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Participantoh congrates
Participanthunny wen i got preggers with my son i was so scared but it did turn out oki,my sons dad isnt in the picture finacually or litrully there,the fears you have are so normal,i dremnt for sum time how i wontid things be different with me n the dad but at end day hun parents arnt always the best all round as they wud b unsaportive as ya mums prob trying get ova the shock still that her daughter is up teh duff,im 23 as well and trust your not alone i feel my parents belive im still a child,but everything will work out fine ull see your mum and dad will be grat grandpernats wen baby arrived,they say a baby brings loved ones closer,
good lucksexysimz
Participantonistly sweetie that relly sounds like sumthing is up,pregnacy sounds like thats wot it is,so need get sortid a.s.a.p just so you no that its sortid and you will no once and for all wot the fuss is bout,and you can then decide how you going to get throu this
Participanthey hunni i no xactly how u must be feeling as wen i found out i was pregnant i was so scared to tell my dad as i belived hel kik me out,i waytid fr wile trying to figure out best way to tell him,but at end day there is no best way or right time,so one night i told him,and yh he was so thrilld prob also as cus my sis was prgnant as well so both sisters up the duff,but it was fine had gorgous baby living at home,so trust me just sit down with them and tell them they will understand,if they love you that much wich i guess they doo they wudnt low there daughter kikd out with there grandchild just trust me
Participantthe termination workd,so now im feeling kinda happy its finaly ova i can get on with being a mum,but also feeling incredably guilty for wot ive dun
Participanthi there im simone and well nearly 4 weeks ago i had an abortion and im feeling rely guilty everyday for the choice i made the thing is im still wayting to take a test to see if the termination has passd throu since i took the abortion pills,and ive not yet got ova it im even fraid to go outside as im so paranoyd that i will get lookd at funny and feels like evryone no.s and im being judged