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  • in reply to: Oh God. :( #20745

    I dont think I’d ever do something that messed up to someone. I would never ever bring a child into this world against someones wishes. Like everyone says, it takes two people to make a baby. Yes I’m the female, and I’m the one carrying the baby, and it’s my body. . .
    But it’s also Half of him. He has just as much say in what happens to it as I do.
    Besides, even if I decided to keep it and "not listen",
    I want my children to have a loving father.

    Who actually wanted them in the first place.

    in reply to: I dont know what to do.. #20687

    I’m not going to sit here and tell you what you should and should not do. The only thing I can do is offer my advice.

    I had an abortion about a year and a half ago, and it destroyed me from the inside out. Physically, it’s the most severe pain you can ever be in, not to mention the entire procedure itself was the most demeaning thing I had ever gone thru. Mentally, I fell into a deep depression, sought solace in drugs, and attempted suicide numerous times. I rarely feel like myself, and even after a year and a half, still feel like a piece is missing from me.

    I’m nineteen, a broke college student, unmarried.
    You’re definitely going to be able to continue your education, and who knows? motherhood may teach you some things you can use in nursing! Look into daycare programs you college might offer, see if there are classes you can do over the internet from home.

    But when It really comes down to it, it’s YOUR decision, not your husbands.

    I hope you make the choice that is right for YOU.

    in reply to: CAN I KEEP MY BABY OR WILL MY LIFE BE RUINED???! #13869

    You’ll be 18 even before the baby is born. If you think you’re strong enought o do it, by all means sweetheart, DO IT!

    NO one can push you into something you don’t want to do, especially when it comes to YOU deciding if YOUR child lives or dies.

    My thoughts are with you, please do not hesitate to send me an email. I’m usually on or near the computer all day. I’m not a religious person, or I’d pray for you.

    Be strong. Only YOU can make this choice. <3

    in reply to: blighted ovum and very depressed #13766

    I can’t see the keyboard, I’m crying that hard. I can’t even begin to know how you feel about this. It also seems like you’re taking a negative situation and using it to better yourself. That takes not only desire and courage, but some MAJOR cahones.


    He was CHEERING?!?

    That’s what makes me angry.
    But i’m not going to say the typical "you’re so much better than him, you don’t need him" stuff all us girls say to each other. Just this.

    You are my hero. Plain and simple. <3

    in reply to: I became strong. #13765

    I admire you very much for the choice that you decided to make. There are some girls out here (me, sadly, included) who went through with it just to make the men in our life happy. And going through all this with my boyfriend, I’ve come to realize that They can’t understand how this feels. They can’t understand what it’s like to find out you’re pregnant. They can’t know how motherhood feels. And they don’t know what it’s like sitting back there waiting for someone to kill your baby. Even if it only is a peanut, it’s still living. It’s still a part of you both. I wish i had your strength, your willpower.

    I almost feel the need to thank you, for posting this story. Not only because you’re telling the world what you’re doing, but because YOU’re deciding to do this.

    let’s be cheesy for a second.

    You go, Girl! 🙂

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