my baby’s father when i was pregnant and even though it was a very emotional time for me i got there. My daughter is now 4 1/2 months old and i just learnt i have another on the way. We are probably due very close to each other!
I know its the right thing. My parents are finding it hard to come to terms with my finale choice. Im not bothered about anyone else right now. Im doing whats best for me and my child. If people are going to be negative maybe I dont want these people in my life anymore.
Participantlittlemomma17 wrote:
as long as you have support from your family that is all you need.. and you dont need a guy that is going to treat you and not be a man and admit what he can do this. im seventeen to and im 6 1/2 months and i got through it with the support of my family. just believe in yourself and you can do this.
best wishes
breanna-p.s. i would love to keep talking so get back to me.
Thank you for your positive response thats what I need right now. People telling me I can do this. I’ll be more than happy to talk to you. Im feeling quite alone right now.
ParticipantIm glad to here im not alone with my story. Sounds like you should do another test to make sure. Its harder when your parents wanted you to do so well in life and then you have to tell them maybe its not the right path at this point in your life.
ParticipantI only realise I had sypmtons now. I kept overheating in my bed. Back ache. Headaches and feeling dizzy. I did an early response pregnancy test because like most people I worry and it was playing on my mind. I did the test on my lunch hour because i honestly didnt think it should happen to be. An early respnse is good because you can take it 4 days before your period is due. It measures low amounts of the pregnancy hormone which others do not.
ParticipantI am sorry for your loss. Its the thing I now dread the most. Im a strong beleiver in fate so maybe this is what was meant to be for you. Take care. x
ParticipantYou have to do it, the longer you keep it a secret the worse it will be. Your mum will be disapointed you didnt tell her sooner. I found out I was pregnant 5 days ago. Been a college student heading to uni in sept 08 I was in total shock. I agree you cant tell them straight away because you need time to think. I told my mum 3 days later when i was able to talk about it. She guessed when we were talking about my ex. She was disapointed in me but said she will support me no matter what. Most mums will do the same. Im keeping my baby too.But havent told my parents I am for definate. Just think if your strong enough to keep a baby, telling your mum is just the mature thing to do.