College Was Going To Be Wonderful

Dear Becky — College was going to be wonderful.

My writing portfolio got me into that private school. It wasn’t my SAT scores. I wasn’t a ‘problem’ child, per se, but I had difficulties in my high school years. From hanging around gang members in my freshman year, to running away from home at 16, to coming back home only to move far away to finish up that last senior year – life was difficult.

Not only did I have my own seperate emotions from my childhood to deal with, but I also lived with a single mother who was depressed. When she adopted me, she owned two companies. She never had to ‘struggle’. That changed in fifth grade.


I Am Haunted By These Sketchy Memories

Dear Becky — I got caught when I was 15. I had no idea about sex or its consequences.

Sex was just what you did with someone you “love”. I can’t explain it to this day. I just didn’t know about pregnancy.

I hadn’t given it a thought. At 15, who cares? I was dating a “bad boy” high school drop out. We had unprotected sex. My mom noticed I hadn’t had a period in some time, since her cycle was the same as mine. She came right out and asked me if I was pregnant. I laughed at her notion and said NO WAY. I had no signs. No symptoms. I was just having sex.


Boarding School

 Dear Becky — I must have thought that I was invincible, that this could never happen to me. But, nonetheless, here I am, sixteen, and nearly seven months pregnant. In high school, I was in the ‘in-crowd’, going to parties all the time, varsity gymnast freshman year, class president sophomore year, an A – student, and an all around likeable person. I had great friends, but somehow I couldn’t meet the ‘right’ kind of guys, the ones that would stick around. I had minor anorexia (as a gymnast I was constantly watching my weight, and was underweight), and I found myself partying more, drinking, and smoking, trying to deal with what felt like a ‘full-plate’.


It All Seemed Like A Dream

Dear Becky — I ran across your site while searching for possible sources for a research paper. After 2 previous papers on abortion, I had never seen this site. I think it was shown to me for a reason.

I was 19, a sophomore in college, when I found out I was pregnant. David and I hadn’t been together very long, but we had already decided that we were getting married. The night Kiley was conceived, I knew. It all seemed like a dream…until I went to the health department. I had taken three home tests, but wanted to be absolutely sure. Of course, that test was positive as well. I was never really sick or anything like that, but I stayed on an emotional roller-coaster for…well, it hasn’t really ended yet! I was so scared to tell my family.


He Offered Me A Drink And I Took It

 Dear Becky — Hi, my name is Renee and I am 18 years old. When I first moved to the state where I am living, when I was 16, I was desperate for friends. I was going to school, but I didn’t really get alone with other teenagers my age, so I didn’t have many friends.

I met this guy who lived in the apartment upstairs from where my mother and I were living. He seemed so nice, we would hang out and watch movies and just talk. He seemed actually interested in me. A few weeks had passed and he invited me to a party that him and his room-mate were having. I accepted and brought a few friends that I had met. Little did I know that that night I would conceive my son.


I’m Pregnant And It’s Your Baby

Dear Becky — I just recently came across your website and a lot of the stories on here from mothers have really touched me.My name is Nikkiand I am 19 years old.In January of this year I found out I was pregnant.It seemed to turn my life upside down and at that moment I knew my life was going to change.I realized I was going to have to give up on the person I wanted to be at the time and focus on the future with a child.
