Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHey Lea.
It is very important that you get a pregnacy test as soon as possible. You can get a home one from your local supermarket. Maybe you could walk there. Or if there’s a shop near your school? If not you can always ask a friend or your boyfriend to get you one and give to you at school or whatever. Maybe your boyfriend could take you to a clinic nearby.
Yes, your mum might be bouncing off the walls, but is important you confide in her, as you said this is a lot of pressure on your boyfriend. Your mum as been though pregnacy and she could help you with so many things. Plus you won’t have to sneak behind her back then. if you do tell her she can help you find out if your pregnant or not. Don’t forget she is a mother, and no matter what happens she will always love you. have faith in her, it’s not the best suitation to be in but you can get though it and your mum will see the light even if she is angry at first.
Please if you are pregnant, keep your baby, mother hood is one of the most treasured privelges life can give us. keep your head up. Hope this helped.
Luv Nessy.
ParticipantSTOP!!! Think about what your doing here.
Is your Boyfriend really worth it over someone else’s life. I felt so sad when i heard your story. If you don’t want to give up your baby then don’t!!!
If your boyfriend really loved you, then he would support your descion to keep the baby and respect it. You shouldn’t have to choose. What is growing inside you this very minute, no matter how small is the greatest treasure on earth.It depends on you. It’s not your baby’s fault this happened, so why punish it. if you have this baby, (everyone on this site will agree with this,) it will be the best experience of your life and you will be so happy you kept your beautiful child. God gave you the ability to have children and be a mother. Make your own decsions. If he dosen’t want to be a father that’s he’s choice but don’t let it influence yours. Being a mother is the most rewarding privledge in the world, and if you have your baby, you will look at her/he and reliase just how lucky you are and that you are doing the right thing, and giving this life a chance.
The love of your life will be your baby. Your boyfriend is not worth it and if he really loved you then he would not force you into anything you did not want to do. Any way, the damage to relateionship is already done. Please cancel your appointment and make an doctor’s appointment instead so you can learn how to take of ypurself during pregnancy. You said yourself you got used to the idea of having a baby, Never let anyone make you do things you don’t want to do. If you have this abortion you won’t only be killing your child but something inside of you. Abortion is never the easy way out. Ask anyone of the girls on this site who have had a abortions and they really regret it.Please remember God is always with you, and will help you. It will be tough but you can do it. I believe you can!!! And there so many other people who believ you can do it too. Stay strong and never ever give up.
Luv Nessy.
Post edited by: Julie, at: 2006/01/27 19:15
ParticipantHey Pandora.
Periods are funny things. But netherless when in doubt check. I have heard that some people still get there period when they are pregnant and they are a lot lighter than normal. It also depends what you mean by light, like spotting. Alot of women are pregnant and take spotting or abit of blood as a period.
Are you feeling any other signs. Nausa, tender breasts or tirdness, tenderness to pee often. My advice to you: Home Prgnancy tests are quite accurate but they don’t have the abilty to decect as well blood tests if the Pregnancy hormone is not strong enough. Do ther one in about week, if still comes up negative, go to your local doctor who can perform a simple blood test. If it turns out your not pregnant, then an explanation may be found for the light period.
Luv Nessy.
ParticipantHey brittany.
I got my test back. I AM PREGNANT!!!
I don’t no what to do. Have you checked yet?Luv Nessy.