Hey Becky, This whole thing surrounding pregnancy is scaring me because when i read through the information provided by your site, i found more information on pregnancy and the worst part is that i’m now more scared than anything else. i haven’t had sex with my boyfriend yet and since reading thru this i’m so scared. Whats been scaring me about this whole pregnancy thing is the fact that so many people both close to me and those who i go to school with are falling pregnant and i was just thinking to myself how so many people could be pregnant at the same time? i mean, is preganancy contagious or what?

I’ve written to you before. My name is Kayla. I will be 18 on October 13th. I thought maybe, writing my story could help some girls out that were in my shoes. I was 15 when I first became pregnant. It was March and my boyfriend of a year and a half had broken up with me after he had found out I was pregnant. Even though I was so young, I was excited. I couldn’t get the thought of having a child running around calling me mama out of my head. I just couldn’t wait for my due date that December.

Hi my name is Caroline and I got pregnant at the age of 14. I could not believe it when I did the pregnancy test – nothing felt real. I really did not know what to do. I did not have a great relationship with my mum and the father was long gone so I spoke to my sister who was very supportive.

Hi Becky, I am pretty new to your site having only joined today, but I just wanted to say something. I have been reading the stories and testimonials of young women and girls on the site, and it struck me that I was not seeing tales from older “young women”. I am one of these older “young women”; I am 33 years old. I am not American, I hail from a little island in the Caribbean called Trinidad.

Hi, my name is John from Gauteng, South Africa. I got your email address on the standupgirl.com and I thought maybe you could be the right person to talk to.
My girlfriend and I have been together for almost 2 years now. Recently we just found out that she is 2 months pregnant which makes me very happy that I’m gonna be a father.

Dear Becky.
I am writing to you as I hope that my story can be shared with all at SUG and hopefully will help other girls who are torn between choosing life and abortion. I was 21 and had been with my boyfriend for 3 years when I found out I was pregnant in December 2007. My initial reaction was shock, as I was, at the time, a college student, with 6 months left until graduation. My boyfriend’s reaction was also shock, as we had always used contraception.
However, we were also very happy as we loved (and still love) each other very much, and so decided that we would keep our baby.
Later that day we told his parents of our situation. To say that they were displeased is an understatement. His father started hollering at us, and asked whether we were keeping the baby or “dealing with it”, as he chose to put it. When we said that we were choosing to keep our baby he went totally mad, all directed at me, saying that I was selfish and that I was messing up his son’s life etc. He said it would be a simple procedure, it would only take a few minutes, and then everything would go back to how it was before, and that I would know nothing about it! His mom wasn’t quite so bad, she just said she was disappointed in us, and that she was sad about all the “couple things” we would miss out on by becoming parents.