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  • in reply to: Please help!!! #18002

    hi there,
    i know what you are going through. my partner cheated on me twice. he is a bouncer at clubs and is always around the ‘lovely ladies’. he went home with a couple of them.
    after the first time i turned a blind eye. i loved him. he promised me he had changed. itook him back. the second time was horrible. guys like that dont change. these are the two I KNOW ABOUT let alone the ones i dont.

    i stayed with my partner for 3 years. i was an idiot for doing so, but i did. what pushed me over the line was that when i was in labour with our son (our second baby) he was on the phone with his mistress!!!! please dont put yourself through the heartache i did. you CAN do it alone. get support from family and friends. keep yourself busy and you will be ok. dont put yourself in an unhappy environment, remember…. if ur not happy, ur baby is not happy.

    i am now with the most wonderful man ever. he cares for me and my kids so well. there is a guy out there for you who will treat you right., u deserve it.

    one other thing i wanted to add….
    my main philosophy for a relationship is if there is no trust then there is no relationship. my relationship got to thepoint where i couldnt trust him to go to work and come home of an evening. if you cant trust ur fella, dont put urself in the position of stressing where he is and what he is doing all the time. relax and break it off.

    take care, good luck and let me know what happens.


    in reply to: 20yo mum of 2 – things arent always that bad #18001

    yeah income is a problem. i am at tafe (im in australia. hence my wording is different. i assume ur in USA?) part time and working part time which keeps me really busy plus with hospital visits and cleaning the house, etc. definately keeps me on my toes…. wat do u do with ur days?

    in reply to: Could I be pregnant?! I’m so not ready for this… #18000

    hey mate how r u doing?
    i think to strt with take a step back and a deep breath. if u r, u r, if ur not, ur stressing too much.
    just wait till u miss ur period. if u miss it, go to ur dr. the spotting could b because u r having sex now. some girls just bleed afterwards. dont worry too much over it. use a condom next time. i got pregnant with my son from having sex ONCE no lie. well take care and let me know what happens.
    All the best

    in reply to: contractions #17999

    hi there
    i am a 20yo mum of two. i have had two very different regnancies with my kids. i have had a girl then a boy. my daughters pregnancy was perfect. i couldnt have asked for a better pregnancy (or a better baby lol) but my sons was very different

    i was always sick with my son and got braxton hicks very early. i cant say i got them as early as 20 weeks coz i dont remember but they were very very early. i went to see my doctor about them and there was nothing wrong. they said it was fine., i went to a couple of doctors to make sure and it was fine. i am not saying dont go to doctor because your case might be different to mine. i wouldnt worry about it too much but i would still go to the doctor to make sure. you dont want to stress your baby by stressing yourself but if i were you (and if i get them with my third which i am trying for now) i wouls be seeing the doctor for any odd pains.

    i hope all goes well for you. good luck


    in reply to: My Daughter is dying… #17945

    hi there. i dont think there is anything anyone can say to make u feel better atm. i think thatwhat u are going through is that worst thing in the world and i dun no what u can tell ur wife to make her feel better. i think the best thing to do would be there for one another. get through together and then hopefully it will make things a little better. if the worst does happen to ur daughter, it will happen because it is her time to go. maybe this is happening to preent her from something worse happening in the future. she has had a happy life i am sure., let nature take its course. i no this sounds really heartless but there is nothing more u can do. leave it to the doctors and see. support ur partner through this and let her support u too. be there for one another. get through this and u guys will be ok together. there is another lady on here who has lost three children, maybe talk to her about how she has gotten through. she has posted a blog called ‘FEELING EMPTY INSIDE’ or something along those lines. good luck and i hope ur daughter does get better.

    in reply to: What are we supposed to do? #17943

    hi girls. im not a male but i reckon give him another chance. having being in that situation it didnt work out for me but i do believe that everyone deserves a chance to show that they can change. also, ur friend is going to need someone close by to help her. she can do it alone or with ur suport and her familys etc. but having the father close by will be easier on her. the baby may need the father, it may not. i dun think that is an issue when this situation comes up. do what is going to make ur friend happy. if he is causing her more stress than benefit, then get rid of him. ur friend needs to b cool, calm and collected. the less stress the better, take care girls and i hope all goes well. i hope u do give him another chance and he does change for the better. let me know how it goes.

    in reply to: 20yo mum of 2 – things arent always that bad #17925

    hey kat how are things going? they are all so cute at 2 aren’t they? ecept the terrible two’s of course lol. anyway tell me a bit about urself n ur little man. i have a boy and girl my daughter is angelina and she is 3, my son is nikolas and he is 1.


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