Forum Replies Created
Participantthat happened to me too the first time.
then 2 days later i took another one and it was more clear.
I also went to a free health clinic.
everythings confidential, you dont need an appointment and its pretty fast results.Stat1205
ParticipantI took a home test at the end of march.. and it was pos. but we went to a clinic to make sure.. soo i really found out on April Fools Day!! haha. how ironic.
ParticipantHow old were you when u got pregnant? 16
How old are u now? 17
How long was your labour? Still pregnant
Did you have ne drugs or interventions? I want to be drug free, but you know how that might change.. lol
Did you finish school? in progress. senior year!
Would you change things if you could (eg abortion, adoption)? No way!
Are you still with the father? Yes. Today is our one year anniversary!!
Who do u live with i.e parents, partner etc? My Husband and his parents.
ParticipantIm due Dec 2nd!! And im also 17 lol. Im having a boy and thinking of naming him Tristin. Im so excited!
ParticipantIm Sam, 17 and preg. with a boy for the first time.
I cant figure out these blog things. haha
How do you post and have them show up on your site?? I wrote a bunch and they aren’t showing.. help??Stat1205
Participantwow haha. Im having a boy too! The lady was like “wow, yeahh thats deff a boy alright!” she said he had a big winkie! haha. He was moving around so much we had to go back a second time to get the rest of the measurements! It was crazy
ParticipantIm due Dec. 2nd! With a baby boy! Im so excited. 10more weeks.
ParticipantIm at 30 weeks now myself. and I know exactly what you mean. What are you having?? Im having a boy and thinking of naming him Tristin. I cant wait until I can see his face for this first time! Im gonna miss the kicking though 🙁
ParticipantWell all I can really say about this is that at first when I thought I was pregnant, I took the home test and it was also neg. (I was really sad at first too 🙁 ) but i took another a few days later and it ended up positive..
So maybe you just need to wait a few days..Also, when I first started having sex, my periods got a little more irregular.. soo maybe thats happening to you? Not sure.
Hope I helped a little. lol