Forum Replies Created
Participantyep shes right you should take another test!
goodluck!MR. TORRE
ParticipantHELLO! well theres a good chance that you might be
prego because u have missed two periods!!! but just
take another test because i’m going through
sumthing similar, i did it on my ovulation day and dayz
later i started getting lil babie cramps and dayz before
i was due for my period i got sick…nausea! throwin up!!
head aches! and my appetite has changed am eating
alot more than before…but yesterday i took a
clearblue easy wutever and it came out negative
so it cold be wrong just take another one or go to the doctors to get that checked….goodluck girl!
~i wunt to be a mommie~MR. TORRE
Participanthey girl, i think u are! but i also think you should take
another test a few dayz later just to make sure…
~i want to be a mommie too!~MR. TORRE
Participanthey girl! i did it on that same day and i too like you had the same feelings a few dayz after…i had really bad cramps and i got sick!!! but umm im just waiting for my rag to come and if it doesnt ill take a pregnancy test to see wuts up…but sometimes pre cum isnt enough however sumtimes it is…so you dont really…just wait a lil bit to take a test…laterz
Participanthey, i havent been pregnant ever but in my opinion i
think theres a good chance that you might be just
because u had spotting on the 22nd then it went away
so you might wunt to buy a home pregnancy test just
to be sure…goodluck with everything… -