Dear Becky — I married my boyfriend when I was 5 months pregnant. We have been married for almost 5 years now, have an absolutely wonderful 4 year old son, and since then had a daughter too. I can’t imagine my life without either of my two wonderful children, and I can say for sure, to my firstborn in particular…
Dear Becky — Thank You for having such a wonderful site for young girls to go to when they need help. I’m 19 years old and just found out me and my boyfriend are expecting a baby.
In January I feel in love with a guy I went to high school with for four years. We were really serious and talked about having a baby together. In March I found out I was pregnant. The day I found out my mother flipped because he’s of minority. She made me pack all of my things and move out. While doing so she was telling me “Your not my daughter.” Also, that she wants nothing to do with me.
I was heart broken. I moved in with him and I started having doubts. I wanted my family and most of all I wanted my mom. I decided to call her and said I possibly want to get an abortion.
So the next day I went over and she made the appointment. The appointment is tomorrow but I wasn’t sure if getting an abortion was the right thing to do. So I came onto this site and thankfully it had a story that made me think. The story written by Kim opened my eyes. Now I’m going to keep my baby and still do the things I planned on doing even though it’s going to take longer than it would if I wasn’t having a baby. Thank you so much!!!!
Dear Stephanie — I am so thankful that you came to the site and read Kim’s beautiful story. Isn’t her story amazing? She stood up and chose life for her little Lucas and now she can’t imagine her life without him!
You are standing up too, Stephanie, and we are all so PROUD of you!! You CAN do this, and you will be so thankful you did.
Just think, in just a few short months, you are going to be holding your beautiful little daughter or son in your arms…kissing that soft little face…admiring those cute little toes and just soaking up that beautiful reality…that you are a mother and this is your precious baby.
You know what Stephanie? Your mother will be doing the same thing, too. She is in shock right now and she’s having a hard time accepting that her baby is a mommy…but give her time. Chances are, she will be first in line to hold her little grandbaby. It’s amazing how babies can melt even the hardest of hearts.
Stephanie…I encourage you to continue standing strong. Stand up for yourself and stand up for your baby. It won’t be always totally easy…but we are behind you and there is more support out there, if you need it.
Here’s a great website that you can go to…
If you go there and click on the button on the right that says “Find a Center”. Then you can type in where you live and a list of Pregnancy Help Centers will come up. Contact one of them and they will be able to help you with so much with things for your baby, emotional support and information.
Please keep in touch. I would love to help you out in any way I can, too.

Dear Becky– Hi, I’m Becca. I’m 18. Last October (2005) I found out I was 6 weeks pregnant. I was terrified. I didn’t know how to react. I told Phil, my boyfriend. It was the most awkward phone call I had ever made. I felt I should have done it in person, but we live about 100 miles from each other most of the time, being he is at university, but he had to know. After that it was telling our parents. My mum was very quiet. She barely spoke to anyone for an entire weekend. Dad, I think, blamed himself for not going to church anymore, he certainly started going to church again after that.
It really hard coping with things ever since November 16, 2005 – the day I had the abortion. I don’t even want to go to school, or go out. I cant concentrate in school and haven’t talked to the boy since. He was supposed to pay for the abortion, but hasn’t. I have a boyfriend now, he knows what I went through, and is helping me a lot. I just hope that you can share this with other girls, and I hope i! t makes an impact on their decision of getting an abortion. Because abortion does hurt. Mentally and Emotionally.
My name is Amber and I’m 16 years old and I have a story that I want teens in Virginia and everywhere else to hear! On November 19,2004 I got pregnant by a guy who I loved very much! I didn’t know that I was pregnant until about 9 weeks later…I was at a friends house and I knew that I had been not feeling like myself and realized that I had missed a period…I called one of my best guy friends to take me to the store and buy a pregnancy test. As my friends waited outside of the bathroom door for the results, I waited for them too. It was positive. I was devastated and so many things were running through my mind. I walked out of the bathroom and burst into tears! My friends were is disbelief. We all called the guy who I was pregnant buy to tell him the devastating news. I told him and he began to cry and didn’t know what to say. Some how the rumor got out that i was pregnant through school. Oh and I was keeping this from my parents because I couldn’t bear what they would say.
Dear Lisa– Hi, my name is Kim I’m 19 and I have a three month old son named Lucas. I was in my last half of my senior year of high school when I got pregnant. I felt so lost and confused. I had a scholorship to a university and I was so scared of what my parents would say. My boyfriend told me he would support any decision I made because he knew I was really young and had so many plans that a baby wouldn’t fit in with. At first I thought I was going to have an abortion because at that point I didn’t know if I wanted kids ever, let alone at 19. But I felt so horrible at the idea of killing my baby. I started searching on the internet for websites dedicated to the situation
I was in.