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ParticipantHoney, paying for it can cost a pretty penny. Your only 15 years old. How would you pay for every appointment? Your best suggestion is to go with the insurance && better yet, tell your mom asap. If you keep putting it off, you will NEVER feel ready to tell her. Telling her now seems scary but believe me she will be less mad NOW than she will in 2 months.
ParticipantWell about the sister-in-law deal, it may come on to her at first, unfair or your lying to get the attention she once had to herself. But before she is even 3 months, and you are pregnant, both of you will be glad to have someone going through the same experiences. You can ask them if anything you think is unusual is happing to her too. Plus, she will be the only one who totaly understands you when you complain of heartburn. Use you two as being pregnant at the same time a blessing. I was 3 months pregnant by myself, I felt so out of place! But then my best friend discovered she was pregnant also! And we both had girls! It was great having someone to talk to! Oh…&& not to mention get fat with!:P
ParticipantYou need to ask your doctor. Just call their phone line and ask. If they think it is any serious, they will tell you to come on in. This happened to me in my 1st pregnancy, and everything was fine. But every pregnancy is different, so just to be safe, I would check with a doctor.
ParticipantWOW! Congrats! && Hope the baby making comes out the way you hope it does
ParticipantYou should really go to the doctor hun. It could be an infection, or you could have something wrong with your bladder, like a bladder infrection. It shouldn’t be anything about pregnancy, concluding you did take the morning after pill && you DID have a period. Keep us updated love!
ParticipantI totaly understand where you are coming from. My children are going to be only 14 months apart! During my first pregnancy, of course my mother and grandmother [[whom was my legal guardian]] were dissapointed at first, but then they both grew to expect the baby and once they found out lil thing was a girl, they went hay-wire! They "oohed"" and ""ahhed"" over alll the pink that was given to me and everything they bought me. My boyfriend and I bought the carseat and the crib, but my mother and grandmother INSISTED that they buy her front-facing car seat, highchair and play-pen. We loved the help, but we felt wrong for taking any.
Well, whenever my little girl was 5 1/2 months, I discovered that I was once again pregnant. Only this time, I was on birth control. When I told my mother, she claimed I didnt give a da** about HER reputation and MINE. It hurt, her thinking I was TRYING to get pregnant so soon. NOw don’t get me wrong, I love this child just as much as I do my first one, but I woulnd’t have planned this way. Now, I am 30 weeks along, and no one seems like they are excited but me and my fiancee. But then agian, thats all that matters.
ParticipantI totaly agree! I love my daughter and wouldn’t trade her for the world, and I didn’t plan on getting pregnant, but she straightned my life up, ALOT! If you want children and you truely love your future kids, please wait untill marriage. Me and my boyfriend wished we had gotten married, but we didn’t want to be the same old teens who got married bc they got pregnant. We are still together and plan on getting married soon. I have decided not to have sex UNTILL we are married. Please reconsider "planning" a baby before the ring and wedding and a stable job comes…it will make things less stressful!
ParticipantDon’t feel bad…I am 5 months and STILL have those cramps
ParticipantWell, the pill can make your period do weird and odd things…and sometimes when you THINK your pregnant, your mind and body plays tricks on you. I was on the pill and got pregnant, but I just missed my period all together. If I was you I would get a home pregnancy test just to be on the safe side.
Good wishes!
ParticipantMy doctor told me it was ok. I visited her Thursday. I have gained 5 lbs…and lost 2 then gained ’em, back.
ParticipantWell, I didn’t leak ANYTHING with my first pregnancy but this one, I am about 5 months and I am leaking clear liquid looking stuff. My doctor said this was normal and nothing to worry about. All I can say is declare it with your doctor before you tell your husband it is ok.