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  • in reply to: did i miss my chanche? #25429

    i know what you said i just have the same feeling that i want and need my baby inside me, havenig her for a little time, its hard but we have to stay strong because we saw that little girls been strong for live, but theres a reason they cuoldnt stay and we will never understand that every person will said now you have an angel, but we want our baby crying beside our self. i try to think that god have something good prepared for us, even that im sure it wont be better than the little baby beatiful girl i saw…

    stay strong.. and when you feel you need to cry, scream or whatever do it, what we lost its a part of us, it wasnt a plastic plate or so

    in reply to: did i miss my chanche? #25425

    ei girl dont think like that… i saw the video too, and i know we situations are not the same, but we both lost a big threasure, a big ilusion, a new life we were thinking wonderful, and its a new life but not that wonderful
    you will soon be recompensed for what you have lost, i have said i dont want anything else and may be you have too, just try to take things as come, and im always here, i send you a big hug that we will always need

    in reply to: My Story #25339

    hi girl… i know how you feel, im going almost for the same situation, i feel like im not beatiful, im not a good person enough, since he left me. But you have to realize that you have a baby you have to be strong for him because anyone else will. i know ist hard, i will give you an advice and you know if you take it if he doesnt call you, you dont do it, let him to realize what is going on and if he cares he will found you, and if he doesnt see waht he have now may be will regret it the rest of his life

    dont be hurting your self, he lose it, you (should) save it, and some one else win, you will find love in that someone else. Just give time to time

    be save and take care of the treasure you have

    in reply to: Are you ladies ready for round two?.. Q&A #24032

    well you have a lot of questions, jjaja
    lets see what can i answer i hope it help you
    1. i gain about 28 pounds;
    2. i was 16yrs old with my first;
    3. i wait like 2-3 weeks;
    4. i just called them to my room and say “im preg and i dont the father”;
    5. i was ay schooljust the fisrts months, and all asked me a lot of things i just ignore them, becuase i fel like i didnt have to explain them, now im in school to and i enjoy that my friends touch my belly, but if they ask something i ignore them too;
    6. with my first my belly showed at 5 1/2 or so;
    7. i did change my diet, but that was because before i didnt eat anithing healthy;
    8. well my period wasnt late, but i fel my body kind of wear, so i took a home test like a week before my period and it was positive;
    9. abortion has never pass tru my mind, no even with my second
    10. i think you should take things easy and slowly, and if you really want to be preg i hope you the best…

    in reply to: I think I am Prego…Am I? #24012

    while i read i just remember i had the same symptoms now im almost 5 months , so i sugest you to take a blood test
    and for the pain the doctor told me that something inside take a little move, but you need to visit your doctor

    in reply to: this is real happiness #23871

    congrats!!! i know about the huge smille , i think we all do it, its really great

    i wish you the best, for both

    in reply to: Confused, need help #23541

    its really hard what’s happend, but you have 7 months havent you love the baby in this time? its really scared and hard to face yours parents, but you have to do it, and believe in your self, that if you dont have them you will have you baby and yur baby always will have you, and some day he/she will be very proud of you

    dont think that i dont know what im telling you, i will a mother for second time, a single mother for second time, and its hard the most hard thing to face your parents, your family and all the world around you, but when you see your babys face or how smille toyou, all this will be just away.

    you can also can have the choose to give to adoption, you will make a family really happy, just think very well what you will do, try to choose the best for both, and let us know how are you doing

    in reply to: does anyone else…. #23275

    well i know how you feel, im going thru the same, i spend days crying, and by my self, then one day of the week im totally happy and i dont care about anything, then im going back again crying and feeling all alone

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