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  • in reply to: My Now Ex Tried to Kill Our Unborn Child #15486

    Don’t worry about the person who fathered your baby having an effect on how you will love your child. It won’t be like that. I haven’t spoken to the father of my baby since I told him I wouldn’t get an abortion (at 5 week preg). My son looks alot like him but I know that he has nothing to do with my baby past his genetics. And I’ll admit I thank him for giving me such an amazing kid and feel sorry for him every now and then that he has no idea what a special boy I have. Your baby will be an individual, not an extension of the father. You will fall in love with it right away. Stay strong, Lady, and don’t be with anymore men that dont treat you like the beautiful and deserving woman that you are – for you and your baby’s sake.

    in reply to: anyone relate? #15485

    Well tell your parents and take it from there. They were probably just trying to scare you. They might surprise you. If not then it is so nice that you have another option. Do his parents know yet? College is harder but not impossible with a baby. I think It’s best to just keep at it and not take a break. I do all my classes online and that helps alot since my son is still little. I just fit it in when I can (usually while he’s sleeping). Good luck to you, keep us updated 🙂

    in reply to: so many questions… #15482

    I think the fact that you are even questioning it shows that you have the heart of a mother. Your boyfriend will understand. You guys have established a relationship.Trust me, your love for your baby will make things that seem impossible possible. Follow your instincts on this one, Lady 🙂

    in reply to: Pregnant????? #15423

    Try not to think about it too much until yuo can take a test. Too often I think we magnify symptoms when we want to be preganant and then it just worsens the disappointment if it didn’t work out that month. Best of luck, Lady!

    in reply to: Shocked, Scared & Confused.. #15421

    It will be ok. "This too shall pass". Give your parents some credit. They might handle it better then you expected. If not, you’ll be ok and they will eventually come around. In the meantime, be proactive. Look for ways you can kelp yourself. There should be local programs that will help young parents in your area. Go on craigslist and make a post in the baby section explaining your situations and that you’d love any used baby items people can spare. Most of all, get excited and do your best to prepare yourself mentally for the arrival of a baby. Do you have a job? Many people out there will hire a pregnant nanny and even let her bring her child along after it’s born if your are the right candidate for the job.Hang in there girl!

    in reply to: preg. test question. please help #15419

    Well if you are on your period then you are not pregnant. Conception usually takes place around 14 days after the first day of your period and then will not show up on a pregnancy test until the day you are expecting your next period, sometimes a day or two sooner.

    in reply to: i need help! #7856

    Ok take a deep breath, speaking from experience, u probably cannot make the father be anymore involved then he wants to be until after the baby is born. Have you talked to your parents yet? I thought that it would be awful to tell mine, but they have been the most comfort out of anyone. Let me know a little bit more in detail and maybe i can answer some questions for you.

    in reply to: could i be pregnant? #7855

    Im no expert but from everything ive read, and from all the changes i know my body has gone through since i became pregnant, im pretty sure that you are not. I think by this point u would be well aware if u were. Dont stress about it because that can affect your menstrual cycle too.

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