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  • in reply to: WAT AM I SUPOSSED TO DO??? #9813

    be there for her as much as possible and get a hold of financial aid services to help with the money and WIC to helpwith food and stuff. i know that your ages are way too young to actually work right? Don;t you have to be 16? Have you talked to both of your parents? I suggest whatever choice you guys make to keep, abort, or give the baby to others, make sure thats he gets on depo or osme type of birth controla nd you start to buy and wear condms. i wish you guys teh best of luck and i will keep you in my prayers.

    in reply to: none #9670

    My friend mariah had an abortion and its taking a toll on her and her life. i haven’t been through ne nor will i. your decision was your own but it hurts me to read how sad u are when u see other preggos or peopel with babies. i am so sorry but i know its something that might take a support group to help you throught his trial in your life. and remember god is there for u even though u cant see him u can talkto hima nd lean on him. much love to you

    in reply to: im 14 and i think im pregnant #9665

    i’m with everyone else on this i really think you should go make a doctors apointment as soon as possible. because if you are pregnant you are about to be in the second trimester. I hope you stay healthy and no matter the outcome you make the best decisions not selfish ones.

    in reply to: HeartAche and Spinny Thoughts #9664

    Thank you all for your support first off! I have my 1st check up tuesday the 25th at 10:00am! matt told me he is goign to go with me and i had to explain what is goign to happen he wsa all wierd about it but he can’t wait to hear when the birthday of our baby is. What a good man god blessed mem to have a child with. Lately things have gotten rockier. matts room mates X gf, who still lives there, really has the jones for hima nd i found out through a grape vine and an internet post on myspace that this chick has been talking crap about me and tellign a lot of people MY business. it hurt me so bad when i read this i imediately called my best friend and then i called matt. matt is extremely ticked off about this and he hurts when i hurt. i am no longer goign to be goign over to that house that matt is staying which hurt him even more then i though it would because he wants to be there with me through everything you know? His parents know about me being pregnant and they are exstatic and are buying me herbal teas and makign sure i am ok. its cute. But the deal with his room mates, they are treating me really badly causing more stress on me. What do i do? I want to fight, but i can’t, i ove matt but i can’t be there anymore. *sighs* teh struggles of a women huh? I am getting on wics and welfare when i go get my 1st check up. Anymore advice ladies? i need it so much.

    in reply to: Hello World #9586

    i’ve been struggling with my pregnancy, and that really brought tears to my eyes. thank you for posting it!

    in reply to: HeartAche and Spinny Thoughts #9584

    i took two e.p.t’s i am for sure having a kid. lately i have been stressed out and highley depressed thinking way too much into the future and not so much the right noiw. like i am scared me n matt will break up but suprisingly he has been with me 100 percent on everything planing on getting this job and moving into a house with me. which kworks out because he doesn’r enjoy his current room mates constant drama. life is funny as you said, before this kid matt had no motivation for anything, now he is excited to get a job complete his g.e.d and get the car fully equipted for his new baby. lol. i am kind of happy, but i am still depressed about my dad hating me. i need to apply for welfare and wics because i can’t really get a job anymore. the minimum requirement is to lift 50-70 pounds and when they know i am pregnant they just turn me away..

    in reply to: trying to find out more #9567

    i say go get an E.P.T. better know hen never. you symptoms sound pretty good on the preggo side of things. i don’t remember if you said how long its been since the period thing and takign a PT at the doctors. spotting is normal when the egg implants n all that jazz, so gain you should go get an ept just to make sure.

    in reply to: teenage pregnancy #9566

    i’m 18 and i am a few weeks pregnant. what are teh Q’s you want to ask, or is your research over?

    in reply to: Pregnant? #9565

    i guessi am in the same boat as you. but abortion isn’t on my to ponder lists. lol. i have watched an abortion video and looked at all the pictures. sorry but this is my baby not my accident not something 70-100 bux will get rid of. if he has 3 kids already maybe he should of learned the consiquences. it takes two so tell him. and i am worried baout the relationship with me n my guy, but what you have to do is look at the future of that baby. have you told your parents yet? Everythign is going to be okay just don’t get disccouraged causing depression isn’t good for the body. much love and stay strong chicka!


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