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ParticipantSounds like me – and mine lasted 7 months 🙁 But, I finally found a couple things that helped A LITTLE bit. There are these wrist bands for motion sickness, called "sea bands" (I think) Wearing those worked quite a bit actually. Also, you might want to try some different kinds of tea, just make sure they are safe for baby. Good luck…it’s sucky, but you’ll get through it!!!
ParticipantHey! Your situation sounds a lot like mine. I was always an "easy" teen that always made the right choices. I was in my third year of college when I got pregnant. I don’t have the support of my baby’s father, but I do have loving friends and relatives that help out, and an amazing baby-sitter. I kept going with school, and honestly have been less of a procrastinator since having my baby because when I have time to do my homework, I absolutely have to do it. So, I have learned to schedule my time and become more organized. Is it hard? At times. Basically, the hardest part for me is when I have homework to do, I can’t give my child my full attention. But, I’ve finally learned that she’ll be fine – most parents work all day, not giving their child full attention. I just go to school. I don’t work right now, I’m living off my school loans, and also get welfare checks (which I used to be ashamed of, but now accept because I know I will only be on welfare as long as I’m in school). I could work parttime, but I give my time to my daughter and to school, realizing that she will only be little once. I will be finishing my classes this Spring semester, and doing my internship next fall. I’m graduating after 6 years instead of 4, but it really isn’t because of having a baby – it’s because I transferred twice and changed my major 🙂 Anyway, I wish you luck and I know you can do it!!!
ParticipantDefinitely not! It’s sweet! Personally, I came up with 3 or 4 girl names and 3 or 4 boy names – I couldn’t decide. Then, when my daughter was born, I chose a completely different name 🙂 You can name your baby whenever you want!
ParticipantIf you take your bc pills irregularly, it can affect whether or not you can get pregnant. You can also bleed during pregnancy, although it’s not called "menstruation" it’s just period-like. Go to the doc for a test!!!
ParticipantI measured small starting around week 34. At week 36, I had to start having non stress tests and ultrasounds twice/week and I was on bedrest, because they thought the baby was too small. She was born at 4 lbs, but healthy. Don’t worry!!! I’ve also heard that you may measure small toward the end anyway.
ParticipantYou might still be able to get Medicaid. You should call your local Department of Human Services office and ask what the income guidelines are. Medicaid is free, but there are also other services (in most states) for people not eligible for Medicaid. These programs are just low cost. These are both available for pregnant moms… Good luck 🙂
ParticipantOh, sorry…you said you’ve missed two periods. So, you could still take another at home test. But, if you’re really thinking it’s wrong, you can go to the doctor and they will give you a test.
ParticipantHey! There’s definitely a possibility that you are pregnant. The sore breasts and frequent urination are common, as is the nausea after meals. Normally, the day that you are most likely to get pregnant is 14 days after the start of your last period. However, it is possible to get pregnant during your period. And, the pregnancy hormone doesn’t show up on a test for a 2-3 weeks, so you might want to wait a week or so and try another test. Good luck!