Real Girls, Real Stories

Find yourself feeling alone, scared? Read stories of other women who have been there. Need someone to talk to? Contact Sofia!

My Pregnancy

My Pregnancy

I'm 20 years old. I like to share my story with others because it really shows that no matter what, you can do this, and no matter what, you're not...

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Doctors Appointment!

I just got back from my doctor's appointment not too long ago, and getting my glasses as well. I asked when my due date was, and he said he wasn't...

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I’m Not Sure!

Alright... Its been 2 years since my daughter died. Daily, I always struggle with SOMETHING... either soneone said the wrong thing, or i hear song's...

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Having a boy<3

We finally found out what we are having, a boy (: We wanted a girl and were so ready to hear, "You're having a girl", but she's a he and we couldn't...

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My Pregnancy Story.

I'm 20 years old. I like to share my story with others because it really shows that no matter what, you can do this and no matter what, you're not...

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c-section and its healing.

Okay, so 3 months ago, I had my son through a c-section and it seems to be healing okay, but it's uber itchy!! and annoying. How long does it take...

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