Featured Sister’s Letters

mother child 4

Doing It Alone

  Adjusting to motherhood is never easy. Natural, yes, but not easy. One of the hardest times is a few days after birth, when most women“crash,”...

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A Model On Abortion

  Former supermodel Kathy Ireland, who became famous in the 1980s and 90s for her appearances on the cover of Sports Illustrated, is not...

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StandUpGirl woman holding pregnancy test

What About Birth Control?

  You may have heard the term abortifacient mentioned in the news in conjunction with the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Hobby Lobby case.  Many...

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StandUpGirl black and white picture mother with child

Hoping My Story Helps You!

When I was 15 I was in a relationship with a boy 2 1/2 years older then me. We had a lot of the same values things in common and so on, we had...

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StandUpGirl girl sitting against wall hand on head

My World Is Unstable!

Dear Becky,I'm 16 and pregnant. 7 months pregnant. The 'father' of the baby literally left the state with another girl when he found out. I've...

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kissing baby

Easter Greets

  Hey Friends and StandUpSisters, Our Easter love to you all! I finally have a few minutes to write and let you all know how we're doing. Please...

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Don’t Judge Me

  "I'm way too young to have a baby," said my little sister, and she is quite right. Fifteen is too young. So is nineteen. So is twenty-four, and...

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StandUpGirl woman walks by water

Invisible Mother

I'm not one to get excited by forwarded e-mail.  But this one came from a dear friend, so I read it.  And right off the bat, I was hooked.  I...

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