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  • in reply to: Living with my abusive father, & I’m pregnant #25943

    :cheer: WOW! Well that’s awesome that you are sooo talented!!! and actually you and your whole family!! However, if you do plan on keeping this baby please take heed and caution to even the littlest things. You’re pretty young but that just means that there are that many more people ready to help you out even if your father won’t. Sorry that yousister has gone on—i send my condolences to you and your family—did she pass when she was giving birht)? if so be careful during your pregnancy. ok? b:) Make sure you have a back up and another back up also a lil cash put to the side and maybe even a half or a whole dozen resources and people that you can contact if things so south. Do all this before you tell him b/c some ppl get kicked out and others just get shunned or mistreated and some are surprising and are okay with it so make sure you just have all that you need so when you fall you land on your feet and not your butt. It sounds like he’s gonna be angry with you and a bit diappointed but I believe if he sees that you have it all together then maybe he’ll come around. Prepare yourself for the worst b/c even if you have it all together the unthinkable can happen, ya kno? So js ‘get-it-together’ and STAND UP TALL and be the woman we all here know you can be and take your first Honorable steps toward motherhood and be pround of your lil bundle of JOY!!!

    in reply to: thoughts on this please???? #25942

    I think that it looks like you are, and if so then you gotta go see about that b/c you have missed your whold first trimester so it would be best to try and find out and start making some decisions on how you are going to go about doing and handling and takeing care of everything…..but CONGRATS if you are!!!!!!! Oh and I heard that the best time to take a pregnancy test is early in the morning but if youare that late then it should come out possitive…if not your HGC levels are low and you need to go to the doctor so you know of your baby is in any type of danger (don’t mean to scare you or anything). Hoep all is and ends well!!!!!

    in reply to: possibly pregnant again #25941

    Wow ma’am…I’m sorry that you had an abortion and lost your child. But the great thing is that you have someone that is there for you through it ALL. So since he’s been there through it all that time I’m sue even from a adistance his heart’ll never leave your side….You do have a lot of things to juggle and I applaud you for going out and seeking some advice before you act on anything. Even if you are not you should take care of yourself as if you are to try to get your body healthy as can be so when you do(or if you are) your body won’t reject the baby or you for that matter. Stressing out and worrying about any of this will make you sick and put the pregnancy in more danger so js hang in there and take everything one moment at a time and if you both are as close as what I’m getting let him in on your situation b/c by not including him you’re taking on y’alls taks by yourself. Don’t stress just think about one thing at a time, decide on how you are going to handle it and then proceed and be confident in your chioces and decisions so that your sound decisions are the right ones for you your (might-be-baby) and your fiance and him being deployed…also moving to new territory with no family and friends’ is hard ( I’ve done that 9 times in the last 2years with two kids so I kinda knw where you’re coming from). Js take everything oen day at a time.
    Good Luck and God Bless!!!!!
    and if you are….CONGRATS!!!!!

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